
The "big formaldehyde" was found out, 5 kinds of food contain formaldehyde, and eating it will cause cancer? See how it is

author:Medica Media

People who can pay attention to food safety tend to choose food carefully to avoid getting sick from the mouth. More and more people have diseases related to long-term eating mistakes, the food that they prefer to eat may contain some harmful substances, eat a large amount of food for a long time, the body will be damaged, which will lead to the attack of disease, it is necessary to understand the nutritional composition and nature of different foods, consider their safety, and eat when they are healthy, so as to provide nutrition to meet the needs.

The "big formaldehyde" was found out, 5 kinds of food contain formaldehyde, and eating it will cause cancer? See how it is

1. Steamed bread containing whitening agent

The human body has to consume a lot of food every day to provide nutrients and energy, which not only maintains life activities, but also promotes physical growth and development. But some food is not safe, such as steamed bread containing whitening agent, some steamed bread looks white and fat, very appetizing, but in fact, in the process of making the whitening agent, it looks obviously white, this type of steamed bread should not be bought, it may have an impact on health, to choose a safe steamed bread, in order to provide energy as a staple food, while increasing satiety.

2. Fungus that has been soaked for a long time

As a kind of fungus food, the fungus is full of gelatin, which can provide rich vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and can be used to fry meat or make soup. However, the soaking of fungus needs to be mastered, if it is soaked for too long, or even overnight, harmful substances will be produced, such as rice yeast acid, which will directly damage the kidneys and liver, and may even cause cancer. Some people experience abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating fungus that has been soaked for a long time, which is due to the production of harmful substances.

The "big formaldehyde" was found out, 5 kinds of food contain formaldehyde, and eating it will cause cancer? See how it is

3. Processing pickled products

Processed cured foods contain carcinogens, which can pose a health threat if eaten for a long time, and those who like to eat ham are more or less hidden. Although meat is used as raw materials in the production process of ham, there are many food additives, and you can find that there are many types of additives when you check the ingredient list, and these processed products produce carcinogens nitrite in the production process, which may catalyze the formation of some cancers when eaten for a long time.

4. 槟榔

If you want to take good care of your body, you should stay away from betel nut at ordinary times. The harm of betel nut is believed to be known to many people, and it is very good when chewing betel nut, but the harmful substances in betel nut can cause serious damage to the oral mucosa, irritate the oral mucosa and induce diseases. Relevant studies have found that the occurrence of oral cancer is related to chewing betel nut for a long time, and the risk of oral cancer is dozens of times higher than those who do not eat betel nut. For the sake of health, in addition to paying attention to hygiene in the process of protecting the mouth, betel nut should also be kept away.

The "big formaldehyde" was found out, 5 kinds of food contain formaldehyde, and eating it will cause cancer? See how it is

5. Seafood soaked in formaldehyde solution

Don't eat seafood soaked in formaldehyde, this kind of seafood is poisonous. Formaldehyde is a kind of carcinogen, but some unscrupulous businesses will soak the seafood with formaldehyde solution in order to keep it fresh and make it look fresh, and after soaking, these seafood are contaminated, even if there is subsequent cleaning and cooking, there is also formaldehyde residue, and eating for a long time is not conducive to the health of the digestive system, and may also cause cancer. Therefore, keep your eyes peeled when buying seafood, and it is best to stay away from seafood that is frozen or has an unpleasant smell.

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