
Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

author:New Hunan

Full of vitality and transformation, the workers are skillful and strive for the new

——Review of the economic and social development of the city and prefecture in 2023 (II)

Zhangjiajie tourism from "strong recovery" to "high quality"

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Tian Yucai

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

The 2023 Zhangjiajie Huangshizhai Flat Belt Race will be held in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in August, with 12 competitors from China, France, Spain and other countries and regions competing on the top of the Huangshizhai Mountain at an altitude of 1,092 meters.

Photo by Xiang Tao

Snowshoeing, speed skating, snow go-karting...... On December 26, the 10th National Mass Ice and Snow Season 2023 "Inspiring the Chinese Dream, Ice and Snow Brewing a New Chapter" Hunan Province Millions of People on Ice and the 2nd Zhangjiajie Ice and Snow Tourism Festival opened at Zhangjiajie Qixingshan Ski Resort, providing tourists with more abundant winter tourism projects and stimulating new vitality of Zhangjiajie's winter tourism.

Focusing on the goal of "accelerating the construction of a world-class tourist destination", Zhangjiajie focuses on the high-quality development of tourism, optimizes tourism products, deepens environmental governance, strengthens publicity and marketing, and promotes the strong recovery of the tourism market. In 2023, it is estimated that the city's tourist reception volume and total tourism revenue will increase by 16.2% and 12.6% respectively compared with 2019. Yongding District and Wulingyuan District were respectively selected as one of the top 100 areas in terms of comprehensive tourism strength and one of the top 100 areas with tourism development potential.

When night falls, come to Zhangjiajie 72 Strange Towers, Dayong Ancient City, Charming Xiangxi and other places, night tours, night food, night shows and other rich night tourism products, theme activities, attracting many tourists to check in and take pictures, experience consumption, activate the vitality of night consumption, so that the "passenger flow" really becomes "guest stay".

"Enrich the nighttime consumption format, innovate the consumption scene, and add a number of high-quality merchants. According to the relevant person in charge of Zhangjiajie Seventy-two Qilou Scenic Area, the scenic spot has successfully attracted "tea and beauty" to station, cultivating a number of "tourism + food culture" brands, and the number of tourists this year has exceeded 1.68 million. A few days ago, Zhangjiajie 72 Qilou was selected into the third batch of national night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration area publicity list.

On December 26, the main venue of the 2024 National New Year Climbing and Fitness Conference in Hunan Province was held in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, where more than 2,000 mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the country gathered in Zhangjiajie to welcome the new year and promote the high-quality integrated development of industries such as "sports + cultural tourism".

It has successfully held the first China (Zhangjiajie) Cultural and Tourism Integration Development Conference and the first Zhangjiajie Tourism Development Conference, the Wingsuit Flying World Championships, the World Heritage Photography Exhibition, the Tianmen Mountain Bicycle Challenge and other activities...... Since the beginning of this year, Zhangjiajie has combined the holding of events with cultural tourism activities, connecting tourist attractions, hotels and homestays, entertainment consumption, tourism shopping, etc., effectively driving tourism consumption and industrial upgrading.

On February 26, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying promoted the beautiful scenery of Zhangjiajie to the world on her personal account on overseas social platforms, and "International Zhang" once again became popular in the circle. Zhangjiajie focuses on innovating marketing methods, carrying out centralized marketing and rolling marketing, and the tourism market continues to improve. Intensify inbound tourism marketing, invite more than 2,000 overseas travel agents to inspect and step on the line, and resume 10 international (regional) routes from Zhangjiajie to Busan, South Korea, and Hanoi, Vietnam, with nearly 600,000 inbound tourists, leading similar cities in China.

According to the reception data released by the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism in the first three quarters, Zhangjiajie City received a total of 364,100 inbound tourists, which was twice that of Sanya and 3 times that of Guilin, a year-on-year increase of more than 93 times; The inbound tourism revenue was 87.9624 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of more than 67 times. The number and growth rate of inbound tourists, and the three indicators of inbound tourism income ranked first in the province.

