
Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

author:Chestnut Storyteller

In 1986, 23-year-old Zhao Kui'e was nominated and reached the peak of her career. At that time, she had just finished the fairytale love she had in college, married her classmate and boyfriend Chen Baoguo, and had a son.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

The small family is happy, which makes Zhao Kui'e full of hope for the future.

In just a few years, Zhao Kuie was active on the screen, showing her strength in wonderful roles one after another, and won the queen crown in a row. Zhao Kuie in the audience is also a career and family, and at the same time plays the dual role of a popular actress and a virtuous mother.

Her life trajectory is simply the dream of every post-80s girl.

However, when everything seemed perfect, a small incident changed the direction of Zhao Kui'e's life. That year, Zhao Chen and the two went out to work, and their son was entrusted to a familiar neighbor.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

But when they returned, they were greeted by a messy home. The originally clever and cute child was dressed in rags at this time, and even exuded a peculiar smell on his body.

The warm nest in memory collapsed, and motherhood swept through Zhao Kui'e's whole body at this moment. She realizes that success may be commendable, but for children, the mother's company is more important than anything else.

So, she made a quick decision - quit the entertainment industry and become a full-time mother again.

This is a crossroads in life, and Zhao Kuie resolutely chose a family.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

Zhao Kuie's decision to withdraw from the circle coincided with the peak of Chen Baoguo's career. For the perfect interpretation of each role, he can give up who he is and devote himself completely. has been injured many times for the play, and he also suffers from a stubborn illness, but he still goes his own way, and his enthusiasm for performance has not diminished by half.

This also means that all the heavy responsibilities in the family can only fall on the shoulders of Zhao Kui'e alone. She takes care of the housework and young children during the day, and at night she cares about her childlike husband - the dual use of motherhood, which keeps Zhao Kuie very busy.

Over the years, Zhao Kui'e has not only reduced her performances, but also often delved into medical books, and even carried a few books with her. As soon as she was free, she flipped through the disease directory on the homepage and checked Chen Baoguo's various strange diseases; In the event of a severe seizure, she can call the emergency services immediately.

It can be said that Zhao Kui'e is not only the backbone of the family, but also a self-taught doctor.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

Despite the rush between the two, each of her works is meticulously crafted. Gentle and dignified in front of the camera, calm and calm, but no one can see the hard work behind the camera. This is Cho Kyu-e, a perfect woman who brings her acting skills to family management.

In 2009, Chen Baoguo accidentally said at the press conference that "his feelings are weak". This joking remark deeply stung Zhao Kui'e, who paid silently. Over the years, she has run her family and business at both ends, working day and night, and facing her husband's tirelessness.

What I get now is an indifferent return.

For a while, Zhao Kuie's eyes were red, and there was an invisible chill in her home. Until his son Chen Yuemo took the initiative to ask Ying, he wanted to follow his father's work scene and convey the real situation to his mother.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

Unexpectedly, Chen Baoguo, who has always been majestic, is in his twilight years. He hunched over and carefully served himself medicine, for fear of waking up his sleeping son.

Seeing this scene in Chen Yuemo's eyes, his respect for his old father deepened a little. He truthfully relayed the truth to Zhao Kuie'e, and repeatedly assured his father's sincerity.

More than a month later, Chen Baoguo sent birthday wishes and surprise gifts through Chen Yuemo, making up for his unintentional mistakes with actions.

After twists and turns, this silver-haired couple finally reached the last peak of their lives. In 2015, 59-year-old Chen Baoguo once again topped the actor's throne. When accepting the award, he looked for Zhao Kui'e sitting in the corner with burning eyes, and solemnly sent out a sentence of "I love you".

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

A simple confession is the most touching and sincere confession over the years. Since then, Chen Baoguo has come to value Zhao's ideas and made her the decision-maker of his work.

He also began to learn Xi various household chores, cook food for his wife, and give her a warm home.

And Zhao Kuie finally opened her heart completely and confided in her husband about her struggles and loneliness over the years. She recounted the anxiety of caring for her son and described the difficulty of staying alone in an empty house.

Chen Baoguo was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then hugged Zhao Kui'e tightly and promised her the company for the rest of his life.

Let's take a look at something clean, one marriage, one son and one person in a lifetime, Zhao Kuie's quiet life in the flashy entertainment industry

Life is like a lens, starting at the peak and ending at the peak. When they are old, they finally realize the unfinished love of their youth, and join hands with each other to spend the morning and twilight.

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