
Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Mr. Li, a software engineer who works a lot of overtime, has been suffering from repeated snot lately.

Every day, he needs to prepare a large pile of tissues for frequent sneezing and runny nose. This made him feel very embarrassed. Mr. Lee decided to follow the advice to see a doctor.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

At the hospital, he met Dr. Wang from the Department of Otolaryngology. After careful examination, Dr. Wang found that Mr. Li had mild inflammation inside his nasal cavity.

Dr. Wang asked Mr. Li about his daily Xi habits and found several bad Xi habits that could cause Mr. Li's problems. Dr. Wong advised him to try to get enough sleep to boost his immunity.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

Mr. Li's office environment has poor air quality and is in an air-conditioned room for a long time, which is very bad for the health of the nasal cavity. Dr. Wang advised him to use a humidifier in his office to improve the indoor air quality.

Mr. Li usually likes to eat spicy and irritating food, which is also a factor that causes nasal discomfort.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

Dr. Wong also found that Mr. Li often had shortness during meals, which could lead to indigestion, which could affect the health of his nasal passages.

These changes in Mr. Li have not only alleviated his nasal discharge problem, but also improved his overall health.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

Through Mr. Lee's story, we can see that a healthy lifestyle requires our persistent efforts, and through these small changes, we can have a healthier and happier life.

Incorrect nasal cleaning, such as blowing your nose vigorously, can cause damage to the microstructures inside your nose, which can worsen nasal problems.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

At the same time, Dr. Wang also pointed out that long-term use of some nasal sprays containing harsh chemicals may have a negative impact on nasal health.

He advised Mr. Lee to avoid these products as much as possible. He no longer has a runny nose, feels more relaxed, and his mental state has improved significantly.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

In addition, Dr. Wong also reminded Mr. Lee that if the problem of recurrent runny nose persists, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as nasal congestion, headache, etc., he should go to the hospital for further examination to rule out other potential health problems.

Common health problems, such as recurrent runny nose, may be closely related to our daily Xi.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

Healthy living requires us not only to learn how to prescribe the right medicine, but also to start from the details of our daily life and make positive and healthy adjustments.

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!

What do you think about the recurrent runny nose?

Why do you always have a runny nose? The doctor angrily rebuked: these bad Xi, hurry up and get rid of them!