
He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

author:North of YB

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He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

When you think of Chen Baoguo, what do you think of?

Is it Bai Wenshi, the nine-gate admiral in "Mansion Gate", or Yan Song in "Ming Dynasty 1566"?

, an old actor of the acting school, conquered the hearts of the audience with one classic work after another.

However, what few people know is that Chen Baoguo's life experience is comparable to the wonderful script he performed.

From a poor boy to a national actor, how did he climb to the top of acting step by step? And what made this successful man worry in his old age?

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

Let's unveil the wonderful life of Chen Baoguo and see how this ordinary and extraordinary man carved a legendary life with his own hands.

1. A hard start: from a hutong teenager to a factory worker

Chen Baoguo spent his childhood in a small alley in Beijing.

At that time, he, like many children, climbed trees, climbed houses, and caught crickets with his friends every day, living a carefree life.

Whenever I was hungry, I ran to the house and shouted, "Grandma, I want to eat".

With money in his pocket, the grandfather went to the street to buy a few baked cakes, and when he came home, he called Chen Baoguo to eat quickly, for fear that his grandson would be hungry.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

However, this happy day did not last long.

When he was 16 years old, his family suddenly changed, and Chen Baoguo had to drop out of school and go to work as a porter in a factory.

From the pride of the sky to an ordinary worker, this huge gap is undoubtedly a huge blow to a teenager.

In the factory, Chen Baoguo didn't even have a chance to turn over.

Every time there was an opportunity to learn in the factory, he couldn't get his turn.

However, the hardships of life did not break this stubborn teenager.

He began to think about his future and how he could change it.

At this moment, an idea came to his mind: to go to the drama school.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

This decision became a key turning point in Chen Baoguo's fate.

He quit his job in the factory and began to prepare for the drama school.

In those days, it was undoubtedly a risky decision.

However, Chen Baoguo firmly believes that only by bravely pursuing his dreams can he change his destiny.

2. Twist of fate: Admitted to Chinese opera and met his beloved Zhao Kui'e

The hard work paid off, and Chen Baoguo was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

Since then, the trajectory of his life has changed dramatically.

In Chinese opera, he not only found the career he loved, but also met his lifelong partner - Zhao Kuie.

Zhao Kui'e is Chen Baoguo's classmate, and is called "class flower" because of her delicate appearance and fair skin.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

However, Chen Baoguo, who had just entered the school, did not notice this "class flower", he was so focused on performance that he didn't pay much attention to the girls around him.

Until one day, during the rehearsal of the sketch, Chen Baoguo saw that Zhao Kuie did not hesitate to cut off his long hair for a role.

This scene deeply moved Chen Baoguo.

For the first time, he felt that the original performance could be so pure and that he could give everything for the role.

Since then, Chen Baoguo took the initiative to communicate with Zhao Kui'e, and the two have almost the same views on performance.

In getting along day and night, the seeds of love quietly sprout.

After graduation, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e entered the palace of marriage hand in hand and began their love story.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

This relationship is not only a turning point in Chen Baoguo's life, but also a strong backing for his career.

It is with the support of Zhao Kui'e that Chen Baoguo can devote himself to his acting career and create one classic role after another.

3. The road of acting: the gorgeous transformation from a supporting role to a "professional household of the emperor".

After graduating from Chinese opera, Chen Baoguo was assigned to work at the China Children's Art Theater.

However, the road to a true actor is not smooth.

At the beginning, he could only play some inconspicuous supporting roles, and he didn't even have lines.

However, Chen Baoguo was not discouraged by this.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

He firmly believes that as long as there is an opportunity to stand on the stage, it is an opportunity to grow.

Finally, the opportunity came.

In 1982, Chen Baoguo won the Golden Eagle Emperor Award in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance in the TV series "Divine Whip" and became a popular actor.

This role made everyone see Chen Baoguo's professionalism and dedication.

In order to be able to get closer to the characters, he went to the street to observe the gangsters.

It is said that he played the role too similarly, and was even arrested by the police as a wanted criminal, only to find out that it was an oolong after entering the police station.

After that, Chen Baoguo's acting career began to take off.

He has starred in many classic works such as "Mansion Gate", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", "Yue Wang Goujian", "Ming Dynasty 1566" and many other classic works, creating one after another deeply rooted roles.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

In particular, his image of "emperor professional household" impressed the audience even more.

From Qin Shi Huang to Qianlong, from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to Zhu Yuanzhang, Chen Baoguo performed every emperor vividly, as if traveling through time and space, allowing the audience to truly feel the changes of that era.

