
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

author:China in sight
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

On June 29, 2024, the public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened at the [Changsha Bamboo Slips Museum-Art Museum]. The exhibition brings together 200 works by teachers and students and 13 works by artists.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

In particular, this event has received the full support of many artists. They specially donated ink treasures and paintings for this event, adding a deeper cultural heritage and artistic value to the exhibition. In addition, Mr. Ni Wenhua, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, wrote the title of the event, and Mr. Tan Shiguang, executive director of the Chinese Calligraphy Teaching and Research Association and chairman of the Hunan Calligraphy Teaching and Research Association, wrote the preface, which further enhanced the artistic level and cultural connotation of the exhibition.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

A total of 180 children's calligraphy and painting works were exhibited in this public welfare exhibition, which covered a variety of art forms such as calligraphy and painting, with rich themes and diverse styles. With innocent perspectives and imaginative brushstrokes, the children depicted their beautiful dreams and unique understanding of the world. Each work contains the infinite creativity and sincere emotions of the children, and I believe that these works will definitely bring a visual feast and touch the soul to everyone.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

With the theme of "Encouraging Children to Use Brush and Ink Paints to Paint the Art World in Their Eyes, Showing Their Unique Perspectives and Creativity", the exhibition attracted many guests, parents and students.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Students perform live

Mr. Tang Zhixiang, Deputy Director of the Hunan Provincial Customs Working Committee and former Vice Governor of the Provincial People's Government, Mr. Zhou Yongkang, Member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mr. Zeng Zhaocai, First-level Inspector of the Hunan Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, Librarian of the Hunan Provincial Research Museum of Culture and History, and Special Researcher of the Counselor's Office of the Provincial Government, Ms. Xiao Guifen, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Xiangmin Community, Kaifu District, Mr. Tan Shiguang, Executive Director of the Chinese Calligraphy Teaching and Research Association and Chairman of the Hunan Calligraphy Teaching and Research Association, Ms. Yu Lu, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Taiyu No. 2 Primary School, Ms. Zhang Jiejing, Director of the Hunan Examination Office of the CCPT Calligraphy and Painting Grading Examination of the Education Examination Institute of the Ministry of Education, Ms. Xie Hong, Chairman of the Hunan Recitation Art Association and Chief Announcer of Hunan Radio and Television Station, and Mr. Long Minggeng, Director of the Organizing Committee of the Aesthetic Education Dream Building Art Union Wanjia Public Welfare Project, attended the exhibition.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Students speak

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Parents speak

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Fan Song, principal of Yanchi Painting and Calligraphy, delivered a speech

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Zhou Yongkang, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, attended and delivered a speech, he spoke highly of the public welfare exhibition, emphasized the importance of art education to the growth of teenagers and children, and expressed appreciation and encouragement to the children's works. He said that this exhibition provides a platform for children to show their talents, and also promotes the exchange and dissemination of art and culture.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Mr. Zhou Yongkang, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, attended the speech

Mr. Zeng Zhaocai, a first-class inspector of the Hunan branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, librarian of the Hunan Provincial Research Museum of Culture and History, and special researcher of the Counselor's Office of the Provincial Government, highly praised the talents shown by the children in the field of calligraphy and painting, which was undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to them.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Mr. Zeng Zhaocai, a first-class inspector of the Hunan Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, librarian of the Hunan Provincial Research Institute of Culture and History, and special researcher of the Counselor's Office of the Provincial Government, attended the speech

At the opening ceremony, a series of award ceremonies were also held. A donation certificate was issued to the caring artists to thank them for their support and contribution to this event; Donation certificates were issued to caring enterprises in recognition of their enthusiastic participation in public welfare undertakings; At the same time, honorary certificates were awarded to the award-winning students, encouraging them to continue to work the road of art.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Mr. Tang Zhixiang, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Customs Working Committee and former vice governor of the Provincial People's Government, awarded the license to the caring enterprise

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Ms. Xiao Guifen, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Xiangmin Community in Kaifu District, issued a donation certificate to the enterprise

The successful holding of the "Yanchi [Ink] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" Children's Calligraphy and Painting Public Welfare Exhibition not only provides a platform for children to show themselves, but also allows more people to pay attention to children's art education and public welfare. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, children's artistic dreams will be realized, and public welfare undertakings will continue to grow and develop.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened
The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

The guests presented honorary certificates, trophies and scholarships to the winners

The success of the exhibition is inseparable from the hard work of the team, which transmits positive energy to the event and ensures that the audience can appreciate the beauty of art in a comfortable and clean environment. It laid the foundation for the smooth development of the calligraphy and painting exhibition.

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Yanchi calligraphy and painting team (partial) members

The public welfare exhibition of children's calligraphy and painting works of "Yanchi [Ink and Color] Young Masters - Chasing Light Project" was grandly opened

Volunteers are the warm force in the exhibition

The charity exhibition will run from June 29 to July 1 and will be open to the public free of charge. Through this exhibition, we hope to inspire more children to love and pursue art, so that they can swim in the ocean of art and chase the light of their dreams.

The purpose of this public welfare exhibition is to let more people understand and appreciate the art of calligraphy and painting, and participate in the art of calligraphy and painting, cultivate the aesthetic emotion and innovative spirit of teenagers and children, improve their artistic literacy, and provide a platform to show their talents, meet the self-confidence and sense of achievement of children's healthy growth, promote the development of calligraphy and painting art, and promote public welfare.

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