
Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

author:Honey snow lily honey

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My name is Li Hong, a 63-year-old woman. I have been married to my husband, Liu Zhenguo, for 47 years, and we live in a dilapidated house of only 21 square meters in Beijing. Our marriage, like this small space, is full of pressure and helplessness.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The story starts 47 years ago, when I was a young girl, and Liu Zhenguo was a passionate educated youth, we met and fell in love in the movement of going to the mountains and going to the countryside. Love was sweet at that time, but we were not spared the hardships of life either. I didn't think too much about marrying him, I just thought that being with my beloved was happiness. However, the reality is always cruel.

After we got married, we were assigned to a small courtyard in Beijing. 21 square meter house, no kitchen, bathroom is communal. At that time, we were young and had infinite visions of life, and these were nothing. But the years have passed, and in a blink of an eye, we are all old, and this home is still the same.

We didn't have a lot of money, Liu Zhenguo worked in a small factory, and I was at home taking care of our children and aging parents. The weight of life weighs us down, and the quarrels between husband and wife are increasing. But no matter what, we grit our teeth and persevere, after all, this is the life we have chosen.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

It wasn't until last year that relatives in Liu Zhenguo's hometown of northern Shaanxi suddenly contacted us, saying that the living environment there had improved and wanted to invite us back to see it. At first, we just had the mentality of traveling, after all, after so many years, we also wanted to change the environment and breathe a different air. But when we actually set foot on that land, seeing those familiar and unfamiliar faces, hearing those praises and envy for us, I suddenly felt an indescribable sense of loss.

Yes, they envy us for having a house in Beijing, even if it's only 21 square meters, and they envy us for being able to live in the city, even though we are running every day to make ends meet. But what they don't know is that it's not as rosy as they imagined.

Back at our hut in Beijing, Liu Zhenguo and I were silent. Maybe it's the fatigue of the journey, or maybe it's the inner confusion, at that moment, we don't know how to go in the future.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

On this day, a young man named Zhang Qiang moved into our small courtyard. He is a young man who came to Beijing to work from other places and rents a room of less than 10 square meters next door. Zhang Qiang is young and strong, his words are full of longing for the future and love for life, and his arrival, somehow, gave me a glimmer of hope for life.

I started chatting with Zhang Qiang, and from him I saw the possibility of another world. At the same time, I noticed that Liu Zhenguo's eyes also began to change. He is no longer the old man who always works hard and does not speak, he began to talk to Zhang Qiang about work and the future.

But just when it seemed like our lives were about to change, something big happened in our family. Our daughter suddenly announced that she was going to divorce because her husband was cheating. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to a traditional family like ours. Our daughter has always been our pride, and we have pinned too much hope on her marriage, and now everything is in vain.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The sudden change in family has thrown our lives into chaos again. Liu Zhenguo and I didn't know what to do, and our hearts were heavy again. At this moment, Zhang Qiang stood up again, and he not only helped us in life, but also supported us emotionally. Although his words are simple, they are like a warm current that warms our cold hearts.

As the days passed, our lives slowly got back on track. But the inner struggle and uneasiness remained. I don't know what the future holds, but at least for now, we're able to keep going. This home, although small, is full of our love and hope. Our story unfolds slowly in ordinary days......

Time passed quietly like flowing water, and Liu Zhenguo and I continued our ordinary but full of twists and turns in this small space. My daughter's divorce has made the atmosphere in our house even heavier, and I can hear her secretly crying in her room in the dead of night. And all this has invisibly increased Liu Zhenguo's burden. He became more silent, sometimes even sitting alone by the window at night.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Zhang Qiang's presence is like a breath of fresh air for us. He often comes back after work with a snack or fresh fruit to share with us. His optimism and energy unconsciously influenced us, giving a glimmer of light to this already bleak home.

With Zhang Qiang's encouragement, Liu Zhenguo began to try to start some small businesses, and although the start was difficult, a spark of hope was rekindled in his eyes. And I, with the help of Zhang Qiang, also found a part-time job in a nearby kindergarten. We started to get busy, and although it was hard, we felt that life had the momentum to move forward again.

However, the good times did not last long, and Liu Zhenguo's small business eventually failed for various reasons. He returned home, looked at the unsold goods, and was silent. At that moment, I saw the helplessness and loss in his eyes. I stepped forward and hugged him tightly, although I didn't know what to do in the future, but I knew that no matter what, I had to bear it with him and face it together.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Just when our family was at a low point, Zhang Qiang brought good news. One of his friends needed some manpower to do some simple packing work, which was not easy, but had a steady income. After Liu Zhenguo heard this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. The next day, he went to that place of work with Zhang Qiang. Although the work is hard, Liu Zhenguo will say to me every day when he comes back: "Red, it is better to have a job than not to have a job, we must persevere." ”

And I also find joy in working in kindergarten. The innocence of those children made me forget the troubles of life, and every time they called me "Aunt Li", my heart would spring up with sweetness.

