
Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

author:Positive energy Lee Kwang You

Edited and produced by Li Hongyu

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)
Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

1. Seven Uniques Four Dragon Boat Festival Poems (Song)

Text/Li Hongyu (Vice Chairman of Emeishan Poetry Research Association) (1)

Seven unique Dragon Boat Festival

Five-five Duanyang sacrificed Qu Yuan, and the sky was sad and weeping without words.

Lisao sings a song for thousands of years, and the ancestor of the poem lasts forever.


Seven unique Dragon Boat Festival (new rhyme)

In the early morning, the meat dumplings and eggs are salty, and the calamus leaves are hanging on the door.

The Chinese medicine sachet is hung on the chest, and the body and skin are full of Artemisia annua water bath.


Shichiritsu Kuhara

The root system is the royal emperor Aiqin, and the six countries of the alliance resist the invasion of Qin.

Slander squeezed out Huai Wang Yuan, and exiled him to a cold and ruthless country.

The aristocratic vassals were defeated, and the poor were desperate and heartbroken.

Quan Qingyu went to the river, and did not want the soul to be humiliated.


Longevity Girl: Sacrifice Qu Yuan (Feng Yansiti)

At the Dragon Boat Festival, the poet respected the people's tears, and his anger filled his chest.

One is the people's livelihood is tired, and the other is the country's territory. The three gases are the moon in the world, and the sky is gone.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Sichuan Emei Ms. Li Hongyu's poetry, calligraphy, painting, figure painting work "Qu Yuan".

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Sichuan Emei Ms. Li Hongyu's poem book Lishu work "Seven Absolute Qu Yuan".

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Ms. Li Hongyu of Sichuan Emei's poetry and calligraphy work "Seven Laws Qu Yuan".

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

2. One poem (song) of the Dragon Boat Festival

Text: Chen Jinjin (Shanghai)


Five rules Dragon Boat Festival chanting

Duanyang traditional festival, customs stand clear.

Every household is wrapped in incense, and everyone sacrifices Qu Ping.

Full of worries about the country and love for the people.

Throw yourself into the river with indignation, and win with transcendent righteousness.


Jiangchengzi Dragon Boat Festival (Wei Zhuangti)

It's the Dragon Boat Festival again. Look at the dragon boats. Have fun. Dumplings and artemisia hanging, wishing each other good health. Sacrifice Chu Chen's song patriotism, heavenly questioning, and continuation of the poem.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Shanghai Mr. Chen Jinxiu's poems and books.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Shanghai Mr. Chen Jinxiu's poems and books.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Three, seven absolute Dragon Boat Festival

Text/Song Pin'e (Shanghai)

Whose Dragon Boat Festival dumplings are fragrant, and red dates and peaches love sugar.

A Dan heart is entwined, and the flavors of life are difficult to taste.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Fourth, seven unique two songs

Text: Su Yingying (Panyu, Guangzhou)


Duanyang is full of fragrant dumplings, and the eternal rhyme is aroused.

The benevolent and charming spirits are appreciated by the people, and the boats are noisy and the drums worship the soul.


The dumplings are fragrant and fragrant, and the ancestors are tearful.

Yin Fu the country mourns the wine, and the gratitude and love will always be promoted.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Five, seven unique Dragon Boat Festival

Text/Zhong Hongying (Emei, Sichuan)

The green shadow and the wind benefit the hometown, and the folk Chu dumpling festival is sad.

Qu Yuan's tragedy has been passed down through the ages, looking at the present dynasty.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

6. Tianjingsha Dragon Boat Festival (Ma Zhiyuan)

Text/Jiang Yicheng (Shaoyang, Hunan)

This is to commemorate the heroes. But it will become hazy at any time. Exotic is traditional. It is supposed to wake up from the dream, but how can the soul be empty?

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Seven, seven absolute Dragon Boat Festival mourning Qu Yuan

He Shirong (Zunyi, Guizhou)

The nostalgia is full of anger and returns to the bowels, and a song leaves the commotion to mourn the country.

I hate the Miluo River for a long time, and my loyal soul will flow forever.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

VIII. Shichiko Kuhara

Text: Chen Yuanlun (Hefei, Anhui)

The Xiangjiang River has tears for thousands of years, and Chu Ci has left a loyal soul.

The homeland and the homeland are ravaged and hated, and Qu Zi has been deeply wronged through the ages.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Nine, five laws Dragon Boat Festival (new rhyme)

Text/Zhang Xuyi (Yibin, Sichuan)

Mugwort leaves hang next to the door, and pomegranate flowers are reflected in the window.

Dragon boat paddle race, rice dumplings around the house fragrance.

Chiaki Ko, Chung-Soul Manko-Fan.

The roots of folklore are there, and the generations will be healthy forever.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

10. Zhuma Listening Dragon Boat Festival

Text/Meng Gengwen (Hebei)

After Duanyang again, wormwood drives away evil dumplings and tastes fragrant; In memory of Qu Zi, the dragon boat race was high-spirited.

The sound of joy stirred in the middle of the water, and poetry lingered in my heart. Remembering Xiao Xiang, the Miluo River is surging.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

11. Chaozhongcuo Dragon Boat Festival Yin (Ouyang Xiuti)

Words/Liao Jianmin (Yibin, Sichuan)

A dumpling is fragrant and duanyang, and the calamus hangs in the gatehouse. The heroes and girls gathered, and their feelings returned to their hearts several times.

Miluo is still far away, where is the loyal soul? Through the ages. Looking at the prosperity of the country today, inform the virtuous people under the spring.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Twelve, seven absolutely mourn Qu Yuan

Text/Zhou Heping (Shaoyang, Hunan)

was exiled for the king's direct advice, and he was worried about the country and the people.

