
Labor Daily-7 square meters of "Alla Station" has become a communication platform for residents of the three communities......

author:Labor Daily
Based on the "Good Neighbor Lane", Liuer Residential Area of Xinjing Town cleverly uses the public space of the community hub of "Ala Station" to launch the "Our Story" curatorial action project, giving residents greater right to participate and allowing the warm stories in the community to continue to be written. It is gratifying that the project won the silver award in the 2023 Shanghai "One Tree Song Cup" Community Venture Philanthropy Competition.
Labor Daily-7 square meters of "Alla Station" has become a communication platform for residents of the three communities......

Located in the back streets and alleys of Liuer residential area of Xinjing Town, it is about 200 meters long and runs north-south, which is an important passage for residents to pass and rest and exercise daily. Once upon a time, it was a blind spot in governance. However, after the renovation of the "Good Neighbor Alley" in 2021, it has been transformed into a comprehensive public space with the North Market Plaza, the Middle Health Trail and the South Children's Playground. In particular, the "Alla Station" located in the middle section not only connects the three communities, but also serves as a stage for residents to gather, communicate and develop cultural life.

Labor Daily-7 square meters of "Alla Station" has become a communication platform for residents of the three communities......

In June 2023, in order to further activate this space, Liuer Residential Area joined hands with the Xinghe Community Construction and Development Center of Xinjing Town to launch the "Our Story" curatorial action. The project digs deep into the stories of the community, using the station and tabloid as a medium, so that the "Allah Station" is transformed into a place full of fun, closely connected with the lives of residents, and touches people's hearts, and at the same time stimulates the development of cultural activities with community characteristics organized by the community. Let's take a look at how the small space of 7 square meters can be transformed into a stage for community warm stories.

Stepping into the small station, the residents' participation in community governance jumped in front of them. Whether it is on the display shelves or on the walls, colorful posters and magazines reveal a strong sense of life. Beef stew with tomato, okra with garlic, ham sushi, chicken wings with egg yolk...... These mouth-watering recipes are inspired by the wisdom of the community. And those beautifully designed posters are also made by residents. Here, the reporter was deeply healed by the fireworks of this loving community.

Labor Daily-7 square meters of "Alla Station" has become a communication platform for residents of the three communities......

It is understood that in the early stage of the project, the community recruited good ideas from residents, determined the theme of the exhibition, and set up a resident curatorial autonomous team through the "small station exhibition" activity. Through the collection of 100 home-cooked dishes, the taste buds of the residents were discovered, and the exhibition of "Looking for 100 Hidden Chefs in the Community" was planned. Not only that, but these stories have also been made into "good neighbor tabloids" for residents to read in the corridors, shop windows, and event venues of the community. Through the home-cooked food creation sharing session, the creators exchanged recipes and experiences with the residents, and shared the taste of home and life.

Labor Daily-7 square meters of "Alla Station" has become a communication platform for residents of the three communities......

During the implementation of the "Our Story" project, the community incubated two new autonomous groups, the "Music and Good Mood Group" and the "Ecological Conservation Group", excavated five community talents and backbones, discovered surprising food works and stories, and made the community a happy home full of warmth, public welfare and value. The project not only makes the station a new platform for residents to participate and integrate with the community, but also further creates a community atmosphere of co-governance and sharing.

In the future, Liu'er Residential Area will also take autonomy as the core, make good use of the "Good Neighbor Alley" and "Ala Station", continue to create a harmonious, warm, integrated, democratic and co-created community culture, and deepen the construction of grassroots democracy in the community.