In this way, our lives gradually got back on track. Although it was still hard, we supported each other, and as the days passed, we Xi got used to it.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Until one day, the daughter suddenly came back with her grandson. She stood at the door, her eyes full of determination: "Mom, Dad, I want to start a new life, I want to take care of the children by myself." "Looking at my daughter's eyes, I know she's figured out a lot of things. At that moment, Liu Zhenguo and I looked at each other and smiled, and we knew that no matter what, home was always her strongest backing.

The arrival of our grandson has brought endless joy to our lives. Although taking care of the child has added a lot of burden, looking at that immature smiling face, all the fatigue has disappeared. Liu Zhenguo has also changed, he will take his grandson to the park for a walk after dinner, and sometimes teach him some simple words. I looked at the backs of the two of them, and my heart warmed.

Life is still full of hardships, but the company of family makes it all worth it. I know that no matter what the future holds, as long as our family is united, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Our story continues......

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The arrival of our grandson has given us new hope and joy, but the stress of life has not been lessened. Liu Zhenguo and I are busy every day, running around for a living. Still, we all feel empowered because we know that we are not just for ourselves, but for this little family and our children.

Although Liu Zhenguo's work in the packaging factory was hard, he never complained. Every day I go out before dawn and come back late at night. Although he came home tired, he would always smile softly when he saw his grandson and play with him for a while. I know that these little happy moments are what keeps him going.

The daughter is also actively adjusting herself, and she has found an office job, which is not easy, but at least it can give her and her children a stable life. In the evening, we would sit around the shabby dining table, and although the dishes on the table were not rich, the warmth of home was incomparable to any food.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

As time goes on, our lives have changed slightly, although they are still difficult. Liu Zhenguo and Zhang Qiang's relationship is getting better and better, and they often discuss how to improve their lives together. Zhang Qiang sometimes brings some fresh ideas, such as how to use our small yard to grow some vegetables, which can not only save some money on vegetables, but also make life more interesting.

With Zhang Qiang's help, verdant vegetables gradually grew in our yard. Although Liu Zhenguo is not good at gardening, he always silently helps, either watering or weeding. Every time we see those fresh vegetables, our hearts are filled with a sense of accomplishment.

The grandson also grew up and became more sensible. He knew that his grandparents and mother were very hard, so he always did his best to help with some household chores. Watching his small figure busy in all corners of the house, my heart is always warm.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

However, just as our lives were getting back on track, a sudden piece of news shattered the peace. Liu Zhenguo's work unit declared bankruptcy due to poor management. He came home with heaviness written all over his face. Looking at his lost eyes, my heart sank.

In those days, the atmosphere at home was unusually heavy. We all know what it means to us to lose this job. Liu Zhenguo began to run around again, looking for new job opportunities. I also increased my working hours in the kindergarten, hoping to earn more money to support the family.

Just when we were feeling lost about the future, my daughter stood up. She said, "Dad, Mom, you have worked hard for so many years, now let me bear some of it." She started working harder and took on some part-time jobs in the evenings. Seeing my daughter's strong back, I know that our persistence was not in vain, and we cultivated an independent and strong daughter.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Life is moving slowly in this way. Although every day is full of challenges, we don't give up because we know that as long as our families are together, there are no hurdles that we can't overcome.

We have also gained a lot in these difficult days. The vegetables in the yard have grown more luxuriantly, and the relationship between the neighbors has become more harmonious. We have learned to find hope in the midst of difficulties and happiness in the simplicity of life.

As the days passed, our story continued. Although the road ahead is unknown, we believe that as long as there is love and the support of family, there is nothing that cannot be overcome. Our lives are ordinary, but they are full of love and hope.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

As time passed, the burden of life seemed to make Liu Zhenguo's back a little hunched. I could tell he was anxious about losing his job, but he never gave up hope and went out every day looking for a job opportunity. His tenacity and perseverance gave me great support and encouragement.

During the period when Liu Zhenguo was looking for a job, I was not idle. I started learning to make small Xi crafts and plan to sell them in the community or online, hoping to increase some income for my family. In the evening, when everything is quiet in the house, I light a small lamp, sit quietly at the table, and sew stitch by stitch. Although these handicrafts are simple, each time I make them, I have more satisfaction and hope in my heart.

