
What does it mean to "avoid the end of the wax moon and the head of the first month"? What are the taboos of the wax moon has arrived?

author:Effort is an attitude

What does "the end of the moon taboo, the first month taboo head" mean? Reveal the taboos and traditional Xi of the moon

The wax moon has arrived, and according to the Xi in traditional Chinese culture, people must abide by various "taboos" and regulations to welcome the arrival of the new year. This article will reveal the meaning of the taboo of "taboo in the wax moon, taboo in the first month", and share some things to pay attention to during the wax moon, so that you can have a safe and smooth New Year.


Hello everyone, I'm your headline editor. With the passage of time, the wax moon has quietly arrived, and in traditional Chinese culture, the wax moon has many taboos and Xi. One of the well-known sayings is "the tail of the wax moon and the head of the first month". So, what exactly does this mean?

"Don't be at the end of the lunar month, don't be at the end of the first month" is a proverb that means to be cautious during the lunar month, and to follow various rules during the first month. This is a special regulation of time in traditional Chinese culture, in order to hope that people can spend the end of the year safely and welcome the arrival of the new year.

What does it mean to "avoid the end of the wax moon and the head of the first month"? What are the taboos of the wax moon has arrived?

First, let's take a look at the taboos to be aware of during the wax moon. At the tail of the wax moon, a few days after Chinese New Year's Eve, people should avoid doing things with bad spirits. For example, don't make loud noises, don't fix old utensils, don't do unpleasant things that would give the New Year a bad start. In addition, it is also necessary to avoid haircuts, haircuts, etc., because "tail" is homophonic for "hoarding", and cutting hair is considered "cutting off luck".

And the taboos of the New Year are even more numerous. The first day of the new year is the beginning of the new year, and people will usher in a series of traditional Xi customs and regulations. First of all, keep your home tidy and tidy to welcome the gods and drive away evil. Secondly, from the first to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it is necessary to avoid loud noises, because legend has it that the gods roam through the world during this period, and loud noises may scare away the gods of good fortune. In addition, it is also necessary to refrain from groundbreaking, moving, etc., so as not to spoil the auspicious atmosphere of the New Year.

What does it mean to "avoid the end of the wax moon and the head of the first month"? What are the taboos of the wax moon has arrived?

In addition to these traditional taboos, there are also various colorful Xi customs during the month of Layue. For example, the "Chinese New Year's Eve dinner" we often hear refers to the Chinese New Year's Eve of the lunar month, where families gather together to have a sumptuous dinner, symbolizing reunion and happiness. There are also Spring Festival couplets, hanging lanterns, firecrackers, etc., all of which are to welcome the New Year and pray for peace and auspiciousness in the coming year.

To sum up, "the tail of the wax moon and the head of the first month" is not only a taboo and taboo, but also a special requirement for time in traditional Chinese culture. In this special period, we must learn to respect traditions and abide by the rules to keep ourselves and our families safe and happy.

What does it mean to "avoid the end of the wax moon and the head of the first month"? What are the taboos of the wax moon has arrived?

In closing, I would like to say that as you prepare for the New Year, remember to reunite with your loved ones, look to the future, and give yourself some time to rest and relax. I wish you all good health, success and happiness in the new year!

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