
Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

author:Calligraphy Commune

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Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Carry out beauty to the end

Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting works invitational exhibition


Li Guangtao, Hu Yuantian

Exhibition Hours/

November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024

Exhibition Address/

Dolphin Youxue Arts Center

(302, Block D, Phase II, SOHO, Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing)

Supported by/

Dolphin Youxue (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd

Beijing Zhanglian Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd

On November 12th, Lantang Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting exhibition will be officially launched at the Dolphin Youxue Art Center, with a total of about 70 calligraphy and painting works in this exhibition, focusing on the current creative state of Wang Wenying's teacher and her consistent pursuit - to carry out beauty to the end, whether calligraphy or painting, are full of bookish atmosphere. Teacher Wang Wenying has been deeply involved in traditional painting and calligraphy, and has formed his own unique creative style by integrating orthodox style with the beauty of modern artistic expression. In her paintings, you can gain insight into her love for nature and care for human feelings. The blend of ink and color, especially the "most Chinese" color green, is intense and subtle, just right, and extremely elegant in her brushwork. Her series of paintings, such as "Getaway", "Living Color", "Poems in Time" and "Qingping Le", all convey poetic expressions. Teacher Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting works are concerned with inner feelings and the experience of life, so they can infect and move people. Many of her works are both calligraphy and paintings, which are harmonious, interesting and distinctive. Teacher Wang Wenying's calligraphy works are inclusive, whether it is regular script, cursive, official script, or line calligraphy, all rooted in tradition, direct lyrical spirituality, simple and elegant, if the mountain spring flows, natural and comfortable, decadent and elegant, and subtle and elegant, the chapter layout is unique, full of artistic sense, and rich in connotation. Ms. Wang Wenying is not only a calligrapher and painter, but also good at poetry creation, and her calligraphy, painting, prose and poetry are all penetrating the elegant atmosphere from the fireworks. Some critics commented that she "stepped into the Republic of China because of that elegance". In order to cooperate with the exhibition, the organizer specially invites Ms. Wang Wenying to carry out a "Special Lecture on Art Appreciation and Creation" at 10:00~11:30 a.m. and 14:00~15:30 p.m. on November 12, 2023.

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Wang Wenying, the word Yixi, the owner of the Lantang and Shuangqingshan Pavilion.

Director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of the Working Committee of Female Calligraphers, and researcher of the China National Academy of Painting. Vice President of the Central Academy of Painting and Calligraphy of Jiusan Society, member of the Cultural Work Committee. Director of the Art Museum of the Commune of Calligraphy. He is a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art of the Central Digital TV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, and one of the lecturers of "One Book a Day". Distinguished Professor of Capital University of Economics and Business. He is a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and a member of the China Literature and Art Volunteer Association.

"China Calligraphy News" selected "Top 10 Contemporary Female Calligraphers", "Calligraphy Herald" recommended 50 contemporary calligraphers, and Calligraphy Commune 2017 100 calligraphers with the most collection and investment value. Won the 7th Bing Xin Prose Award. He has served as a judge for many national calligraphy exhibitions held by the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

He has published "North Window Night Talk: Lantang Wang Wenying's Prose Essays", "Lantang Puppet Notes", "The Wind Passes Through the Dream Window", "Reading a Calligraphy Work in Five Minutes", "Youth Calligraphy Early Success" (Lishu Volume) (Xingshu Volume), "Chinese Calligraphers Association Calligraphy Examination Theory Guidance Textbook", "Chinese Calligraphers Association Soft Pen Calligraphy Examination Textbook" (professional level) and a variety of calligraphy and painting collections, and the poems have been included in "Three Hundred Modern Ancient Poems" and "One Hundred Ancient and Modern Wonderful Words".

In newspapers and magazines, he set up a number of columns such as "Lantang Occasional Notes", "Lantang Notes" and "Lantang Miscellaneous Notes".

His paintings include "Getaway", "Dream of Jiashan", "Living Color", "Qingping Le", "Man Tingfang", "Poetry in Time" and other series.




Exhibited Works (Partial)

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

The Four Analects

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

The Four Analects

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Living color

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Wei Yingwu's poems

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Full of Courtyards

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Du Fu's poems

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Living color

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Qing Pingle Xia Diary

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Qing Pingle Autumn Diary

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

It's good to have a book of seven words

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)


Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Cursive banners compose their own poems

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Poems in time

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Poems in time

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Qing Pingle

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

Qing Pingle

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)


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Together with thousands of calligraphy elites, we will explore a new way of life of calligraphy, painting and printing in China! The original text does not represent the viewpoint, position and value judgment of the Calligraphy Commune. If you have any questions about the content, copyright, or other questions of the work, please contact the Book Art Commune.

Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)


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Spreadtrum | Carry out beauty to the end - Wang Wenying's calligraphy and painting invitational exhibition (November 12, 2023 ~ February 12, 2024)

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