
In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

author:Lily Food Talk

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant. At the end of June, the hot and rainy weather, this season a lot of seasonal vegetables and fruits have begun to market, summer fruits and vegetables have sufficient light and rain irrigation, nutrition and taste are better. At this time of year, cowpeas from my hometown are on the market in large quantities, and there are also cowpeas in the summer in the south, and they are fresh and tender in season, so don't miss it.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

Cowpea is crispy and tender, nutritious is also very rich, cowpea is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium and potassium elements are also high, it is very suitable to eat in summer, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, cowpeas are also very many ways to eat, stir-fried, cold dressing, sun-dried cowpea dried cowpea are very good. In addition, there is another method that must be tried, that is, cowpea pork dumplings, which are fragrant and tender, and have a unique flavor.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

【Cowpea pork dumplings】

Ingredients: Pork, cowpeas, flour.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

1. Choose cowpeas that are tender and green, and it is not recommended to buy them if they have insect eyes and blackened ones.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

2. Buy fresh cowpeas, clean them, and blanch them with a little salt and oil in a pot under boiling water, so that the color of cowpeas is more green.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

3. Blanch the cowpeas, remove the head and tail, cut into small sections, cool the water, drain the water and set aside.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

4. Finely chop the blanched cowpeas.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

5. Wash the pork and cut it into small pieces. Prepare a combination of 7 points lean meat and 3 points fatty meat.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

6. Put the meat into a grinder and mix it into a meat puree. Add a little light soy sauce, oyster sauce, a pinch of salt, and mix with sesame oil.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

7. Add the chopped cowpeas.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

8. Mix and stir well, so that the cowpea pork filling is ready.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

9. Knead the flour with water to form a dough, cut it into small dough and roll it into a dumpling wrapper.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

10. Wrap an appropriate amount of dumpling filling in the dumpling skin, close the mouth and pinch it well, and you can wrap it into your favorite shape.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

11. The rest of the dumplings are wrapped in the same way.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

11. Add water to the pot and boil, put in the dumplings to boil, boil over high heat, mix in 1 bowl of cold water and continue to boil, mix in about 3 times of cold water.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one clears heat, two supplements calcium, three supplements potassium, and makes dumplings in summer, which is too fragrant

The dumplings are cooked thoroughly, scooped up and put on a plate to enjoy, such a home-style version: cowpea pork dumplings are ready, the dumplings that come out of this way are fragrant, with the unique fragrance of cowpeas, and the crisp and tender taste of cowpeas, a bite down is tender and juicy, not to mention how fragrant, adults and children love to eat.

Lily's Food Talks About Broken Thoughts:

1. Dumpling wrappers can be bought directly ready-made, or you can directly knead and roll out the dough. The dumpling skin rolled out by yourself is more chewy and delicious.

2. The pork stuffed with dumplings should not be too lean, the combination of 7 points of lean meat and 3 points of fatty meat, such meat filling is more tender and not firewood.

3. When cooking dumplings, you can add a little salt to the soup, so that the cooked dumplings are more chewy and not easy to break the skin, and they are more delicious.

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