
These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

author:Clothes are not expensive

Guan Xiaotong has a nickname called "Jingquan Gege", in fact, it is not because she is a title that only Beijingers will have, but because she really has the blood of the royal family flowing in her body, and her bloodline, now in ancient times, is indeed worthy of the name.

Moreover, the entertainment industry is also a gathering place for the descendants of the royal family of the Qing Dynasty, many stars have royal blood, all of them are not small, today we feast our eyes to see which stars have royal blood.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

1, Guan Xiaotong

, a star who has come out of the circle with one meter and seven long legs, has become the envy of girls all over the network since he officially announced his relationship with Lu Han. However, people envy her in addition to her appearance and boyfriend, but also envy her identity. That's right, she has royal blood flowing in her body, she is a descendant of the Manchu Guerjia clan, I believe that netizens who like to watch dramas are no strangers to the Guarjia clan, this surname has appeared in major TV series, and her identity is extraordinary.

Guan Xiaotong may know his identity, so he always gives people a feeling of being on top, and even said the words "happy with the people" in variety shows, shocking people's jaws: What age is this, and the pride in his bones has not been put down?

People can't like it, so over the years, the reputation about her has been mixed.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

2, Guan Zhilin

She was once a smash hit, although she is a Hong Kong star, but her identity is extraordinary, she also has Manchu blood flowing in her body, tracing her identity, it was found that she has a relationship with Zhang Xueliang, according to relevant historical records, her grandfather's name is Guan Shidong, and he is an alumnus of Zhang Xueliang.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this identity that she has become popular in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and she has also mixed up with the title of "the first beauty in Hong Kong".

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

3, Guan Yue

In fact, many people don't know her, mainly because after marrying Tong Dawei, she has become very low-key, and she is dedicated to running a small family, so she rarely shows up in recent years.

But once you see her, you will find that her temperament is particularly noble, this is because her background is not simple, if time goes back, she is also Manchu. But because she herself is very low-key, her identity is little known, and her own values are relatively positive, and now she has temporarily retired from the screen and become a teacher of Beiying, and is loved by many people.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

4, Tong Dawei

Tong Dawei is a rare good actor in recent years, his works always give people a feeling of being able to indulge in it, and he has been in the film for so many years, and he has won awards softly, and his relationship with Guan Yue is also a good story in the entertainment industry, he has been in love for 15 years, and his true feelings remain the same.

Born in Beijing, he is a descendant of Tong Jia's family, I don't know if it's because of his bloodline, so the kind of prince atmosphere on his personal body is particularly heavy, which makes people feel very comfortable to watch.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

5, Wu Jing

Wu Jing is a star who came out of his "fist", he has not been popular for many years after his debut, and later became popular by filming action movies and relying on his real skills. Born in Beijing, he also has a hidden identity, that is, a descendant of the Ulanala clan, according to his earlier public disclosure on the show, he is from the Dolgon branch.

Seeing his life experience, I finally knew why he was such a tough guy, it turned out that he had a heroic ancestor.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

6. Rou Lang

In the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus looked down on the Han people, and under the strict hierarchical concept and consciousness, it was really difficult for Han women to get out of the circle. However, Zhen Huan, the heroine in "The Legend of Yonghuan", was given the surname "Niu Colu" by the emperor, which was originally a Manchu surname, which shows the emperor's love for her.

And Lang Lang is the descendant of Niu Colu, although he has the supreme bloodline, but he has been practicing very hard since he was a Xi child, and through his own efforts, he has also become a star-studded existence in this era.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

7, Jin Qiaoqiao

Jin Qiaoqiao was born in a wealthy family, at an age when others could not have enough to eat, she went to the Children's Palace at the age of 7 to learn Xi dance, and her parents attached great importance to her education.

Tracing back to her ancestors, it turned out that she was the granddaughter of her daughter Hachi, and the fourteenth granddaughter, and she herself was related to the last emperor Pu Yi, and her great-grandfather was Pu Yi's cousin. She has been smart and cute since she was a child, and when she grew up, she became an actress, married a rich man, and lived a worry-free life.

These 8 stars, all of them have royal blood, three are Gege, and one is a descendant of Dorgon

8, Ma Li

Who would have thought that Ma Li, who has always been very aggressive, also has a good background, she is not only a descendant of the Manchus, but also a descendant of Ma Jia's family, which is what is often said in TV series as "Zhengbai Flag".

Although it is now a modern society, the above stars have lived up to their royal bloodline and are thriving in the entertainment industry.

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