Chenzhou's "meeting and rejuvenating the city" has drawn a new picture of lucid waters and lush mountains

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Chen Ganzhang

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

Chenzhou Water World, located in Zixing City, can experience the fruitful results of "sustainable use of water resources and green development". Photo by Zhu Xiaorong and Li Ke

In the list of the national "Top Ten Hot Hot Cities in 2023" released at the end of the year, Chenzhou was selected along with Zibo in Shandong and Rongjiang in Guizhou, and the "third and fourth-tier cities" became a phenomenal event.

Since January, international stars such as Lin Dan and Lang Lang have successively endorsed Chenzhou, bringing heavyweight cultural and sports events. Popular programs such as "China Hunan Chapter in Intangible Cultural Heritage", "Home Between Mountains and Waters", and "Chinese Restaurant" have chosen Chenzhou for filming.

Focusing on the positioning of "world tourist destination", Chenzhou has implemented 28 tourism development conference observation projects and 93 sub-projects, newly repaired and improved 629.5 kilometers of Wugaishan Tourist Highway, Chenyang Highway, Xiangxiang Highway and other roads, newly built more than 20 scenic spots such as Yuhouli, Municipal Culture and Art Center, 711 Time Town, Wayaoping, Huilong Mountain, Wanyang Mountain, etc., and created a number of 3A-level and above scenic spots, provincial-level tourist resorts, four-star hotels and above.

"The world is full of spring, but Chenzhou is the most graceful. "The opening ceremony of the 2nd Hunan Tourism Development Conference held on September 16 handed the business card of Chenzhou to the world and issued an invitation to Chenzhou to the world.

Sincerity is always nirvana. During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, the proportion of tourists from outside the province in Chenzhou exceeded 50% for the first time, reaching 54%, especially the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has become an important source of tourists. Judging from the annual data, Chenzhou's tourism reception and total tourism income have jumped to the second place in the province.

Holding a meeting and building a city, the Tourism Development Conference is also profoundly changing the city.

Focusing on the positioning of "National Innovation Demonstration Zone", Chenzhou strives to broaden the path of transforming lucid waters and lush mountains into gold and silver mountains, doing a good job in water articles, developing aquatic industries, building water museums, and holding water forums. This year, as the only prefecture-level city in the country, it participated in the 18th World Water Resources Conference and made a typical recommendation, and the experience of ecological civilization construction was supervised and encouraged by the State Council and promoted nationwide.

Cultural tourism gathers popularity and business opportunities. Since the beginning of this year, Chenzhou has held 13 major investment promotion activities such as the Chenzhou Business Conference, and newly introduced 41 "Top 500 Projects in Three Categories", 176 projects of Hunan businessmen returning to Chenchen, and 248 projects with an investment of more than 200 million yuan, exceeding the annual target. A number of institutional innovation achievements have been formed in the Chenzhou area of the Free Trade Zone, the "cross-border one-lock" fast customs clearance between Hunan and Guangdong and Hong Kong has been officially put into operation, and the "Chenzhou-Foshan" counterpart cooperation model has been established. At the same time, the "39 Articles" to optimize the business environment with cost reduction as the core were released, and the brand of "being in Chenzhou and doing things without worry" was continuously polished.

To accelerate the construction of "Hunan's important growth pole", Chenzhou will continue to promote the development of traditional industries for agricultural product processing, expand and strengthen the two advantageous industries of new non-ferrous metal materials and cultural tourism, accelerate the development of two emerging industries of lithium battery new energy and modern equipment, lay out and develop the digital industry, and demonstrate new responsibilities in promoting high-quality development. Chenzhou's GDP has exceeded 300 billion yuan this year, achieving a historic leap in economic aggregate.