My daughter is also working hard, she takes on a lot of part-time jobs after work, and often works overtime until late at night. Seeing her tired figure, my heart was mixed. I am proud to have such a strong daughter, and at the same time my heart aches for her hard work. But my daughter always smiled and said to me, "Mom, it's okay, I can do it." "Her steadfastness reassures me.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The grandson is already in elementary school, he is smart and smart, and his Xi grades are always at the top. Every time he gets a good score, our hearts are full of gratification. Looking at the smile on his young face, I believe that no matter how difficult the day, it will be worth it.

Just as we were trying to make ends meet, trying to make everything better, an unexpected piece of good news came. Through a friend of his, Zhang Qiang introduced Liu Zhenguo to work in a small factory. Although the salary is not high, the job is stable and it is not far from home. Liu Zhenguo seemed to have regained his value, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face again.

With a stable job, the family's financial situation has also improved significantly. We started to think about making some necessary repairs to the 21-square-meter house, which could not be overhauled, but at least made life more comfortable. We got new windows, patched up cracks in the walls, and painted them fresh. Every time I see my home become more welcoming, my heart is filled with satisfaction.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Life is still busy, but we all feel more fulfilled than ever. My daughter has also found a better job and her income has stabilized a lot. She often brings her grandchildren back on weekends, and our family sits around the newly renovated cottage, chatting, laughing, and enjoying the warmth and happiness of home.

The grandson is also becoming more and more sensible, he knows that his grandparents and mother are working hard, and he always wants to do his best to help. His optimism and energy bring endless joy to our lives. Whenever we see him and other children playing in the yard, we will feel a faint happiness in our hearts.

In this way, our lives gradually got back on track. Although our house is still small and life is still ordinary, we feel fulfilled and happy like never before. We know that as long as the family is together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Our story continues, and every day is filled with hope and effort.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

As time passed, we accumulated many memories in this small space. Every corner, every rift, carries the story and emotions of our family. Although there is no major change in our lives, we are slowly improving our situation with every day.

After going through so many ups and downs, Liu Zhenguo's body gradually became not as healthy as before. He is no longer able to carry everything as he was when he was younger. Looking at his increasingly pale hair and heavier and heavier steps, my heart was full of reluctance and emotion. But even so, he still insists on working every day and does his best to contribute to the family.

I'm no longer the young girl, the years have carved their marks on my face, but I still maintain an optimistic attitude and take care of everyone in the family as much as possible. My handicrafts are well-known in the community, and although I don't have a lot of income, I feel very happy to be able to provide some financial resources for my family.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The daughter's life is also becoming more and more stable, she has achieved some achievements in her work, and her grandson has grown into a good child who is sensible. Whenever I see them come home and the family sits together, my heart is filled with happiness and satisfaction.

One day, Zhang Qiang came to our house, and his face was full of unprecedented excitement: "Uncle Liu, Aunt Li, I have good news! I have opened a small shop with a few friends, and if you don't mind, I hope to sell some of Aunt Li's handicrafts." "I was both pleasantly surprised and apprehensive when I heard the news. The fact that my handicrafts are recognized is a great encouragement and affirmation for me.

With Zhang Qiang's help, my handicrafts began to be sold in small shops. Whenever someone buys, Zhang Qiang will tell me excitedly. I am very happy and proud that I can contribute a little bit to my family.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

Just as our lives were slowly getting back on track, we received news that the 21-square-meter house was going to be requisitioned by the government for urban renovation. Although we will get some compensation, this home carries so many memories and emotions for us that the thought of leaving is inevitably a little reluctant.

On the day of the relocation, we stood in the empty room, reminiscing about every day and night spent here. Liu Zhenguo held my hand, his eyes were full of emotion: "Red, for so many years, we have experienced so much together, no matter what the future holds, I will face it with you." ”

A new life is about to begin, and although the road ahead is unknown, we believe that as long as the family is together, there is nothing that cannot be overcome. With expectations for the future and memories of the past, we embark on a new journey.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

After moving to our new home, our lives have improved a lot. Although we still maintain a simple lifestyle, we feel more relaxed and happy than ever in a more spacious and comfortable environment. We have our own little garden, where we can breathe in the fresh air every day and watch all kinds of flowers and plants grow slowly.

Although life has a new beginning, we still maintain a hard-working and optimistic attitude. We continue to support each other and face every challenge in life together. Our story continues, and every day is filled with love and hope.

As time goes by, we grow old, but we still have the passions and dreams of our youth. We believe that as long as there is love and the support of our families, our lives will get better and better. Our story is ordinary, but full of warmth and happiness.

Married to an old intellectual, he has lived in a 21-square-meter house for 45 years, and he is envied but not happy when he returns to northern Shaanxi

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!

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