
Dreams come from the liver, clear the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, calm the liver and soul, and let you sleep peacefully until dawn!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Zhanju

There is a kind of person, who says that he has insomnia, and he can sleep at night, but when he closes his eyes, he is dreaming, and sometimes he does it more exciting than a series, and when he gets up after a night's sleep, not only does he not feel relaxed and rested, but he is very tired. If you can't sleep, you can't do it, and you can still take some sleeping pills, so what should you do in this situation?

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, whether you can fall asleep at night is determined by the mind, and whether you are stable after falling asleep is determined by the liver and soul. Therefore, dreams come from the liver, and the liver and soul are restless, and there are many dreams at night. What are the conditions of uneasiness in the liver and soul?

Dreams come from the liver, clear the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, calm the liver and soul, and let you sleep peacefully until dawn!

The first type is that there are more dreams at night, usually, the temper is more irritable, always wants to lose the temper, often dizziness, headache, eyes are red and swollen and painful, the face is red, sometimes there is burning pain under the ribs, and some people always have tinnitus in their ears like cicadas. Wake up in the morning with bitter and bad breath. When you look at the tongue, the texture of the tongue is red, and the coating of the tongue is yellow. This kind of person, most of them belong to the liver fire is relatively strong, disturbing the liver soul, and dreaming a lot at night, you can refer to a gentian laxative liver pill.

Dreams come from the liver, clear the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, calm the liver and soul, and let you sleep peacefully until dawn!

The second type, in addition to sleep problems, is usually prone to dizziness, flank and rib faint burning discomfort, upset, hot hands and feet, sweating when sleeping at night; dry eyes, older people, from time to time there will be numbness and tremors in the hands and feet; dry mouth like drinking water, women will have less menstrual flow; this situation, it belongs to the lack of liver yin, you can refer to a Qi Ju Dihuang pill to nourish liver yin.

Dreams come from the liver, clear the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, calm the liver and soul, and let you sleep peacefully until dawn!

There are also people who dream a lot at night, and their face, lips, nails, and tongue are all white, which often makes people feel that her body is relatively weak at a glance; some people are not very old, but their eyes are always blurry and can't see clearly; sometimes they stand up violently, they are easy to get dizzy; their hands and feet cramp from time to time; this kind of person belongs to the lack of liver blood and cannot nourish the liver soul. You can refer to Gui Paeonia Dihuang Pill to nourish the liver and blood.

Dreams come from the liver, clear the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, calm the liver and soul, and let you sleep peacefully until dawn!

Cleanse the liver fire, nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, the liver and soul are stable, and you will sleep soundly at night! Some people may say, I feel that my symptoms are not like or not, what is my condition? In fact, this is also very normal, in clinical practice, patients are not according to the book to get sick, at this time it will test the doctor's ability to distinguish syndromes, so if you need it, you can let a professional doctor help you distinguish between syndromes!