Yiyang, the "land of fish and rice", has advanced into the highland of advanced manufacturing

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Yang Jun

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

Capacitor production line in Heshan District, Yiyang City. Photo by correspondent

Recently, Hunan Jinbo Co., Ltd., which produces carbon ceramic brake discs for brakes, has received orders from a number of leading domestic car companies. In mid-December this year, the mainland's first high-end luxury supercar, Haobo SSR, was equipped with carbon-ceramic brake discs manufactured by the company for the first time. Huang Boyun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that the successful application and mass production of Jinbo carbon ceramic brake discs marks that the core technology of Jinbo in this field has reached the world's advanced level.

Jinbo shares is Yiyang high-tech zone in 2005 the introduction of high-tech enterprises, the company developed carbon ceramic brake disc than the ordinary cast iron disc brake distance can be reduced nearly 12 meters, the previous advanced carbon ceramic brake disc manufacturing technology has long been monopolized by European and American enterprises.

Yiyang, located in the south of Dongting Lake, has thousands of acres of fertile land and abundant products, and Lanxi was once one of the top ten rice markets famous in the country. Yiyang is also the freshwater fish capital of China, and Datong Lake is the largest inland lake in the province. In 2022, the city's total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery will be 65.33 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 22,097 yuan, exceeding the provincial average of 2,551 yuan.

No agriculture is unstable, no work is not rich, and no business is not alive. This year, the executive meeting of the Yiyang Municipal Government deliberated and passed three "action plans": to build the world's "capacitor capital", the regional advanced carbon-based composite materials "carbon valley", and the PCB "third pole" in three years. Focus on advantageous industries such as capacitors, carbon-based composite materials, and printed circuit boards (PCB), adhere to the development direction of agglomeration, scale, and high-end, and strive to be large-scale, strengthen the industry, and make a brand.

MLCC chip multilayer ceramic capacitors are one of the most commonly used components in the electronics industry, and they are also one of the key technical products in the field of electronic information industry in mainland China. The MLCC Industrial Park, a provincial key project in Yiyang City, was opened and put into operation on October 31 this year, with a total investment of 20 billion yuan, and will become the largest high-end MLCC R&D and production base in China and the second in the world. The commissioning of the project marks a new step towards the high-end and cluster development of the capacitor industry in Yiyang City.

Since the beginning of this year, Yiyang City has promoted cohesion at a high level, cultivated strong kinetic energy in clusters, improved quality and efficiency in enterprise cultivation, expanded the scale of project construction, made breakthroughs in scientific and technological research, helped enterprises to relieve difficulties and optimize the environment, and strived to build "one city, one valley and one pole", leading the manufacturing industry to "high-precision". The PCB Industrial Park of Yiyang Changchun Economic Development Zone is the only electronic circuit board characteristic industrial park in our province, covering rigid boards, flexible boards, metal substrates, HDI boards and other products, forming a relatively complete industrial chain covering raw materials, equipment production, recycling, etc. Yiyang has set up a special fund for PCB industry guidance, with an investment of no less than 40 million yuan.

At present, Yiyang's "one capital, one valley and one pole" industry has more than 130 large-scale industrial enterprises, and 31 new enterprises will be added in 2023, with an annual operating income of more than 40 billion yuan. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have been rated as national characteristic industrial clusters for small and medium-sized enterprises, with a market share of about 30% of the country, and are the largest aluminum electrolytic capacitor manufacturing base in China. Advanced carbon-based materials are included in the cultivation of provincial industrial clusters; PCB was rated as a provincial advanced manufacturing industry cluster, accounting for about 85% of the province's industrial scale.

Yongzhou's green industry rises from the source of the Xiangjiang River

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Yan Wanda

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

At the 3rd Yongzhou Blue Mountain International Leather Goods and Bags Expo, guests were selecting leather goods and bags products. Photo by Peng Hua

On December 26, in Yongzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yunda Energy Technology Group Co., Ltd.'s Yongzhou Intelligent Manufacturing Base was in full production, and the world's leading onshore large megawatt wind turbines were in short supply. According to the person in charge of the base, the "Yongzhou-made" wind turbine is expected to complete an output value of 2 billion yuan and pay 100 million yuan in taxes this year.

