
For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

author:The tip of the pen is a word

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For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

The text is sharp

Editor丨 Pen tip Yan Yu

Why can't this be noisy, although Qin II died, but the exploits of the first emperor benefited thousands of years, not to mention, although Xiang Yu was brave, but Western Chu was never unified.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Your friend seems to only know Zhu Di and doesn't understand Zhu Biao, in other words, if Zhu Biao is not dead, Zhu Di will not rebel, not only because of family affection, but also because of the advantages of ability and personality.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Li Bai Du Fu is really not easy to distinguish, these two are famous poets of the Tang Dynasty.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Throughout history, any character selected from it has been controversial, and the quarrels have been non-stop.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Huo Quzhi is a hero who has been a man from childhood to adulthood, and he was crowned a wolf at a young age, which is a supreme glory.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Li Bai and Xin Qiji, one Tang poem and the other Song poem, are different fields, not to mention, where can Li Bai's poems be regarded as pediatrics.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

From a historical point of view, it is difficult to distinguish between strong and weak questions, neither of which is in the same era nor fought each other.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

At the same time, Hua Tuo is also recognized as the "Holy Hand of Surgery" and "Originator of Surgery", the main reason is that Hua Tuo did not leave a famous medical book, and Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" is a treasure.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

From a historical point of view, it feels like Li Qingzhao, although Yu Youwei is also very talented, but she died too early.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

If you want to see a more realistic story of the Three Kingdoms, you still have to watch "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and don't substitute it into history if you watch "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Li Shimin, just the general of Tiance and the Khan of Tian, can make him full of fame, not to mention, he also created the prosperous era of Zhenguan's rule, and the reason why the Tang Dynasty is brilliant has a huge relationship with Li Shimin.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

I can't understand history if I don't understand it, but I can't understand it if I don't understand it and talk nonsense, let alone treat Cao Xueqin as a woman, do you just listen to the name?

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

My charming ancestor would probably never have imagined that in the future world, there will be countless people who will idolize them, and countless people will hack him.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Zhuge Liang and Li Si can also quarrel, these two are relatively famous politicians, although they are in different eras, they have also made great contributions to their respective eras, but Li Si and Zhao Gao conspired in their later years.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

The Zhu Jiu clan is almost clean, but the Zhu Shi clan, I heard that the dogs in the family have to be pulled out and cut down, and there is only one person in the entire history who has been punished by the ten clans.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

How dare Li Jiancheng quarrel with Li Shimin, even if he is a fan, he shouldn't be, but the stills of the Peony Prince played by Yan Kuan are really not tight.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

There are indeed a lot of quarrels in the historical circle, but why should the panda circle quarrel?

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

The united front, attacking Qing fans, so far I haven't seen many netizens praising the Qing Dynasty.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

Here is the tip of the pen.

Everyone is welcome to share their stories and experiences.

For the first time, it turns out that history fans will also quarrel, and netizens are more talented than one another

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