
The General Office of the Provincial Government issued a notice on several policies and measures to accelerate the independent innovation of industrial software

author:Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology

The General Office of the Provincial Government issued a notice on speeding up industrial software

Notice of several policies and measures for independent innovation

Su Zheng Ban Gui [2023] No. 15

The people's governments of cities and counties (cities and districts), the provincial committees, offices and bureaus, and the units directly under the province:

"Several Policies and Measures on Accelerating Independent Innovation of Industrial Software" has been agreed by the Provincial People's Government and is hereby issued to you, please conscientiously implement it.

General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

December 25, 2023

About Accelerating Industrial Software

Several policies and measures for independent innovation

In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on new industrialization and the spirit of his important speech on Jiangsu's work, fully implement the national software development strategy, continue to carry out key core technology research, cultivate and expand the industrial software ecosystem, deepen the construction of famous software cities and parks, effectively enhance the independent innovation ability of industrial software in our province, and accelerate the high-quality development of basic software and industrial software industry, the following policies and measures are formulated.

Enhance industrial software

Ability to innovate

(1) Accelerate the research of key core technologies. According to the major needs of the industry, the annual key core technology research catalogue and key project reserve will be formulated, and the provincial and municipal linkage and "allocation, investment, loan and insurance" support mechanism will be established, and industrial leading enterprises and industrial software enterprises will be encouraged to form innovation consortiums, and the implementation of basic software and industrial software supply and demand pairing research, industry-university-research joint research. Support enterprises to apply for national projects, and relevant special funds of provincial and municipal finances can give collaborative support to software enterprises that take the lead in undertaking projects. [The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the people's governments of cities and counties (cities and districts) are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties. The following are all required to be implemented by the people's governments of cities and counties (cities and districts) and will not be listed]

(2) Establish a high-level innovation platform. Accelerate the construction of industry-based common technology platforms, and support large-scale manufacturing enterprises, key users, and software enterprises to jointly build software application innovation centers, industry or regional integrated verification centers (including software and hardware adaptation test centers for application scenarios, and software "pilot verification" platforms). Support key parks such as Nanjing Software Valley, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area, Suzhou Industrial Park, and Wuxi Economic Development Zone to build industrial software innovation centers in key application fields such as integrated circuits, defense electronics, high-end equipment, and shipbuilding, aviation, and petrochemical industries. The relevant special funds of the provincial government will provide preferential support for the construction and operation of qualified national and provincial software application innovation centers, integrated verification centers, inspection and testing public service platforms, joint laboratories, cryptography innovation application bases, and information technology application innovation industry ecological bases. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and the Provincial Department of Education are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(3) Support open source technology innovation. Encourage all localities to build and attract independent open source software innovation platforms, support the operation of open source communities based on independent basic software, hold open source technology exchange activities, establish a "white list" system for open source software projects, and create an open source and open technology product innovation and application ecology. The open source contribution will be included as an important reference item for project evaluation, professional title evaluation, and scholarship selection. Commercial operations based on open source technology are encouraged, and relevant special funds from the provincial government can give preferential support to eligible open source technology commercialization and innovation projects with basic and core significance. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

Strengthen application traction

Development effectiveness

(4) Expand the application scenarios of intelligent transformation and digital transformation. Encourage software enterprises and digital service platform enterprises to actively participate in the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, support the creation of an integrated platform for the R&D and operation of industrial software, accelerate the development of cloud-based industrial software and industry-specific industrial software, and reward industrial software enterprises with leading performance in serving intelligent transformation and digital transformation and networking. Support governments at all levels to promote a number of high-quality, general, fast, light and accurate industrial software and supporting services through cloud service platforms through government procurement or subsidies, and open them to small, medium, and micro enterprises at low prices or free of charge. Support the construction of a credible system for industrial data, promote the circulation of industrial data assets, and give rewards and subsidies of up to 50% of the total promotion expenses of prefecture-level cities with relevant special funds of provincial finance. Support industrial enterprises to actively open application scenarios and provide a wider application market for domestic industrial software. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Finance are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(5) Support innovative applications in key industries. Actively guide users in key areas such as finance, government affairs, transportation, medical care, education, water conservancy, housing and construction, and ecological environment to support information technology application innovation, verify and promote 100 information technology application innovation solutions and application demonstration cases with independent basic software as the core every year, select 10 information technology application innovation benchmarking projects, and participate in the compilation of industry information technology application innovation construction guidelines and industry information technology application innovation product atlas. Rewards can be given to users in key industries who take the initiative to open up innovative scenarios for information technology applications and achieve the results of first-trial-first-use demonstrations. (The Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Government Affairs Office, the Provincial Department of Transportation, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(6) Support the first trial and first use of innovative products. Every year, more than 100 excellent industrial software products and application solutions and first edition software products are released and promoted, and the research results of "making up for shortcomings" in key areas and the first edition of software are prioritized in the application promotion guidance catalog, and the whole society is encouraged to purchase and use for the first time and promote the application. Government organs, public institutions, state-owned enterprises, and major provincial and municipal projects and key application systems shall establish incentive mechanisms for taking the lead in procuring high-quality innovative software products and information technology services, and establish a system for explaining the use of financial funds by enterprises to purchase software products with doubtful security and a mechanism for interviewing them on major matters. The relevant special funds of the provincial finance will reward and subsidize high-quality first-edition software development enterprises according to no more than 20% of the annual first-edition software invoicing sales and a maximum of 3 million yuan. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, etc. are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