Yongzhou gives full play to the advantages of abundant new energy resources, focuses on development and utilization and equipment manufacturing, and promotes the development of the whole new energy industry chain. Since the beginning of this year, 50 provincial key construction wind and solar projects have been included, with an installed capacity of 4 million kilowatts and 1.98 million kilowatts newly connected to the grid, ranking first in the province.

Based on its own characteristic advantages, Yongzhou strives to build a modern industrial system and improve the "gold content, new content and green content" of industrial development.

Promote the transformation of traditional manufacturing to advanced manufacturing, and move with sonorous steps.

"Vacate the cage for birds", introduce Baixin Manganese Industry, Zhenyang Textile, Shenxi Electronics, and revitalize idle assets such as Lingling Ronghua Manganese Industry, Qiyang Baoda Food Company, and Dong'an Yunsheng Bamboo Industry.

Move towards the "new", gather into a trend, and shape new momentum for development. The science and technology innovation platform has been upgraded, 2 provincial key laboratories have been established, and 23 new science and technology innovation platforms at or above the provincial level have been added. "Intelligent empowerment of ten thousand enterprises", accelerating digitalization and intelligence, 40 enterprises have invested more than 400 million yuan in intelligent manufacturing transformation. This year, 72 new high-tech enterprises and 6 provincial manufacturing individual champions were added; 2,011 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises entered the warehouse, and the turnover of technology contracts increased by 97.7%.

Empowered by science and technology, Qiyang Light Textile Shoe-Textile Industry Cluster, Jianghua Intelligent Small Household Appliance Motor Industry Cluster, and Blue Mountain Light Industry Textile-Leather Toys Industry Cluster are full of vitality. New projects and new technologies have accelerated the rise of Yongzhou's advanced manufacturing industry, Hunan Rare Earth New Material Industrial Park has started construction, and Xiangjiang Technology's automatic electric furnace smelting furnace technology has filled the domestic gap......

The ecological advantages of the green mountains and clear waters at the source of the Xiangjiang River have cultivated Yongzhou's green agriculture, and the export of vegetables overseas is unbeatable. The sown area of vegetables ranks first in the province, and the export value accounts for more than 95% of the total vegetable exports of the province for five consecutive years. This year, the export of vegetables exceeded 10 billion yuan, and the value and total volume ranked first and third respectively in the prefecture-level cities in the country. On December 22, Yongzhou Shouheng International Agricultural Products Trading Center, the largest agricultural product trading center in southern Hunan, was put into operation, which can not only ensure food safety and stable supply in the entire southern Hunan region, but also provide a reliable guarantee for the "vegetable basket" in the Greater Bay Area to be sufficient in quantity and stable in price.

The integration of culture and tourism is booming. China Dragon Boat Open (Hunan Yongzhou Station), Yangmingshan "He" Cultural Festival, Jindong "Village K", Dong'an Wulin Conference, Jiangyong Nüshu International Music Week, Jianghua Yao Panwang Festival and other cultural and tourism activities are wonderful and brilliant. Jiuzhi Mountain Scenic Area has passed the national 5A-level tourist attraction landscape quality review. 5 new national 4A-level scenic spots. Yangmingshan and Jindong were respectively awarded the first batch of China's summer tourism destinations and Hunan climate health demonstration bases. "Go, Go to Yongzhou", an Internet celebrity song, sings the land of China, colorful Yongzhou, charming; Stepping on the brisk beat, domestic and foreign tourists flocked to the city, and the annual tourist reception volume and comprehensive tourism income increased by more than 40%.

Yongzhou is becoming a hot spot for investment. This year, 34 projects with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan and 33 "top 500" projects in three categories have been introduced.

Yongzhou, open to the outside world, long-sleeved good dance. Yongzhou Inland Port has been listed as 6 inland ports, and the China-Europe Express, Hunan and Guangdong non-rail-sea combined transport, and the western land-sea new channel have been opened on a regular basis.

