
Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

author:Gardenias in wine

Zodiac snake: first bitter and then sweet jade into a device, from today the Bodhisattva to help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The zodiac snake mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the rivers are far away. The prosperity of the world is all for you, Venerable Tanma and Venerable Huanxi The Venerable Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success. Walk thousands of miles, experience vicissitudes, look back, and smile.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The zodiac snake and jade pot freezes the heart, the pearl curtain covers the green, time flies, the dream goes back to the past, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster and a success. The serpent danced with poetic agility for nine days, singing as it walked, twisting and turning.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

With the passage of time, the dust has settled, the clean lead, and it depends on the present, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable Game hereby manifests for you to sign for the first bitter and then sweet jade crafted into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success. The fire is steaming, and the tea is brewed to share the future.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The fate of the zodiac snake people, magnificent, turned a thousand times, and finally saw the dawn, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable of the Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster success. After the storm is a rainbow, sunshine, and warm hearts.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The zodiac snake moves forward together, spends time together, the golden years, all the way brilliant, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable of the game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign for the first bitter and then sweet jade into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success. After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, it finally became a party, a paradise.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

Zodiac snake, go forward bravely, Bodhisattva blessing, good wind, Venerable Tanma and Venerable Joy The Venerable of the game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster success. When everything is gone, everything is gone, take its essence, and never forget the original intention.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The golden time of the 12 years of the zodiac snake, in the prime of life, forge ahead, write a new chapter, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Joy of Joy The Venerable of the Game hereby manifests for you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster and a success. Look up at the starry sky, step on the earth, aim high, climb high and look far.

Zodiac snake, run bravely, chase dreams, ride the wind and waves, Venerable Tanma and Venerable Joy The Venerable of the Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster and famous. Looking back, fearless of wind and rain, the road ahead is long and arduous.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

Zodiac snake Bodhisattva blessing, auspicious and peaceful, people in the prime of life, the years are like songs, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Joy Game Venerable hereby appear for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster success and fame. 12 years of gold, moving forward, finally became a party, a proud group.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The Zodiac Snake, Fly Bravely, Fly High, Have a Bright Future, Venerable Tanma and Venerable Joy The Venerable Game Venerable hereby manifests for you and allows you to sign for the first bitter and then sweet jade crafted into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success. Don't be afraid of the future, don't think about the past, the golden years, all the way brilliant.

The zodiac snake travels thousands of miles, chases dreams, makes a good piece of jade, rides the wind and waves, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success. Zodiac snake, go forward bravely, the Bodhisattva bless you, smooth sailing.

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

The golden time of the 12 years of the zodiac snake, in the prime of life, time is like poetry, the Venerable Tanma and the Venerable Huanxi The Venerable Game hereby manifests for you to allow you to sign the first bitter and then sweet jade carved into a vessel, thick and thin, a blockbuster success, forge ahead.

The people who brushed up liked and followed and left a sentence in the comment area: "Jade is made into steel", and signed for himself for his children First bitter and then sweet Jade into a device, thick and thin, a blockbuster, and a success

Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck
Zodiac Snake: First bitter and then sweet, jade carved into a vessel, from today the Bodhisattva will help you smooth the wind and water for 12 years of golden luck

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