
"Parents are dumbfounded! The adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" by primary school students instantly exploded on the Internet!

author:Colorful lotus fXs

Recently, an eye-catching video has been circulating on the Internet, causing heated discussions among netizens and parents. In this video, a group of cute primary school students adapted the ancient Chinese poem "The Wanderer's Yin" and performed it in a unique way. Surprisingly, the video quickly went viral, with parents retweeting and liking it, praising the children's talent and creativity. However, in addition to the praise of parents, many parents feel so angry that their faces are green, and the reason behind this is surprising.

Everyone knows that elementary school students are synonymous with innocence, and their cuteness and talent are often amazing. This time, a group of primary school students chose to adapt the ancient Chinese poem "The Wanderer's Yin" as their performance work, and they abandoned the traditional way of recitation and adopted the form of a song to interpret this classic poem. This innovative attempt quickly sparked heated discussions on social media, with many netizens impressed by their talent and brilliance.

"Parents are dumbfounded! The adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" by primary school students instantly exploded on the Internet!

In this adapted video, the children transformed the verses of "The Wanderer's Song" into the melody of a pop song, showing the beauty and sorrow of their teenage years with light music and passionate rhythms. Their singing skills and expressiveness are jaw-dropping, and one can't help but applaud their talent. As soon as this video was released, it quickly became popular on the Internet and became a hot topic for everyone to forward and comment on.

However, although this video has won the cheers and praise of the majority of netizens, it has also made some parents feel worried and angry. They see the adaptation of classic poems such as "The Wanderer's Yin" as a desecration of cultural heritage and a negative impact on children's normal Xi. Some parents said that children should have more exposure to and learn Xi traditional culture, rather than adapting it at will, so as to better inherit and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

"Parents are dumbfounded! The adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" by primary school students instantly exploded on the Internet!

Contrary to the parents' dissatisfaction, the teachers showed understanding and tolerance. They believe that children in primary school should have the opportunity to use their creativity and imagination, and adapting classic poems is a good way to exercise children's language expression and literary comprehension skills. Teachers said that although this adaptation may not be accepted by everyone, it can stimulate children's interest and enthusiasm in learning Xi, so as to better promote their all-round development.

Whether for or against, the video provokes reflections on education methods and traditional cultures. This incident reminds parents and educators to pay attention to children's creativity and interests, give them more freedom to develop, and also pay attention to the inheritance and education of traditional culture. Only by balancing the relationship between innovation and tradition, freedom and norms, can we cultivate a new generation of caring, creative and responsible!

"Parents are dumbfounded! The adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" by primary school students instantly exploded on the Internet!

The anger of parents and the self-sigh of teachers reflect the deep problems in the field of education. This is not only a reflection on the way of education and traditional culture, but also a reflection on the way we raise the next generation. We need broader discussion and in-depth thinking to jointly create an innovative, inherited and inclusive educational environment that gives children more possibilities for development.

"Parents are dumbfounded! The adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" by primary school students instantly exploded on the Internet!

The above is the story of the primary school students' adaptation of "The Wanderer's Yin" that became popular, the parents were so angry that their faces turned green, but the teachers sighed at the children's creativity and hard work. Regardless of the position, this incident deserves our attention and consideration. For the children, it is rare for them to express their inner emotions and understanding of the culture in their own unique way. Let's give them more encouragement and support, and appreciate and evaluate their efforts and achievements with an open mind!

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