Huaihua embraces the world across mountains and seas

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Xiao Chang

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

Huaihua International Dry Port. Photo by correspondent

Huaihua International Dry Port, the wheels are rolling, and the whistle is sounding.

Recently, the first "Hunan-Yunnan-Lancang-Mekong Line" Huaihua-Kunming-Vientiane international freight train loaded with medium buses, blowers and other goods, along the China-Laos Railway, through Kunming, Yunnan, to Vientiane, Laos, marking Huaihua in relying on the "double channel", docking "two oceans", and serving the "dual circulation", a key step.

The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government regard Huaihua International Dry Port as a landmark project to build a highland for reform and opening up in the inland region. Huaihua seized the opportunity and struggled to become strong to the sea. Since the beginning of this year, Huaihua International Dry Port has operated 432 trains, exceeding the provincial task by 116%, and the number of China-Laos trains ranks first in the central region; The growth rate of total import and export volume of foreign trade ranked first in the province, doubling the growth rate and stepping over the 10 billion yuan level.

Across the mountains and seas, embracing the world, Huaihua is sonorous!

The city actively integrates into the Yangtze River Delta, the Greater Bay Area, the central urban agglomeration, the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and the Hainan Free Trade Zone, establishes a cooperation mechanism for the five provinces (cities and districts) of Hunan, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guizhou and Yunnan, and thoroughly implements the cooperation agreement between Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces, accelerates the consolidation of goods to Huaihua, and simultaneously strengthens the cooperation of customs clearance facilitation.

Huaihua strengthened exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, successfully held the first Hunan (Huaihua) RCEP Economic and Trade Expo, "Guangdong Enterprises Huaihua Tour" and "Zhejiang Merchants Huaihua Tour" and other activities, signed 145 projects with a total investment of 96.57 billion yuan; Organize economic and trade delegations to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to carry out economic and trade exchange activities, and establish long-term cooperative relations with Laos Tanarang International Dry Port, Cambodia West Port and Myanmar Yangon Port.

At present, Huaihua has opened up the rail-sea combined transport in the Beibu Gulf and four international logistics channels of China-Laos, China-Vietnam and China-Myanmar, opened 77 international and domestic transportation routes, opened up four major sea outlets of Beibu Gulf Port, Guangzhou Port, Yantian Port and Zhanjiang Port, and connected 86 countries and regions such as ASEAN, Europe and the United States, 12 provinces and 9 cities and prefectures in the province to assemble and distribute goods, attracting 70% of the goods of the new western land-sea corridor to go south to ASEAN, and becoming a strategic node for Hunan to integrate into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road".

The start is the momentum, and it leaps forward every year. This year, the proportion of Huaihua International Inland Port trains in the new western land-sea corridor has increased from 1% last year to 4.4%.

Industry is the foundation of development, Huaihua to Hong Kong to gather production, to prosper the city.

The city implements the development of Lingang industrial clusters, builds a Lingang industrial development pattern with Huaihua International Inland Port Economic Development Zone, Huaihua High-tech Zone, Hecheng High-tech Zone, and Chinese Industrial Development Zone as the core area, and other provincial-level high-tech zones and industrial development zones in the city as the synergistic linkage area, focusing on promoting the construction of luggage industrial parks, prefabricated vegetable industrial parks, and China's supply and marketing and agriculture-rural industrial parks, so as to boost the Lingang industry to sprint to 100 billion.

The roar of the machine, the sound of the motor, the development of the industry, in full swing!

Since June, the Luggage Industrial Park has contacted more than 200 luggage enterprises in Hebei, Jiangxi and other places, and signed contracts to settle 34 luggage and leather goods enterprises, and it is expected that 200 enterprises will be signed in 2024.

Since the first enterprise in the prefabricated vegetable industrial park was put into operation in August, 6 companies have come to negotiate the landing, and 17 companies intend to come to Huaihua for inspection and negotiation, of which Guangdong Yufeng has signed a contract.