Gradient incubation

Software enterprise entities

(7) Intensify efforts to cultivate eco-leading enterprises. Every year, no less than 300 goose-type software enterprises, key software enterprises and specialized and special new software enterprises in the provincial planning layout will be cultivated by classification and policy. Actively guide qualified scientific research institutes and large and medium-sized industrial enterprises to register or invest in the establishment of software enterprises with independent legal persons. Qualified localities and software parks may set up a subsidy policy of 2 million yuan to 100 million yuan for software enterprises that have entered China's top 100 software business revenue for the first time, key software enterprises encouraged by the state, and newly listed software enterprises. The cost of using provincial and municipal computing infrastructure by industrial software and information technology application innovation enterprises undertaking major national and provincial tasks shall be charged on the basis of cost compensation or non-profit principle. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology is responsible)

(8) Encourage the incubation of cutting-edge technological innovation enterprises. Encourage governments at all levels and software parks to accelerate the development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, 5G/5G-A, metaverse, and artificial intelligence, as well as cutting-edge technologies such as 6G, quantum information, satellite Internet, and brain-like intelligence, in the direction of industrialization, and support innovative enterprises and projects in the fields of new operating systems on the consumer side, new industrial operating systems, graph databases, cloud databases, and supporting software for artificial intelligence chips. (The Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Communications Administration are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(9) Strengthen domestic international cooperation. Cultivate and attract industrial chain pilot enterprises with independent core technologies, and provide support in terms of project land, environmental capacity, energy consumption indicators, and talent introduction. Actively introduce important national open source organizations, quality evaluation, investment and financing, property rights transactions, talent training, commercial entertainment and other industrial chain ecological service institutions. Actively support software companies to issue multilingual versions, and establish an international mutual recognition system for testing and certification. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Taxation Bureau, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and the Provincial Party Committee Talent Office are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

Speed up the software

Construction of famous cities and parks

(10) Update and improve the planning policy of famous software cities and parks. The Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province regularly releases the "Zijin Index for the High-quality Development of the Software Industry", and establishes a working mechanism for guiding and coordinating the creation of famous software cities and parks. The governments of cities divided into districts shall formulate and update policies and measures to support the construction of China's famous software cities and software parks in a timely manner, include the development of industrial software in key tasks, coordinate and promote the application and innovation of information technology with independent basic software as the core, and carry out the construction of famous software parks in depth. (Each member unit of the Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province is responsible for the division of labor according to their responsibilities)

(11) Increase support for the construction of famous software cities and parks. Establish a provincial-level cultivation library of China's famous software parks, regularly carry out evaluation of the creation work, and reward the software parks with outstanding results according to the annual creation progress and actual performance. The provincial finance department will give financial support to the governments of districts and cities that have won the title of "China Software City", and each "China Software City" will strive to create at least one "China Software Park" within 3 years, and give a one-time financial reward to the parks that have won the title of "China Software City". The provincial financial cutting and reward funds can be superimposed with the municipal and district-level financial special funds, which are mainly used to build Jiangsu famous software enterprises, famous products, famous brands, celebrities, famous exhibitions and famous competitions. The governments of cities divided into districts that have won the title of "China's Famous Software City" have set up special funds for the software industry, focusing on supporting independent innovation of industrial software and information technology application innovation. Give full play to the role of government investment funds, formulate a scientific assessment and evaluation system, and encourage and guide government investment funds to invest early and small. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Finance are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

Deliver premium quality

Human resource support

(12) Intensify the cultivation of compound software talent echelons. Support the cultivation of leading talents in the software industry and young innovative talents in information technology applications, comprehensively promote the introduction of domestic software into campuses and classrooms, and build a number of domestic software teaching laboratories. Encourage colleges and universities in the province to accelerate the interdisciplinary integration and development of software engineering-related disciplines, and strengthen support for national characteristic demonstration software colleges. Establish career development channels for innovative professionals in industrial software and information technology applications, and formulate evaluation standards for high-skilled talents. Support key software enterprises to set up postdoctoral stations, and select and fund a group of outstanding doctors at home and abroad to engage in postdoctoral research in our province according to the standard of 300,000 yuan per person. Encourage software enterprises to deepen cooperation with institutions of higher learning, vocational colleges, and technical colleges, support schools and enterprises to jointly build joint laboratories and training bases, and high-skilled talent training bases, jointly compile teaching materials, jointly carry out training and teaching, and talent qualification certification, implement training programs for outstanding engineers in the digital economy, and coordinate and promote the construction of digital skill talent industrial parks, and include the performance of relevant talent training in the evaluation indicators for the cultivation of famous software cities and software parks. (The Talent Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Department of Finance are responsible for the division of duties and labor)

