
Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

author:Master of Opinions

A rose air conditioner owned by Gree Electric has recently sparked widespread controversy and discussion. Some netizens described it as having a "90s aesthetic" and criticized the design as "ugly and earthy". The controversy over this air conditioner is not only a discussion about aesthetic concepts, but also reflects consumers' different expectations for product practicality and design style.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

【Design Concept of Gree Rose Air Conditioner】

The design concept of this rose air conditioner seems to be quite creative: it simulates the blooming of roses when turned on, revealing 19 looming rose petals. Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, once said that this air conditioner is designed for newlyweds, and it is intended to make it a work of art worthy of collection. To a certain extent, this design concept reflects Gree's attempt at product innovation and aesthetic exploration.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

【Market Reaction and Controversy】

However, the market response to this air conditioner does not seem to be ideal. Many consumers have criticized its design style, believing it to be too complex and not in line with modern aesthetics. At the same time, there are also consumers who are concerned that its excessive decoration may affect its practicality. To a certain extent, this response suggests that consumers are more inclined to minimalist and functional designs when buying home appliances.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

[Gree's official response]

In the face of controversy, Gree's official response said that this air conditioner is to express love for users and emphasize its artistic value and innovative design. However, this response does not seem to have completely quelled consumer skepticism. Some netizens pointed out that although Gree tried to attract consumers through innovative design, in terms of actual market performance, this product seems to have failed to achieve the expected effect.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

【Price & Market Positioning】

The price of this air conditioner has also become a focus of discussion. Its price range ranges from 13,529 yuan to 32,999 yuan, and it is considered a high-end product. However, the high price and specific design style seem to limit its market acceptance. It is reported that the sales of this product in the offline market are not ideal, and the main sales channels are concentrated online.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

【Consumer Choice and Corporate Challenges】

This incident reflects the complex considerations of consumers when choosing home appliances. On the one hand, they want the product to have a certain amount of innovation and artistic value, and on the other hand, the practicality, price and design style of the product are also important considerations. For a company like Gree, how to find a balance between innovation and market demand is an ongoing challenge.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality


In general, the controversy of Gree Rose air conditioner is not only an aesthetic issue of products, but also a collision between the diversified needs of the current home appliance market and corporate innovation. It reminds us that for home appliance companies, understanding and meeting the actual needs of consumers is the key to market success. For consumers, choosing the right home appliance is not only the pursuit of their own quality of life, but also a feedback to the company's products. Let's look forward to more achievements in the home appliance industry to meet consumer needs and promote design innovation. Welcome to share your views on this Gree Rose air conditioner in the comment area, as well as your expectations for the design of home appliances.

Gree Rose Air Conditioner Causes Controversy: The Game of Aesthetics and Practicality

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