China's Supply and Marketing Sannong Industrial Park started construction in December, and plans to build a comprehensive trade and logistics industrial park integrating "eight centers" such as e-commerce centers and central kitchens, so that products can "spread their wings and fly high".

Non-stop, new look every year. With Huaihua International Dry Port as the fulcrum, the road of Huaihua's high-level opening up and high-quality development will be broader and broader!

Loudi steel new material industry has risen strongly

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Zhou Jun Zou Nani

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

Hunan Lianyuan Steel Electromagnetic Materials Co., Ltd. silicon steel production site. Photo by Li Zhongsheng

The winter cold hits, and the "steel city" that stretches for 10 kilometers on the bank of the Lianshui River is hot.

The steel produced by Lianyuan Steel has been upgraded to lightweight automotive steel by Valin ArcelorMittal, Huaan Steel Baoli and other enterprises, supporting domestic and foreign first-line automobile brands; Through deep processing by Zhexiang New Materials, Hunan Hongwang and other enterprises, it can meet the demand for silicon steel in automobiles, motors, transformers and other industries; After the reprocessing of the intelligent workshop of the high-strength steel project, it has become high-end varieties such as high-strength steel and wear-resistant steel, and has accompanied construction machinery giants such as Sany Heavy Industry and Zoomlion all over the world......

This is the extension of a piece of "steel" in Loudi. In 2023, this butterfly change will add a bit of excitement, and the new "top stream" silicon steel will rise strongly.

Silicon steel is known as the "crown jewel" of the steel industry, and under the background of the national "double carbon" strategy, the demand for high-magnetic inductance and high-grade silicon steel continues to grow. The layout of silicon steel is the highlight of Loudi's construction of the "Material Valley" in the central region.

On March 26, Hunan Hongwang's high-grade silicon steel project with an annual output of 960,000 tons was put into operation, and the first high-grade oriented silicon steel in Hunan was rolled off the assembly line in Loudi, filling the gap in the province.

On March 27, Lianyuan Steel's 1580 hot rolling line was put into operation, realizing the application of domestic main drive in wide hot continuous rolling for the first time, driving the development, optimization and upgrading of steel products in the fields of construction machinery, high-end equipment, and new energy.

On August 18, Lianyuan Steel's cold-rolled silicon steel project (phase I) was put into operation, and Lianyuan Steel launched a sprint to the top three domestic high-grade silicon steel manufacturing enterprises.

A large number of "tens of billions" projects have been settled, benefiting from advanced planning and excellent business environment. Focusing on extending the chain, forming a network, and optimizing the environment, Loudi has formulated a development plan for the silicon steel industry, introduced support policies, set up a leading group and a special working class, and accelerated the construction of an influential silicon steel production base in the country. The output value of new steel materials in the city has exceeded 100 billion yuan, becoming the largest high-strength steel production base in Asia; The whole process of silicon steel industry chain from 4.5 million tons of substrates to 3 million tons of different grades has been basically formed.

On January 29, at the beginning of work after the Spring Festival, Loudi held the city's "Material Valley" construction and investment promotion team to go out to take the oath meeting, and 12 industrial chain investment promotion teams "went out" to attract investment from all over the country. Pay close attention to the four links of project signing, funds in place, start construction, and put into operation to achieve results, and form a large-scale project work pattern. A total of 20 silicon steel projects have been introduced, with a total investment of 15.75 billion yuan.

With the "Material Valley" as the overall package, Loudi continues to promote 10 emerging advantageous industrial chains, such as new steel materials, construction machinery, advanced energy storage materials, and advanced ceramic materials, to become bigger and stronger.

Each industrial chain has "a chain leader, a leading unit, an industrial chain plan, an industrial chain investment team, a support policy, and a task schedule"; Invest 10 million yuan every year to implement key core technology research, and "unveil the leader" to tackle major scientific and technological projects; Establish a "policy supermarket", "financial supermarket", "land supermarket" and "talent supermarket", and open a "business environment through train" to solve the problems of enterprise employment, money, land use, and policy.

