
Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

author:What a way to understand the world

Oh, I'll go, why did Chen Haiyi, a deputy to the National People's Congress, be selected as the "most beautiful judge" cause so much controversy?!! It turns out that she proposed the formulation of the new tram regulations, do you say she is wronged?

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

When it was mentioned, it was awe-inspiring, the senior judge of the people's court, the president of the juvenile family court, who saved countless families and had a basket of honors, but this time, why did she suddenly become "the finger of a thousand husbands"?

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?
Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

It turned out that Chen Haiyi put forward a new proposal, and as soon as it came out, it blew up, and the invective of netizens came one after another, which was more violent than a tsunami. What is this proposal? Electric bicycles have to be licensed, compulsory insurance has to be bought, penalties have to be increased, and safety helmets have to be worn...... My God, isn't this killing the common people?

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

The comments of netizens are really funny, and some said: "No one in her family rides an electric bicycle." Others said, "If you don't do a good job as a judge, why should you bother with things on the road?"

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

Electric bicycles, this thing has been a real hit since it hit the market. In the city, in the township, old men and old women, young men and girls, everyone has one, and they can go wherever they want. The price is cheap, and it is convenient to ride, and it has almost become the standard configuration of every household.

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

However, as soon as there are too many of these things, problems will follow. Running a red light, driving in the wrong direction, occupying a motor lane, speeding, ...... Traffic violations abound, traffic accidents are frequent, especially in big cities like Guangzhou, electric bicycles in urban villages, the number, that speed, is simply dazzling.

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

Judge Chen Haiyi, I guess she must have witnessed the chaos with her own eyes before she made this proposal. Her intentions can be described as good! However, we ordinary people don't think so. As soon as this proposal comes out, everyone's cost of living will go up, and the convenience of travel will also be affected.

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

Although we can't accept this "standardized management" for a while, this is also the trend of the times, and we have to accept it sooner or later. It is indeed not easy for Chen Haiyi to do this, but she was the first to stand up and wave her flag.

Although the people can't accept it at once, this management model will soon be implemented and implemented. So, let's go with the flow!

Why can't the Internet forgive "Chen Haiyi" so far? What exactly did she do wrong?

Looking at it this way, Chen Haiyi's original intention of proposing is good, let's not scold her. After all, she also wants everyone to travel safer and live a better life. However, this thing really makes people angry and laughing, what do you say?

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