
Xu Jijun: The seven-nation statement is extremely funny, and the Philippines is a strange flower blooming in the South China Sea!

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Xu Jijun: The seven-nation statement is extremely funny, and the Philippines is a strange flower blooming in the South China Sea!

On December 6, 2023, the G7, the world's first developed but declining G7, held a virtual meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Russia-Ukraine war is still a hot topic, but not being able to win Russia on the battlefield is the eternal pain of the seven dwarfs. After imposing more than 10,000 sanctions on Russia, the seven countries have once again found a sanctions project that can demonstrate their anti-Russian determination.

The seven countries issued a joint statement saying that they will ban the import of non-industrial diamonds from Russia from January 1, 2024, and the import of Russian diamonds sold by third countries from March.

Diamond...... In this world of great controversy, are you sure that there is still much consumption?

In fact, the most effective sanction against Russia is to restrict energy exports, but in the face of the rigid demand for global oil, the seven countries can only cry out in tears and cry out that their concubines can't do it......

Xu Jijun: The seven-nation statement is extremely funny, and the Philippines is a strange flower blooming in the South China Sea!

If you can't do it, you can't do it, there's nothing wrong with it.

There are always things in this world that exceed the upper limit of ability.

Not to mention the seven old cabbage gangs that are in decline.

In order to persuade the seven countries to continue to support Ukraine to fight to the last living man, Zelensky used rhetoric to unleash the secret technique of "provoking".

"Russia believes that the United States and Europe will show weakness and will not keep their support for Ukraine at the right level," Zelenskyy said. Putin believes that the free world will not fully implement its sanctions. ”

I don't know if the G7 has been provoked by Zelensky's provocation.

Zelensky's careful thinking makes people laugh, and the radical method is easy to work against young people with strong blood, but it really doesn't work well for Biden.

The effect of the agitation was obvious, and a week later, on December 12, at the White House, Biden allocated $200 million to continue supporting Ukraine after talks with Zelensky.

$200 million ......

That's a lot of money!

Ukraine's military spending in 2021 alone will be $44 billion, plus government spending $200 million a day!

Now that Ukraine is facing the offensive of the Russian army on all fronts, there is no place that can withstand it.

Crumbling, the whole line will either collapse or be encircled.

The G7 is firmly seated in China's military tent and is not in a hurry at all.

No matter who wins or loses, it is the Slavs who die, so what is there to hurry?

Could it be that before Russia launched the Russo-Ukrainian war, Ukraine belonged to the Western world?


For three hundred years, Ukraine has been part of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union.

In that case, why should the Western world bother with Ukraine?

The Seven Nations and Russia must not fight each other, everyone compares and compares, and the point is enough.

In the joint statement of the G7, China was mentioned.

Seven reaffirmed the communiqué of the summit in Hiroshima, claiming that the communiqué formed the basis of countries' relations with China.

Countries have proposed to work with China on global issues, such as:

climate crisis;

the biodiversity crisis;

natural resources conservation and other fields;

debt sustainability and financing needs of fragile countries;

global health;

macroeconomic stability, etc.

In addition to these issues, the G7 called on China to pressure Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine immediately, fully and unconditionally.

In the face of Russia's military offensive, the Seven countries currently have no good strategy.

One has to hope that China can help alleviate their plight.

However, on what basis?

Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a world power with independent foreign policy and no interference from other countries.

The 50-nation anti-Russian coalition formed by the United States has failed to impose more than 10,000 sanctions on Russia, so will other countries be idle and look for themselves?

Emerging in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war, the G7 published its most comical content, opposing China's expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea, opposing militarized activities in the South China Sea, and reaffirming the legally binding nature of the illegal award made by the so-called international arbitral tribunal in 2016.

Of course, the topic of Taiwan, China, is still a cliché.

Xu Jijun: The seven-nation statement is extremely funny, and the Philippines is a strange flower blooming in the South China Sea!

Just after the G-7 statement, the Philippines' arrogance swelled sharply again.

On December 10, 2023, AFP Chief of Staff Brawner boarded the USS Sierra Madre wreck at Second Thomas Shoal.

Brauner brought a large amount of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits to the defenders of the wrecked ship, and proudly posted many group photos, as if the trick had succeeded.

During the boarding process, the Chinese Coast Guard ship controlled and inspected the Philippine ship with water cannons.

On December 11, the Philippines protested.

The protests are disgusting, so don't mention it.

Xu Jijun: The seven-nation statement is extremely funny, and the Philippines is a strange flower blooming in the South China Sea!

So, why is the Philippines so rampant?

The main reason is that the United States publicly stated in April that the US military is ready to provide corresponding assistance to the Philippines in exercising its sovereignty in the South China Sea.

Now the Philippines is willing to be cannon fodder, a pawn, and open the islands in the South China Sea under its control to the US military to win support.

Since Duterte left office and Marcos Jr. came to power, China-Philippines relations have taken a sharp turn for the worse, mainly due to American factors.

From January 3 to 5, 2023, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visited China. This is the first non-ASEAN country he has visited since taking office.

China and the Philippines have reached a number of economic cooperation, bilateral relations are very good, and the situation in the South China Sea is unprecedentedly stable.

However, the Marcos family has fled to the United States since the 1980s and has settled in the United States for a long time, and its interests have long been deeply Americanized.

Therefore, Marcos turned to the United States soon after returning from his visit to China.

In addition to the family interest factor, what cannot be ignored is the decades-long colonial rule and military control of the United States in the Philippines.

In 1898, the United States declared war on Spain, an old colonial power, known as the Spanish-American War, and Spain was defeated.

In 1902, the Philippines became an American colony. The United States began its colonial rule over the Philippines.

From the perspective of the history of the Philippines, the United States has infiltrated and controlled the Philippines for 120 years, half a century longer than the 78 years of control of Japan.

Against this background, it is almost impossible for the Philippines to completely get rid of the influence of the United States.

In 1945, China, as the victorious country in World War II, defeated Japan and recovered all the territories and islands occupied by Japan. This is the origin of the 10-dash line in the South China Sea. At this time, the Philippines and many ASEAN countries were still under the rule of Western colonizers and did not exist at all.

Therefore, China's border and territorial waters preceded the Philippines.

The Philippines, as a latecomer, has no right to raise objections at all!

Historically, there has been no legal or historical basis for any country in Southeast Asia on the issue of sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea.

Previously, the usual data believed that at present, Chinese mainland actually controls 7 islands in the South China Sea, plus Taiping Island and Zhongzhou Island controlled by Taiwan, China controls a total of nine; Vietnam controls 29; the Philippines controls 8, Malaysia controls 5, and Brunei controls 1.

At present, the latest news circulating on the Internet shows that China has recovered more than 40 islands and reefs in Nansha, including Xianbin Reef, Banlu Reef, Half Moon Reef, Xinyi Reef, Anda Reef, Wufang Reef, etc. Together with the Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Dongsha Islands, China has actually controlled more than 140 of the more than 300 islands and reefs in the entire South China Sea. There are 40 islands and reefs larger than 0.3 square kilometers in the South China Sea, 25 of which are under China's actual control, 7 are in Vietnam, 5 are in the Philippines, 2 are in Taiwan, and 1 is Malaysia.

Whether the data is true or not, China has actually controlled far more islands than before after reclaiming islands.

With the new islands put into operation, China's navy and air force are now sufficient to cover the entire South China Sea.

Any country's illusion of coveting China's territorial waters will eventually be shattered!

(The author is a special commentator of Kunlunce; source: Kunlunce Network [authorized compilation and distribution], reproduced from the WeChat public account of "Hantang Think Tank", revised and released; the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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