
Tips for safe consumption of food during the flood season →

author:Bijie release

Recently, many places in the mainland have suffered from continuous heavy rainfall, and even some areas have suffered floods, especially after the summer, under the conditions of high temperature and high humidity, the food safety of consumers deserves special attention, and the following consumption tips are now made

Tips for safe consumption of food during the flood season →
Tips for safe consumption of food during the flood season →

Ensure the safety of food raw materials and the hygiene of processing water

Flooding can affect all parts of the food supply chain to varying degrees. For example, crop mildew, livestock disease or death, etc., water and food may be contaminated by pathogenic organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.), various toxic and harmful chemicals (pesticides, veterinary drugs, rat poison, chemical waste, heavy metals, etc.), and the consumption of these foods will affect human health, may cause diarrhea, dysentery, etc., and even infectious disease epidemics.

For this reason, food producers, processors and consumers must be careful not to process, produce, or prepare food from grains or other food ingredients that have been flooded, soaked, or have become moldy and spoiled. Do not sell, buy, or eat pre-packaged processed foods that have been soaked in flooding or rainwater. Do not drink untreated surface water, rainwater, or floodwater directly. If the water supply system is affected by flooding, ensure that the water source used is safe and unpolluted before reuse, and if necessary, conduct water quality testing. Wash dishes and rinse food without flooding. Do not pick up floating debris in flooded waters, or animal carcasses or wild plants left behind after flooding the ground, including wild vegetables and fruits.

Maintain good hygiene, environmental and personal hygiene

Wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, and after exposure to floodwater. Knives, plates, and containers for cooked food should be cleaned before use, and sterilized with boiling water or steaming. After the flood disaster, it is necessary to remove indoor and outdoor sludge, garbage, and stagnant water in time to prevent mosquitoes and flies from breeding and ensure a clean and hygienic environment; It is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect the equipment, facilities, utensils and internal and external environment of food production and processing in a timely manner to avoid secondary pollution. Advocate civilized dining and use spoons and chopsticks. Reduce food waste.

Food should be cooked thoroughly and stored properly

Reasonable storage: high temperature and high humidity during the flood season, try not to purchase and store a large number of ingredients at one time to avoid food decay caused by long-term storage. Food should be stored for a short period of time at low temperature, dust, flies, insects, rodents, water and moisture. If you find that the ingredients are tasty, sticky, moldy, etc., you should deal with them in time and do not eat them.

Cook thoroughly: Food should be cooked thoroughly, raw and cooked should be stored separately, eat less cold meat dishes, and do not eat raw animal food. During floods, food is not easy to preserve, especially in the canteens of people affected by disasters or those involved in disaster relief, and food needs to be processed as needed. Try not to consume leftovers. If leftovers are unavoidable, they should be sorted and refrigerated in time, and be sure to reheat thoroughly when eating again.

Balanced diet: The human body sweats a lot, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, the digestive function is reduced, and it is easy to lose appetite and anorexia. It is necessary to pay attention to a scientific diet, take into account the combination of meat and vegetables, vegetables and fruits, and especially ensure the nutritional intake of pregnant women, teenagers, children and the elderly. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the health condition and seek medical attention in time if you feel unwell.

Source: Chinese Society of Food Science and Technology

Editor: Zhang Heyuan Editor: Wang Yun Director: Shi Feng

Bijie release submission email: [email protected]

Tips for safe consumption of food during the flood season →

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