The ambition is not rewarded, and the spirit is immortal.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

13. Seven laws Dragon Boat Festival

Text: Lam Luk-kwong (Hong Kong)

Shenjiang Mingzhi changed into a boat and a dragon, and the river pond was crossed over the years.

Wormwood buys Fu Tian Baifu, and realgar medicine wine rushes thousands of worms.

Duanyang dumpling leaves are fragrant, and the girl's sachet is rich.

Lang Lang Qiankun Zhao sun and moon, Qu Yuan is loyal and righteous.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

14. One poem (song) for the Dragon Boat Race

Text: Huang Shaobin (Hunan)


Seven unique Dragon Boat Races

The Dragon Boat Dragon Boat Race is the best, and the crowds are shouting.

Kyushu has a wide range of customs and customs, and the spirit of struggle wins trophies.


Remembering Jiangnan Dragon Boat Racing (Bai Ju Yi Ti)

Chenzhou is good, Dragon Boat Race. The direction is clear, and the goal is forward. Can you not love Chenzhou.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Fifteen, five rows of Dragon Boat Festival

Text/Yuan Ailan (Shaoyang, Hunan)

Riverside boat race. Heavy five dumplings devoted.

The noise on both sides of the strait is far away, and the three bridges are reflected.

The drum whines and suffers, and the flute weeps to sacrifice the loyal ministers.

The wonderful pen poems are left in the world, and the Dan heart is in the gods.

Youlan follows the left and right, and the blood suffers from Li Min.

The clouds chase the rain, and the wind and fog disperse the dust.

Zhuqing Ling is proud of the snow, and the short committee bends over.

The dream of a thousand years of greatness, the journey of thousands of miles.

Go back to the house and soak the plum in ink, talk and laugh as neighbors.

Attachment is wronged, and now it is silent and moaning.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

16. One poem (song) for the Dragon Boat Festival

Text/Zeng Xiwei (Chengdu, Sichuan)


Seven unique Dragon Boat Festival

Suddenly smell the brown fragrance next door, and go out to taste it leisurely.

I saw the door of the pu leaf hanging, and I knew that the festival was hidden.


Too often to quote the Dragon Boat Festival (Xin Qi Disease Body)

Zhongjun was sad and angry, and sighed. Put the wine to Tianhe, Chu up and down, tear-jerking.

At this time, the words are difficult to describe, and the pen is painful. Hatred comes out of the heart, and there are still many silver notes in the four seas.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Seventeen, the five laws of the Dragon Boat Festival recall Qu Yuan

Text: Chen Huimin (Shanghai)

Hanging embroidery bags in front of the screen, palm leaves are fragrant.

The willows by the lake in Mishui, Qu Gongzhou is on the tree.

The text is soothing, and the anti-festival casts glory.

Sigu sighed in the sky, leaving the commotion.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Eighteen, the Dragon Boat Festival nostalgia commemorates Qu Yuan's absolute law each one

Text: Guo Yun (Beijing)


Seven unique Dragon Boat Festival nostalgia

Jing Chu Jiangshan is pure-hearted, and slander is like a sword forcing Sensen.

Yingdu overturned, only the past and the present.


Seven Laws Dragon Boat Festival nostalgia

The green leaves are clear and fragrant, and the dew is fragrant over Chu Yun.

The three dynasties of Jishi are virtuous and handsome, and he slandered twice as a faint king.

Several drums beat the dragon boat to go, and thousands of boats sailed the waves.

The sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and they are immortal and have worked hard for a long time.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

19. Brahmin Yin Qu Zi Sacrifice (Cao Group)

Text/Jia Huanwen (Inner Mongolia)

All the people are eternal, and the people of Chusao are patriotic. The Mijiang River is slowly lit up. The mediocre lord is weak and soft, drowning, hurting the crowd and drifting. For its difficult road, crying and asking.

Hate the world. Sigh Dan Majesty, close to the minister. Duomei politics and virtuous deeds, wanting to stop Qin. Yuanxiang troubadour, love mountain ghosts, a song and moan. Open the eternal, beautiful words.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

20. Qingyu Case: Dragon Boat Festival (He Casting Body)

Text: Chen Jinchao (Shanghai)

Sweet and fragrant glutinous dumplings welcome the Dragon Boat Festival. Wrapped in leaves, red heart complained. Who is the drum in a song? Sentimental Qu Zi, good at cherishing Jing Chu, and no one is in the same company as a traitor.

Lisao Tian asked Liuhongzuo. Bouldering donated to Miluo Nagisa. Build a long and beautiful national road. Full of righteousness, the national mourning appeasement, and the reputation is eternal.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Twenty-one, the seven laws of the Duanyang Festival

Text: Qin Zigao (Guangxi)

Dressed as a dragon and performing a ceremony to compete in the river, the fields and grasses cover the ridges and yellow.

It can be used to pass on the ancient rhyme, and it is difficult to give a new tone.

Dongjun Taiyi is a ghost in the mountains, and the fisherman in the water abandons Chu madness.

The orange ode is a long song of benevolence, why not write the death with life.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Guangxi Qin Zigao Mr. poems, Yuan Zhenhong book.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Guangxi Qin Zigao Mr. poems, Yuan Zhenhong book.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Guangxi Qin Zigao Mr. poems, Yuan Zhenhong book.

Please enjoy: Chinese Poets' 29th "Dragon Boat Festival" Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Works (1)

Guangxi Qin Zigao Mr. poems, Yuan Zhenhong book.

Release Editor/Positive Energy Lee Kwang You

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