Chen Baoguo's success is not only because of his talent, but more importantly, his dedication and dedication to acting.

In order to play the role well, he can do whatever it takes.

For example, in "Teahouse", in order to play a low-level little person, he shaved off his thick eyebrows.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

In "The Old Farmer", in order to play the farmer who has been digging in the soil all his life, he has to apply heavy dye every day, and after 60 days of shooting, his face is severely allergic and almost disfigured.

This is Chen Baoguo, an actor who can sacrifice everything for acting.

It is this kind of professionalism that has made him a national actor in the eyes of the audience.

4. Family life: 40 years of happy marriage

In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, there are only a handful of stars who can maintain their marriage for 40 years.

However, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e did it.

Their love is like a jar of old wine, which lasts for a long time.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

Soon after marriage, Zhao Kuie gave birth to her son Chen Yuemo and concentrated on being a housewife.

Chen Baoguo, on the other hand, is busy filming and lives separately all year round.

However, the distance did not dilute their feelings, but made the two cherish their time together even more.

Although Chen Baoguo is not good at expressing himself, he expresses his love for his wife with practical actions.

Every time he goes out to film, he buys local specialties to take home.

Clothes, cosmetics, and special delicacies, he will carefully select them, and then give them all to his wife.

Once, Zhao Kui'e asked him why he didn't give flowers and diamond rings, and Chen Baoguo's answer was unpretentious: "Whatever you like, I will buy you anything, and I will never treat you badly." "

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

When he is at home, Chen Baoguo likes to cook and walk with his wife, and live an ordinary life.

This ordinary happiness is the secret of their long marriage.

However, this happy marriage also suffered from crises.

In 1995, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kuie participated in "Our Father and Mother" together, playing a divorced couple in the play.

Because the acting was too real, coupled with some false reports, the two were rumored to be married.

In the face of these rumors, Chen Baoguo chose to respond with actions.

When he received an award, he confessed to his wife in the air: "Zhao Kuie, I love you." "

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

This sentence not only broke the rumors, but also allowed the national audience to witness their love.

5. Teach children well: strict father and mother, cultivate independent Chen Yuemo

As parents, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kuie have good intentions in educating their son Chen Yuemo.

They are neither spoiling their children nor overly harsh as some celebrity parents do.

Their way of educating children is to let them grow up in practice.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

When Chen Yuemo was still a junior high school student, Chen Baoguo decided to send his son to study abroad.

This decision made Zhao Kuie cry for a long time, but finally agreed.

When bidding farewell at the airport, Zhao Kuie secretly gave his son a large sum of money, but Chen Baoguo found out and took it back.

He told his son: "When you go abroad, you have to rely on yourself, don't always think that your family will help you." "

Abroad, Chen Yuemo can only get £5 a week for living expenses.

This amount of money is only enough to eat for two days at school, but Chen Baoguo has never increased his son's living expenses.

In desperation, Chen Yuemo could only work by himself to make money.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

He has worked as a serving plate, translating, teaching Chinese, golf caddy, and more.

This experience allowed Chen Yuemo to learn to be independent and realize how difficult it is to make money.

Later, Chen Yuemo decided to follow in his father's footsteps and enter the showbiz.

Chen Baoguo did not object, but he did not give special support.

He asked his son to audition on his own and get the role on his own.

On the set, Chen Baoguo was even more strict with his son, requiring him not to make mistakes with every action and expression.

This strict education method allowed Chen Yuemo to grow rapidly in the entertainment industry.

Although he has not yet become popular, his acting skills have been recognized by many directors and audiences.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

However, Chen Yuemo, who is now 38 years old, is still single, which has become Chen Baoguo's biggest worry in his later years.

As parents, they want their son to find his own happiness without putting too much pressure on him.

This contradiction may be a problem that every parent faces.

Write at the end

Chen Baoguo's life is as wonderful as the role he plays.

From a poor teenager to a showbiz giant, he wrote his own legend with hard work and talent.

However, even after his success, he still did not forget his original intention, treated his career rigorously and seriously, and treated his family gently and considerately.

In this impetuous era, Chen Baoguo's experience has undoubtedly given us a lot of inspiration.

Success does not happen overnight, it requires continuous effort and sweat.

He is a national first-class actor, married to classmate Zhao Kuie, and has been married for more than 40 years

At the same time, while pursuing career success, we cannot ignore the importance of family.

Because in the end, it is always the people closest to us who can give us warmth and support.

What kind of inspiration do you think Chen Baoguo's life experience has given us? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

Let's explore how to find your own way to happiness in this complex world.


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