
Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

author:Tricks to make life more interesting

Don't pour out the rice water, add a little honey to it, solve the troubles of many friends, learn to try it quickly.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

Rice, as a staple food in our daily lives, is indissolubly linked to it every day. However, did you know that after every rice washing, we will Xi the habit of pouring out the rice washing water, which is actually a great pity? Rice water is acidic, with a pH of about 5.5 to 6.5, and it is rich in nutritional value.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

Rice washing water contains a certain amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and other minerals, and also contains a small amount of trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Some of these nutrients are lost in the rice washing water during the rice washing process, so it is a pity to throw away the rice washing water. In addition to its nutritional value, rice water has many other uses in life. Did you know that the leftover water from the rice is actually a beauty and skin care baby. It contains ingredients such as protein, vitamins B and E, and all of them are weakly acidic, which is very suitable for nutrient absorption by the skin. Skin care with rice water can achieve a whitening effect and can also lighten skin spots.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

For the first effect, rinse the rice once with tap water and then leave the second washing water. After a night of precipitation and fermentation, pour the rice washing water into the washbasin, add warm water and a few drops of honey, and stir well. This helps to moisturize the skin, lighten blemishes and make the skin smoother. After a month of continuous use, your face will become white and tender.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

For the second effect, add a little yeast powder, a few drops of honey and two spoonfuls of white vinegar to the rice washing water, and then add an appropriate amount of water to dilute it. Soak your hands in the mixture for about 20 minutes and use it every day for a month or so, and you will notice that your hands become delicate and smooth.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

The third function is that the rice washing water can also be used to wash hands. Hands that are in constant contact with dish soap and laundry detergent can easily become dry and damaged. Soaking your hands in rice water can easily solve this problem. Because rice washing water is more moisturizing and nutritious, washing hands with it can protect your hands from damage.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

The fourth function, many female friends know, rice water can be used to wash the face. Before using it, we only need to settle the rice water for a while, and then use it directly to wash our face. This method not only moisturizes the skin, but also has a whitening effect. For people with oily skin, washing your face with rice washing water can even have the effect of removing oil, and it won't make your skin feel too dry after washing. If you are making glutinous rice at home, wash your face with water that washes glutinous rice or soaked glutinous rice, the effect will be better.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

Fifthly, the rice water can also be used to wash hair and make the hair look shinier. Not only that, washing rice water with honey is also a good way to skin care. Every time you cook, don't waste rice washing water, mix it with honey and stir well with a cotton swab. Apply the mixture to the eyes and remove after about 15 minutes. Stick to this method and you will find that your skin becomes more refined and whitened. At the same time, rice washing water also has the effect of hair care. Rice water is rich in vitamins and amino acids, which can be used to maintain hair, make hair smoother and smoother, and also have a certain moisturizing effect, which can reduce split ends and frizz.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

Sixth, rice water can also remove stains. In particular, after heating the rice washing water, the starch contained in it will change, so that it has good lipophilicity and hydrophilicity, and effectively adsorbs the grease of dishes. Therefore, washing dishes, dishes and kitchen utensils with rice washing water can not only effectively clean the grease on the surface, but also does not contain chemicals, which is safer than using dish soap, and can also save money on buying dish soap.

Don't throw away the rice water, add a little honey, many ladies are using it, try it quickly

The above are a few wonderful uses of rice washing water. Rice washing water is a very valuable resource. I hope that everyone can make full use of the value of rice washing water, use it for life, and let it play a greater role.

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