
After the woman got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and she only talked to her father on the phone

author:Autumn evening breeze

After her daughter got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and her 70-year-old father asked her to go back to her parents' house many times, but her daughter always vomited. The old father thought that his son-in-law must have imprisoned his daughter, so he asked the reporter to find his son-in-law's hometown.

But all the villagers said that their husband and wife had an excellent relationship, they were simply a model couple, and Xu Zhili was a good person. But then again, if he is really a good person, it is impossible not to let his wife go back to her parents' house, this is unreasonable, this behavior makes the reporter scratch his head, what happened?

After the woman got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and she only talked to her father on the phone

Things have to start from 26 years ago, Huang Cuiyun, who had just graduated, went to the big city to make money, but in less than a month, Huang Cuiyun wrote to his father, saying that he was getting married. Huang's father, who saw the letter, was very angry and said that he did not agree to this marriage. But the young Huang Cuiyun did not listen to his father's opinion, but replied that when he returned to his hometown after a while, he would get a marriage certificate and hold a wedding. At this time, Huang Cuiyun thought that when the time came, everything would become a fact, and his father would accept it. But unfortunately, on the way home, the bus they were on overturned, fortunately, there was no explosion, Xu Zhili got out of the carriage covered in blood, and looked for Huang Cuiyun like crazy. At this time, Huang Cuiyun was already injured and unconscious and was sent to the hospital. After three days and two nights of rescue, Huang Cuiyun saved his life. But unfortunately, Cuiyun may no longer be able to walk normally in the future, that is to say, paralyzed. This made Cuiyun unacceptable, she was a flower girl in the last second, and now she has become a paralyzed person. What worries him even more is that he and Xu Zhili have not yet had a wedding, if he does not say goodbye, what will he do in the future. But Xu Zhili's actions made Cuiyun slowly put his mind at ease. In order to take care of Cuiyun, Xu Zhili quit his job in the south, fed her with food and water, and wiped her body. However, Cuiyun's worries still appeared, and Xu Zhili left the hospital on the pretext of going home to harvest wheat, which made Cuiyun very devastated.

After the woman got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and she only talked to her father on the phone

Because he didn't dare to tell his family, his family was already poor, and his father had always opposed this marriage, and he had been insisting. And he had to endure the pain every day, which made Cuiyun have the idea of suicide. However, two weeks later, Lao Xu walked into the ward with his head down, carrying a cloth bag containing money from selling rice and some gross tickets borrowed from relatives and friends. gave all the money to Cuiyun to pay the medical bills. At this time, Xu Zhili's parents were very opposed to this marriage, but Xu Zhili still insisted on taking Cuiyun home. Cuiyun heard the sound of Xu Zhili arguing with her parents, always with tears in her eyes, without Lao Xu, she would have given up a long time ago. In fact, in the past 20 years, Cuiyun has always missed her hometown, missed her father who she hadn't seen for many years, and her naughty and cute brother, but she was afraid that her father would worry about them, and she didn't dare to contact them. Whenever Cuiyun misses her hometown, she always looks in the direction of her hometown, as if she can see her relatives in the distance. And Xu Zhili only farmed at home because he took care of Cuiyun, and these incomes were far from enough for their expenses, and the village also knew his family's difficulties, so he handed over the village cleaners to Xu Zhili. In order to complete the work and not delay taking care of Cuiyun, Lao Xu always gets up at three o'clock in the morning, removes all the garbage in the village, completes these tasks, and then cooks for Cuiyun, dresses him and gets up.

After the woman got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and she only talked to her father on the phone

If he hadn't returned to the hospital that summer, Lao Xu's life would definitely not have been like this. In fact, someone in the village asked Lao Xu if he had any regrets? Lao Xu always patiently explained, saying that he had no regrets, and that my lover and I fell in love at first sight. I love her and I love her. Later, I couldn't bear the pain of homesickness, so I called my father, and my father asked him where he was, but he always hesitated and refused to say. However, this also let the old father, who had been looking for his daughter for a long time, know that his daughter is still alive. In this way, Cuiyun basically calls his old father every year, but the lovesickness that he has not seen for many years cannot be satisfied by the phone. Lao Xu saw Cuiyun's thoughts, so he went to the town to buy him a few new sets of clothes. He wanted to take Cuiyun back to his hometown to meet his father. When he arrived at Cuiyun's hometown, Cuiyun's father was waiting at the entrance of the village early, and when Cuiyun arrived, Lao Xu picked Cuiyun off the car, and there was no imaginary picture of hugging his head and crying. Cuiyun is also smiling hard, hoping to be so cheerful all the time.

After the woman got married, she didn't go home for 26 years, and she only talked to her father on the phone

Due to Cuiyun's paralysis, Lao Xu had to take Cuiyun home, at this time his father held Cuiyun's hand and cried silently, but Cuiyun still smiled hard and said to his father, go to my side to play next year. Back in Lao Xu's city, Lao Xu took Cuiyun and took a wedding photo, Cuiyun on the photo was shy, like a young couple who had just gotten married. The marriage certificate, which was 26 years late, can be regarded as a full stop. So far, Cuiyun's two wishes in life have been completed. A good marriage is a rebirth, you have to believe that there will be such a person, who is not related to you by blood, but who loves you to the bone.

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