
Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

author:Entertainment idols
Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

Indian female Internet celebrities traveled in China, did not pay for the car, and asked for a high-speed rail transposition, and foreign netizens were anxious

On a speeding high-speed train, the environment in the carriage is clean and quiet, and passengers either bow their heads to read, or talk softly, enjoying this smooth journey.

At this time, a little brother by the window was closing his eyes and enjoying a rare leisure time.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

Suddenly, an Indian female influencer broke into his line of sight, and she asked her brother to give up his window seat so that she could better take pictures of the scenery outside the window.

The little brother was a little surprised, but he still politely gave up his seat, with a hint of helplessness in his expression, and his movements revealed a gentlemanly demeanor.

According to statistics, maintaining quiet and order on the high-speed train is essential for the comfort of passengers, and the behavior of this female influencer has undoubtedly upset this balance.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

Her unreasonable request not only affected the rest of the little brother, but also made the surrounding passengers feel unhappy.

In another scene, the female influencer appeared next to an aunt's electric car again.

She seems to have a strong interest in electric vehicles, regardless of her aunt's confusion and helplessness, she insists on riding an electric car to experience it.

The aunt's face was full of confusion and helplessness, and she tried to communicate with the female influencer with words and body language, but it was obviously not effective.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

The female Internet celebrity's mood seemed a little impatient, and she didn't seem to understand her aunt's troubles.

According to the local traffic rules, there are strict rules for electric vehicles to carry people, and the behavior of female influencers clearly violates these regulations.

Her actions not only made the aunt feel embarrassed, but also made the pedestrians around her cast strange eyes.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

On the bus, the female influencer once again showed her "unique" style.

She didn't put coins or swipe cards when she got into the car, but walked straight to the back of the car.

The driver noticed her behavior, and he calmly asked the female influencer if she had forgotten to put in coins or swipe cards.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

However, the female Internet celebrity seemed a little impatient, she responded perfunctorily a few words, and then ignored the driver.

Bus companies have clear requirements and supervision measures for coin-operated cards, and the behavior of female Internet celebrities is undoubtedly disregard for these regulations.

Her actions made other passengers feel dissatisfied and the driver felt helpless.

Chinese netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with the Indian female influencer's behavior.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

On major social platforms, netizens have left messages criticizing her rudeness and selfishness.

They pointed out that as a public figure, she should pay more attention to her words and deeds, respect others, and follow the rules.

Some netizens even said that her behavior has seriously affected the image of Chinese, and hopes that she can reflect on her behavior.

Foreign netizens also expressed strong condemnation of the female Internet celebrity's behavior.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

They left a message on the Internet saying that this behavior is not only disrespectful to Chinese culture, but also irresponsible to other passengers.

Some foreign netizens even said that her actions had damaged the image of the entire country and hoped that she could apologize for her actions.

On the Internet, at least a hundred comments were criticizing the female influencer's actions.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

Judging from cultural differences and personal qualities, the Indian female influencer's behavior does have some problems.

She may not know much about Chinese culture and rules, or she may lack personal qualities.

However, as a public figure, she should pay more attention to her words and deeds, respect others, and follow the rules.

This behavior not only affected her personal image, but also damaged the image of the country as a whole.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

In international travel, we should pay more attention to civilized behavior and respect the local culture and rules to show our good qualities and image.

An American man has chosen a unique way to explore China – cycling around.

His route covers multiple cities and attractions in China, from bustling cities to tranquil countryside.

During the journey, he encountered many difficulties, such as rough mountain roads and sudden weather, but he received enthusiastic help from the locals.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

He shared the wonderful moments and touching stories during the ride on social media, which attracted the attention and likes of countless netizens.

During the ride, the American man deeply felt the hospitality and warmth of the Chinese.

Once, he shared a table with a Chinese guy who not only enthusiastically shared his food with him, but also introduced him to the local specialties and culture.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

In other places, he also received selfless help from the Chinese, such as giving directions and providing accommodation.

These experiences left a deep impression on his hospitality of the Chinese.

When the American man finished his cycling tour and was about to leave China, he wept with emotion at the door of his new country.

He said that this experience in China has given him a lot of good memories and friendships, and he is very grateful for the enthusiasm and help of the Chinese.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

His words of gratitude were deeply emotional, and they also expressed his expectations and wishes for coming to China again in the future.

China has abundant tourism resources and unique cultural charm, which attract a large number of foreign tourists to visit.

In order to receive these tourists, China has made a lot of efforts and preparations, from upgrading tourism facilities to promoting cultural activities, all of which strive to make foreign tourists have a pleasant experience in China.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

At the same time, China also advocates civilized tourism, hoping that tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery while respecting the local culture and rules.

In the face of uncivilized behavior like Indian female influencers, the Chinese show a cultural connotation of humility and gentleness.

They do not choose violent conflict or retaliation, but solve problems through communication and guidance.

This way of dealing with it not only reflects the tolerance and friendliness of the Chinese, but also effectively reduces the occurrence of similar incidents.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

At the same time, China also guides foreign tourists to abide by local rules and customs through education and publicity, and jointly maintains a harmonious tourism environment.

The good experience of foreign tourists in China not only promotes cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, but also deepens mutual understanding and friendship.

In order to further strengthen this exchange, we can take more measures, such as holding cultural exchange events, providing language services, etc.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

Looking ahead, we look forward to more frequent and in-depth tourism and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, bringing more opportunities for mutual understanding and cooperation.


Through the different experiences of Indian influencers and American men in China, we see the differences in the behavior of foreign tourists and the reactions to these behaviors at home and abroad.

Indian female Internet celebrities came to China to travel, and they were arrogant and did not give money to change positions on the high-speed rail, and netizens were anxious

China has always welcomed foreign tourists with an open and inclusive attitude, but also hopes that tourists will respect China's culture and rules.

In the future, we hope that more foreign tourists will be able to make good memories in China like American men, and at the same time promote deeper cultural understanding and friendly exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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