(13) Increase the attraction of high-end software talents in short supply. Encourage high-level and high-skilled talent teams at home and abroad to come to Jiangsu for innovation and entrepreneurship, support the application of national and provincial key talent plans, support leading and backbone enterprises to take the lead in forming talent research consortiums, and give up to 15 million yuan of financial support to those who meet the requirements. Establish and improve the "Su Chang" talent service system, implement the enterprise talent policy service commissioner system, strengthen the financial guarantee and supporting support for talent introduction, and provide preferential policies and special services in terms of housing security, children's education, health care and other aspects in accordance with relevant regulations. Strengthen the security protection of talents, establish a rapid response mechanism, and provide entry and exit facilitation and foreign-related legal services for talents in need, their spouses, and children. Governments at all levels and software parks are encouraged to give key support to high-end talents and core teams who undertake major technical research on key software such as industrial software and basic software, and support top teams in a "one thing, one discussion" approach. (The Talent Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Public Security Department, the Provincial Department of Justice, and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office are responsible for the division of duties and labor)

Improve the software industry

Development environment

(14) Establish a coordinated development mechanism. Under the Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province, a special group for the software industry has been set up to coordinate and guide the high-quality development of the software industry, and governments at all levels and software parks have simultaneously established cross-departmental communication and coordination mechanisms to ensure that preferential tax policies such as software enterprise income tax and software product value-added tax should be enjoyed. (Each member unit of the Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of a Strong Manufacturing Province is responsible for the division of labor according to their responsibilities)

(15) Guide social capital investment. Formulate the "Key Investment Catalogue of High-quality Software Products", implement the special pilot project of "Financial Integration of the Software Industry", and explore the establishment of a full-chain financial service system for the transfer and transformation of software achievements. We will continue to optimize inclusive financial products and services such as "Su Credit", and encourage financial institutions to innovate and provide financial products suitable for software enterprises based on the characteristics of their business and asset composition. Guide financial institutions such as banks, financing guarantee companies, and insurance companies, as well as venture capital funds, equity investment funds, and other fund institutions to jointly establish key software fund clubs, and support software enterprises to accelerate key software R&D and innovation through external equity acquisitions, capital increases, and equity replacements. (The Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, the Jiangsu Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Regulation, the Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau, and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(16) Strengthen the construction of the standard system. Support enterprises (organizations) to lead and participate in the formulation and revision of international, national or industry standards in the field of industrial software, and promote software development cost measurement specifications. For those who lead the formulation and revision of international standards or national standards, formulate and publish local (group) standards in Jiangsu Province that are evaluated as excellent, and win the China Standard Innovation Contribution Award and Jiangsu Standard Innovation Contribution Award, each enterprise (organization) will be given a reward of no more than 500,000 yuan. The units that have won the China Quality Award, the China Quality Award Nomination Award, the Jiangsu Provincial Governor Quality Award and the Jiangsu Provincial Governor Quality Award Nomination Award will be awarded 3 million yuan, 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan and 300,000 yuan respectively. (The Provincial Market Supervision Bureau and the Provincial Department of Finance are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(17) Strengthen the protection of the entire chain of intellectual property rights. Strengthen the intellectual property reserves and strategic layout of core technologies of basic software and industrial software, and give 1 million yuan, 500,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan respectively to those who have won the China Patent Gold Award, Silver Award, Excellence Award, and Inventor Award, and give 300,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 20,000 yuan respectively to those who have won the Jiangsu Patent Gold Award, Silver Award, Excellence Award, and Inventor Award. Support governments at all levels and software parks to provide facilitation services for software technology patent applications and software copyright registration, include eligible enterprises in the fast-track patent pre-examination channel, promote software legalization, actively crack down on illegal activities such as piracy and infringement of basic software and industrial software, and improve the ability to create, use, protect, manage, and provide services for intellectual property rights. (The Provincial Intellectual Property Office, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Press and Publication Bureau are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(18) Strengthen the monitoring of industrial operations. Further improve the system of monitoring and statistics on the operation of the software and information technology service industry, and strengthen the full-time personnel and work expenses for the monitoring and statistical work of the industry. Accelerate the construction of a "digital industry and information technology" platform to provide support for the statistical analysis of data in software and information service industry clusters. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Bureau of Statistics are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

(19) Support the holding of various industrial exchange activities. We will continue to hold major software industry exchange activities such as the China Industrial Software Supply and Demand Conference, the China (Nanjing) Software Expo, the Industrial Control China Conference, and the "China Software Cup" Software Design Competition for College Students. Support governments at all levels and software parks to organize software enterprises to explore overseas markets, set up overseas R&D centers, and participate in international technical exchanges and cooperation. (The Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Science and Technology are responsible for the division of labor according to their duties)

This policy and measure shall be implemented from the date of issuance and shall be valid until December 25, 2028. If this policy measure is duplicated with other similar policies in our province, it will be supported in accordance with the principle of "preferential, high, and non-repetitive".

Source: Official website of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

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