
Andy Lau's daughter went vegetarian from the mother's womb, resulting in the family eating vegetarian, causing netizens to discuss the well-known fact that the living Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently

author:Watakojin 剧

Andy Lau's daughter became a vegetarian from her mother's womb, causing the family to be all vegetarians, which caused heated discussions among netizens

As we all know, the life Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently, in a variety show, Andy Lau claimed that he had insisted on eating vegetarian food for ten years. As soon as this remark came out, people couldn't help but wonder: Did Andy Lau have any special religious beliefs? Andy Lau explained that he did not do this because of religion, but because of his love for his wife and daughter. Because the wife started to eat a vegetarian diet during the pregnancy of her daughter, the daughter never ate meat after she was born and followed her mother as a vegetarian. In order to synchronize his life Xi with his wife and daughter, Andy Lau also insisted on eating vegetarian for ten years. So, is Andy Lau's family really healthy to be vegetarian?

A reasonable and nutritious diet is the foundation of good health, and only with meat, vegetables and fruits can we achieve a healthy diet. Andy Lau's family's vegetarian diet has made netizens talk a lot, some people think that this is unhealthy, and some people think that this is the unique lifestyle of Andy Lau's family. In fact, in recent years, many people have stopped eating meat, believing that only a vegetarian diet can ensure their health to the greatest extent. While there is no scientific proof of its validity in this statement, some people have shown people the benefits of going only vegetarian with their actions. Some health experts often post their daily vegetarian routines on short video platforms, and show the effects of being vegetarian for one month and one year.

Some people have found that the skin of people who are vegetarian all year round will be visibly better, and the whole person's spirit will be fuller. But some netizens feel that this is just a psychological effect, and the combination of meat and vegetables, balanced nutrition is a dietary theory that has long been proven by medicine and science. Andy Lau said in an interview that his wife and daughter are vegetarians every day at home, and it will feel strange if they eat meat by themselves. Andy Lau has always been recognized as a good husband and father, and it is not surprising that he can make such a move. But some people are skeptical of Andy Lau's remarks, because children need a reasonable nutritious diet more than adults when they grow up, and even if they eat more advanced vegetarian food, they can't get the nutrients needed by the human body in meat food.

Some netizens said: Andy Lau is a superstar, and the vegetarian food they eat at home is definitely not something that ordinary people can see. This kind of remark was immediately refuted by netizens, who said: No matter how expensive the vegetarian diet is, there will be no other elements in it except a little vitamin, this is obviously a fallacy! Maybe the vegetarian diet mentioned by Andy Lau also contains high-nutrition seafood and other foods, otherwise Andy Lau's daughter will definitely not be able to grow so tall if she is a vegetarian alone. Da S once revealed in an interview that she had eaten vegetarian food for many years in order to maintain her slim figure.

Big S complained: It's really not a comfortable thing to be vegetarian. The Andy Lau family's vegetarian incident made some netizens feel incomprehensible, and some said: Even if the husband and wife are affectionate and cater to each other's lifestyle, there is no need for a child to eat "love vegetarian food". There is some truth in the words of netizens, after all, if a child starts to eat vegetarian from birth, then his body will be more or less malnourished or stunted. But it is not excluded that Andy Lau's vegetarian diet has other foods, after all, many of the foods eaten in the celebrity's family are things that ordinary people have never seen. Andy Lau's daughter is now 11 years old, and her last public appearance was at her grandfather's funeral.

She's almost catching up with her mom in height. Judging from the eyes, Andy Lau's daughter looks like her mother, and her temperament is like her father Andy Lau. Andy Lau's wife has always been very low-key, although Andy Lau is a superstar, but she did not use her husband's reputation to show off in public or become famous for it. Some people say that Andy Lau's wife is the woman behind the superstar, Andy Lau has been filming all over the world all year round, and the responsibility of taking care of her in-laws naturally falls on her. In this regard, Andy Lau's wife never complains, and her relationship with Andy Lau has always been very affectionate.

It can be seen from the fact that Andy Lau's family is vegetarian that Andy Lau's love for his wife and daughter has reached a very high level. Andy Lau said on the show that his daughter loves vegetarian food very much and is not interested in meat at all. Judging from Andy Lau's daughter's height, although she is a vegetarian all year round, she is no different from ordinary children, and her growth rate is faster than that of other children, which has been perfectly reflected in her height. As a superstar, Andy Lau's every move has a huge influence, and his vegetarian behavior can also call on more of his fans to join the vegetarian action.

It can be said that Andy Lau's family vegetarian diet proves that this is a healthy lifestyle. This kind of behavior has encouraged more people to pay attention to eating healthily, and in the entertainment industry, there are many people like Andy Lau who are vegetarians with their whole families. No matter what, people must respect everyone's Xi habits, after all, celebrities are also people, and they also need to have their own Xi habits.

Andy Lau's daughter went vegetarian from the mother's womb, resulting in the family eating vegetarian, causing netizens to discuss the well-known fact that the living Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently
Andy Lau's daughter went vegetarian from the mother's womb, resulting in the family eating vegetarian, causing netizens to discuss the well-known fact that the living Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently
Andy Lau's daughter went vegetarian from the mother's womb, resulting in the family eating vegetarian, causing netizens to discuss the well-known fact that the living Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently
Andy Lau's daughter went vegetarian from the mother's womb, resulting in the family eating vegetarian, causing netizens to discuss the well-known fact that the living Xi of some international superstars is always a little different from ordinary people, such as Andy Lau. Recently

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