
Family Health Screening: These Common Symptoms Need to Be Vigilant! Early Diagnosis, Early Prevention!

author:Kopda's old horse

On a woman's physical health map, there is an area that is often overlooked, but extremely important—the pelvic floor. This group of hidden muscle groups, like a net, silently holds up our internal organs and ensures the normal operation of physiological functions. However, with age, or the influence of physiological changes such as fertility, this net often relaxes or is damaged, which can lead to a series of health problems, such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. These problems, although not immediately life-threatening, have a significant impact on quality of life and mental health.

Family Health Screening: These Common Symptoms Need to Be Vigilant! Early Diagnosis, Early Prevention!

Pelvic floor muscles function and common problems

The pelvic floor muscles, the lowest muscle group in the human body, perform important physiological functions. They act like a sturdy net that supports pelvic organs such as the bladder, rectum, uterus, etc., ensuring that they work properly in the correct position. Normal pelvic floor muscles can effectively prevent urinary incontinence, organ prolapse and other problems, and play a decisive role in women's quality of life.

However, with the influence of factors such as age, fertility, etc., the pelvic floor muscles may become loose or damaged. Weakened pelvic floor muscles may not only lead to difficulty in urine control, but also may cause pelvic organ prolapse and, in severe cases, even affect the quality of sexual life. Many women may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable as a result, but it is a common problem that can be improved with proper exercise.

Family Health Screening: These Common Symptoms Need to Be Vigilant! Early Diagnosis, Early Prevention!

Pelvic floor exercises recommended by gynecologists

Kegel exercises are commonly recommended by gynaecologists as an effective way to improve pelvic floor muscles. The core of Kegel exercises is to repeatedly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine. This exercise can be done at any time, anywhere, and does not require any special equipment.

In addition, yoga and Pilates are also considered effective exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Specific yoga positions, such as Bridge and Locust Pose, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Some Xi exercises in Pilates, such as abdominal curls, also strengthen the muscles in this area.

Gynecologists point out that regular doing these exercises can significantly improve the strength and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles, thereby improving or preventing health problems associated with the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Family Health Screening: These Common Symptoms Need to Be Vigilant! Early Diagnosis, Early Prevention!

Pelvic floor health tips for everyday life

In addition to specialized exercise, a few simple Xi in daily life can significantly help with pelvic floor health. For example, maintaining a correct sitting and standing posture is essential for maintaining the proper function of the pelvic floor muscles. When sitting, make sure your hips and thighs are at right angles and your back is upright, which helps reduce pressure on your pelvic floor muscles.

Diet, adequate hydration and high-fiber foods can avoid constipation and reduce additional stress on the pelvic floor muscles. At the same time, avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol intake, as these substances may increase urine production and put more burden on the pelvic floor muscles.

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