At present, the "Material Valley" has gathered 472 enterprises above the designated size, and from January to October, it achieved a revenue of 145.212 billion yuan.

Xiangxi Prefecture opens the mountain gate to play wonderful

Hunan Daily all-media reporter Zhang Yijia Mo Cheng

Full of vitality and transformation, workers strive for innovation every day--A review of the economic and social development of the city and state in 2023 (II)

Pear Village, Eighteen Caves, Huayuan County, Xiangxi Prefecture. Photo by Shi Lin Rong The photos in this edition are all data photos.

As the first place to advocate targeted poverty alleviation, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture has opened its mountain gate and stepped on the beat of the times, with the vigorous rise of advantageous industries and the accelerated release of development potential, transforming from an inland hinterland to an open highland bursting with vitality.

On August 18th, Xiangxi Biancheng Airport was officially opened, and the mysterious Xiangxi dream came true and flew to the world.

Once upon a time, Xiangxi was known as "China's cecum" because of its deep mountain location and inconvenient transportation, and became synonymous with poverty and backwardness.

In today's Xiangxi, the three-dimensional transportation pattern of "high-speed network, high-speed rail cross-border, and high-flying aviation" has become a reality, and the dream of "taking a plane to Beijing" at the door of the house has come true.

As the airport with the highest altitude, the most beautiful scenery and the most distinctive characteristics in the province, Biancheng Airport has become an important window for Xiangxi to see the world and the world to see Xiangxi, and has become the fulcrum for the people of Xiangxi to pursue their dreams and create happiness.

The distant mountains are like daisies, near the water with affection, and the stilted buildings are built near the river. Walking into Shen Congwen's "border city", the scenery is charming and full of tourists.

"I grew up reading "Border City", and I used to think that the border city was very remote, but I didn't expect to be there in two hours by plane!" Zhang Mingsheng, a tourist from Beijing, was filled with emotion.

Fast and convenient transportation makes Xiangxi hot out of the circle. In 2023, the state is expected to receive more than 50 million tourists, and its tourism revenue will exceed 50 billion yuan.

On December 26, the construction site of the resettlement project of Daxingzhai Reservoir in Jishou City was busy. The project started on October 23, with a total planned investment of 2.894 billion yuan, and is an important supporting project of the "Miaoling Three Gorges" Daxingzhai Reservoir.

In 2023, Xiangxi Prefecture will vigorously optimize the business environment, and 448 provincial and state key projects will complete an investment of 60.9 billion yuan; It is estimated that the annual funds in place will be 25.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.7%.

Today's Xiangxi enthusiastically embraces the aviation era and promotes opening up to the outside world at a high level. This year, we will establish cooperative relations with Madagascar and Namibia to attract more talents, technology, capital and other elements to gather in Xiangxi, benefit Xiangxi, and further expand the international "circle of friends" in Xiangxi.

Open Xiangxi, gorgeous butterfly change. At present, there are more than 400 world-class and national eco-cultural tourism brands in Xiangxi Prefecture; The area of agricultural characteristic industries in the state has exceeded 4 million mu, and emerging industries such as liquor, new materials, traditional Chinese medicine, and electronic information are booming, and the momentum of economic development is surging.

On November 3, envoys and think tank experts from 30 countries participated in the "18 Holes" Poverty Alleviation and Development Forum, and more than 200 Chinese and foreign guests went deep into the cities and rural areas of Xiangxi to collect style, amazed the vicissitudes of the first place of targeted poverty alleviation.

"Xiangxi's experience in poverty alleviation is replicable and scalable, and it is of great significance to developing countries. Foreign guests said that the "window of Xiangxi" reflects the "governance of China", and after returning home, they should tell the story of poverty alleviation in Xiangxi Prefecture to their compatriots to better promote the development of their own country.

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