
The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

author:Tricks to make life more interesting

A friend who works in a supermarket told me that whoever buys these things in the supermarket is fooled, and the sooner they know, they can avoid the pit.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

Nowadays, it is becoming more and more convenient to go out and shop. No matter what you need at home, food, drink, clothing, etc., most of your needs can be met with just a trip to the supermarket. Especially nowadays, large supermarkets are usually national chains, with direct access to the source of goods. This means that shopping at the supermarket, not only does it have a wide variety of goods, but it can also be even more affordable in terms of price than online. Therefore, whenever a supermarket holds an event, it is common to see many aunts and uncles lining up in a long line, just to buy good things at a good price. When shopping at the supermarket, we may come across a variety of goods, some of which may seem tempting, but in reality there may be some problems. Today, I will introduce you to several supermarket products that you need to be wary of.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

First of all, there's the meat foam. In supermarkets, we can often see some fresh meat, of which meat foam is the most common. Many friends like to make meatballs or dumplings with meat foam. However, it is possible that the beaten meat foam will be very unclean. Although they are sold at a lower price, the quality may not be up to par. I recommend that you buy as little as possible, as some unscrupulous merchants may use leftover meat or overnight meat to make meat foam. Not only does this meat foam not taste good, but it may also have a strong fishy smell. I recommend that you buy fresh meat at the supermarket and grind it yourself at home, so that you can not only ensure the freshness of the ingredients, but also adjust it to your taste, which is economical and affordable.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

The second is bulk frozen balls. In the freezer of the supermarket, we can find a variety of frozen ingredients, including all kinds of meatballs. Whether it is vegetarian meatballs, meatballs or fish balls, they are all loved by everyone. Especially during the hot pot season, many people buy several times a week. However, I advise everyone not to buy frozen balls in bulk. Because in a freezer, there may be more than a dozen different bulk meatballs, and they may be frozen for a long time and may have a flavor transfer that affects the taste. Also, there is no definite production date for bulk balls, and we have no way of knowing how long they have been frozen.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

The third is bulk dumplings. In supermarkets, we can often see discounted bulk dumplings. These hard dumplings may only cost 5 yuan a catty, but the texture and taste are not flattering. What's more, these bulk quick-frozen dumplings have a particularly long shelf life, and without individual packaging, they can easily breed bacteria. Although the price is cheap, I don't recommend everyone to buy more. In fact, it is also very convenient to make dumplings at home, if you have time, I recommend that you make dumplings at home, which is simple and fast, clean and hygienic, and tastes good.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

First of all, a fruit platter is an option for many people, as it allows us to try multiple fruits at once. However, some fruit platters may not be as fresh as we think. These fruits may have been sitting out for a long time, and some are not even as fresh anymore. Although they look good when peeled and cut, their quality has been greatly reduced. Therefore, to ensure that you get fresh fruits, it is best to choose whole fruits.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

Secondly, dead crabs are also commodities that need to be wary of. Although dead crabs are much cheaper than fresh crabs, they can carry disease-causing microorganisms and parasites. These microorganisms and parasites multiply rapidly after the crab dies and can cause intestinal infections and other health problems if consumed. Therefore, even if the price is attractive, do not buy or eat dead crabs.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

In addition, expiring bread is also a commodity to be aware of. These breads may be on sale at a discount and look like a great deal. However, they may contain higher levels of mold and bacteria. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, their immune systems may be weaker and more susceptible to these bacteria. Therefore, it is advisable to buy fresh bread and pay attention to the expiration date on the label.

The supermarket employee revealed the big secret, who bought these things and who was fooled, and they knew that they would avoid the pit early.

Finally, expired food is also a commodity to be wary of. Expired food may contain harmful substances that can affect human health. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, their physical functions are gradually decreasing, their resistance is reduced, and they are more susceptible to the harm of expired food. When buying food, be sure to carefully check the production date and expiration date to make sure you're buying fresh and safe food. When shopping in the supermarket, you need to be vigilant and choose fresh and safe items. Don't buy problematic goods for the sake of cheapness, so as not to bring potential risks to your health.