
Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home


In modern life, health consciousness is increasing, and honey is highly prized for its nutrient content, and its health benefits make it a "health secret" in the minds of many people. However, the honey market is mixed, and the difficulty in distinguishing the authenticity of the honey makes consumers confused. This article will analyze this in detail, revealing whether the honey in your hand can stand the test, or just "gutter oil" hidden in the depths.

The miraculous power of honey

Known as a "natural treasure", honey is highly regarded for its ability to moisten the lungs, relieve cough and beautify the skin. Many ladies often use honey water to accompany their meals in the morning to achieve the effect of detoxification and beautifying the skin. Honey is rich in a variety of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, which have a good moisturizing effect on the skin. At the same time, the glucose and fructose contained in honey can quickly replenish the energy required by the human body, especially suitable for those who stay up late or have high physical exertion as a good remedy for physical recovery.

However, the quality of honey on the market is uneven, and many counterfeit and substandard products are mixed, making it difficult for consumers to identify them. In order to pursue huge profits, some businesses illegally add various substances to produce and sell fake honey, such products have no health care effects, and may affect human health in the long run.

The chaos in the honey market
Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home

Driven by profits, some unscrupulous merchants use inferior raw materials such as syrup and alum, and after special processing, they produce products that look like real honey and have a similar taste. This kind of fake honey circulates in the market at a low price, attracting many consumers to buy it. However, long-term ingestion of alum and other ingredients contained in it will cause serious harm to human health and even cause aluminum poisoning.

On the other hand, some products called "imported honey" also have hidden dangers. Some merchants fabricate the identity of imported honey or mix it with domestic honey to raise the price. Such an act not only deceives consumers, but also disturbs the fair environment of the market.

How to distinguish real honey from fake

With so many honey products on the market, how should customers identify their authenticity? First of all, the honey can be distinguished by its appearance and texture. Real honey is often translucent solid with a viscous texture and rich bubbles that can be seen when shaken; Counterfeit honey may be too clear or have fewer bubbles when shaken.

Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home

First of all, honey can be identified by its taste. Premium honey is sweet and non-sticky, with a subtle floral aroma. However, low-quality honey may have a monotonous taste or an aftertaste of chemical additives.

The key to assessing authenticity is to read the ingredient list. If only honey is seen and there are no other unnatural substances (syrup, alum), it can be preliminarily judged to be real honey; On the contrary, if there is an unknown ingredient, you need to be wary that it is a fake.

The correct way to consume honey

Even if you buy high-quality honey, if it is not used correctly, it will have an impact on its nutritional value. It should be noted that honey should not be drunk with hot water, because the high temperature is easy to damage the enzymes and vitamins it contains, and the use of warm and cool water is conducive to maintaining the nutrients of the original honey.

Honey should not be paired with high-protein foods such as soy milk and milk, as it may hinder the full absorption of nutrients. Ideally, honey can be enjoyed about 30 minutes after a meal to maximize its digestive and beauty benefits.

Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home
How to preserve honey

Proper storage can effectively extend the shelf life of honey and maintain the original fresh quality and rich nutrition. The first requirement is that honey must be stored in a dark, dry place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. In addition, the honey storage container should be tightly sealed to prevent air ingress and prevent deterioration of the honey caused by gas ingress.

At the same time, it should be noted that honey should not be stored in the refrigerator to prevent crystallization caused by low temperature, which will affect its taste and efficacy. In this case, the crystals can be heated in warm water and dissolved before they can be used again.

Advice on how to buy honey
Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home

When choosing high-quality honey, be sure to choose a trustworthy brand with quality assurance. You can refer to the product manufacturing date, expiration date, ingredient list and other relevant information to identify its authenticity and quality. Further, you can also request a product inspection certificate from your dealer to ensure that there are no hazardous substances.

When buying honey, don't choose too cheap honey for the sake of affordability, as the quality of this type of honey cannot be guaranteed. Due to the scarcity of high-quality honey sources and the increase in production costs, low-priced products are very likely to be fake. At the same time, the excessive advertising of merchants also needs to be judged carefully. Consumers should be discerning and choose real honey that meets their needs.

Health risks of honey

Despite its many health benefits, honey is not suitable for everyone. In infants under one year of age, the presence of botulinum toxin spores may cause infant poisoning; Diabetic patients should be cautious about eating honey because it contains high sugar, which may affect blood sugar regulation.

Moderate consumption of honey is safe and reliable for the general public, but excessive intake should not be avoided. Because it is rich in sugar, excessive intake may lead to weight gain and tooth decay. Therefore, it is recommended that the daily intake should not exceed 50g.

Honey is dirtier than gutter oil? Many people also buy it as a nutrient at home
Future outlook for honey

With the rising consumer demand for healthy food, the honey market is ushering in new opportunities. In the future, the honey industry needs to strengthen self-discipline and improve product quality to suppress counterfeiting and shoddy products. At the same time, the government and relevant agencies should also step up supervision and formulate more stringent standards and regulations to effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers.

Technological innovation boosts the research and development of new products in the honey industry to meet the diversified needs of consumers. For example, the development of sugar-saving or sugar-free honey varieties for diabetics and weight loss; In addition, health elements such as propolis and royal jelly are added to enhance the nutritional value and health care function of honey products.

All in all, honey has good market potential as a high-quality natural health food. As long as the industry, the government and consumers work together, we are confident that the honey market will develop steadily and achieve the benefits of a higher quality of life for the public.

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