
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

author:It's out of reach
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

Recently, I went to Erbin to travel so hot that it was called an earth-shattering, Harbin all kinds of fancy activities, focusing on a "pet", responsive.

Winged horses, artificial moons, huge hovercraft on the Songhua River, hot air balloons, elegant red-crowned cranes, fire phoenixes, Siberian tigers that interact with tourists, and more. Not to mention the big brothers and sisters in the Northeast who are extremely enthusiastic about the "little potatoes in the south" on the street, 100,000 boxes of cranberries that their own children have never eaten will be sent to Guangxi immediately, and the last time they went down the mountain was during the Qianlong period, the Oroqen people also went out of the mountain.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

The "Southern Little Potatoes" even collectively said: I really don't want to go to this broken shift for a day, I just want to take leave to go to Erbin, and I also want to be spoiled.

There is peace on the Internet, and the north and the south continue to fall in love.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

In a peaceful atmosphere, it was rumored on the Internet that some of the "little potatoes" who returned to Fujian from the Northeast had already been admitted to the hospital.

According to a report by, the First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University has recently received many patients who have returned from the Northeast with "travel sickness". Among them, the most important is the respiratory and digestive problems caused by not being able to adapt to the cold environment.

Experts gave suggestions, suggesting that in the winter of the north, there is not only the romance of the ice and snow world, but also the extreme cold of minus twenty or thirty degrees, and the excessive temperature difference will lead to low body resistance, prone to colds, pneumonia, gastroenteritis and other diseases, and even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. In particular, some middle-aged and elderly people are more susceptible to respiratory diseases. Experts stressed that everyone should always pay attention to strengthening personal protection when playing, and develop good living Xi habits such as frequent hand washing, frequent ventilation, cough etiquette, and scientific wearing of masks to reduce the risk of disease.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

As soon as this news came out, netizens broke their defenses one after another!

They all said that the experts were right, but we didn't listen.

Experts suggest that southerners take a bath every day, so they are not suitable for items such as scrubbing in the Northeast, which may cause skin discomfort and other conditions.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

What the expert said is actually true, but as this netizen said, can you play in the Northeast for a few days in total, and can you go to the bathhouse every day? The value of life is to experience more, if you are afraid of this, you have to lose much fun. As long as it's not frostbite, everything else is a minor problem.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

Experts say that the climate in the north is particularly low, and southerners may not be suitable, so they must pay attention to keeping warm.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

This expert may really have never been to the north, outdoors, everyone knows that you must do a good job of keeping warm, but the interior in the north is really not cold. Even if it's cold, even if it's cold, you can't resist the temptation of Erbin's enthusiasm for everyone!

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

Experts say that one side of the water and soil to support the other side, and southerners going to the north may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and cause related diseases.

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense
The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense

Some people also said, experts, don't be blind, I haven't been anywhere, should I cough or cough, what does it have to do with northern tourism? Of course, what the expert said is still right, but like the netizen above, it's cold and refreshing, and it's fun!

The "Southern Little Potato" returned home and suffered from "tourism disease", experts made suggestions, and netizens collectively broke the defense


This session of netizens is really not persuadable, should say it or not, the great difference in climate is objective, the "southern little potatoes" go to Erbin to play, should play, keep warm, and experience.

It's not that we're disobedient, it's that you don't understand the experts.

That's love!

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