
The TVB Awards Ceremony is coming! "Perfect Adulterer" has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor, and he has come out of the circle with comedy roles

author:Anthony loves to read


Zheng Zicheng is a high-profile TVB power actor, and his excellent acting skills and versatile image make the audience look forward to him. As the TVB Awards ceremony approaches, Cheng Zicheng has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor with his outstanding performance, let's learn about his breakthrough roles and amazing works.

Character breakout: from villain to comedy

In past episodes, Zheng Zicheng often played the role of a villain, leaving a deep impression on the audience. However, in the recently aired episode of The New Forty-Two, his character transforms into a hilarious math genius, and this groundbreaking performance is a sight to behold. Zheng Zicheng needs to face a large number of actuarial lines in the play, which is a huge challenge for an actor with a non-professional background. However, through his superb acting skills and confident performance, he managed to play this role to the fullest, winning the appreciation of the audience.

Character Performance: Create classic lines and memes

In Zheng Zicheng's acting career, there are several works that have left a deep impression on the audience. Among them, "Fengshen Bang" and "Mind Reading Detective" are among the most well-known works. Especially in "Mind Reading Detective", the character played by Zheng Zicheng has a line: "I'm sorry, you can really do whatever you want if you have money", this line was once popular in the mainland, and was even made into an emoji. These works showcased Zheng Zicheng's excellent acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role, which impressed the audience with his acting ability.

The TVB Awards Ceremony is coming! "Perfect Adulterer" has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor, and he has come out of the circle with comedy roles

Concerns and family relationships: Decisions made with family in mind

Although Zheng Zicheng had the opportunity to develop in the north, he chose to stay in TVB. On the one hand, he is not very good at Mandarin and is worried that he will face a language barrier when working in the mainland, and on the other hand, he attaches great importance to his family and is worried that he will not be able to take care of his family after leaving Hong Kong. This decision shows his love and sense of responsibility for his family and becomes a model for him as a husband and family member.

Do you like to watch TVB dramas?

TVB dramas have always been loved by audiences, and they are known for their great storylines, great casts, and high-quality productions. As a viewer, it is natural to be interested in TVB's dramas. Every time a new drama is released, it will attract the attention and discussion of a wide range of audiences. TVB has a wide variety of dramas, whether it is costume dramas, modern dramas or urban romance dramas, which can meet the different tastes and needs of the audience.

Do you have a favorite TVB actor or series?

Among the many TVB actors, everyone has their own favorites. And one of my favorite TVB actors is Zheng Zicheng. He is loved by the audience for his excellent acting skills and versatile image. Zheng Zicheng's character performance in the series is impressive, whether it is a villain role or a comedic role, he can always interpret the role vividly, which makes people laugh. In addition, I also like TVB dramas such as "Fengshen Bang" and "Mind Reader", which not only have gripping plots, but also superb performances by the actors.

The TVB Awards Ceremony is coming! "Perfect Adulterer" has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor, and he has come out of the circle with comedy roles

What do you think of Cheng Zicheng's acting skills?

For Zheng Zicheng's acting skills, I can only use two words to describe it: superb. Whether playing a villain role or a comedy role, he can always bring different surprises to the audience. His performance is delicate and nuanced, and he can accurately grasp the emotions and characteristics of the character, which makes people praise his acting skills. His role in the series is full of tension, and every performance resonates and hotly debates with the audience. Zheng Zicheng's acting skills not only show his strength, but also add infinite charm to TVB dramas.

Do you have any actors or awards that you particularly focus on for an event like an awards ceremony?

The awards ceremony is a grand event in the television industry and attracts the attention of countless viewers every year. As a viewer, I'm also looking forward to such an event. I pay special attention to whether there are any actors I like who are shortlisted or awarded. Among these awards, the most eye-catching are, of course, the acting awards such as Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress. These awards are an acknowledgment of the actors' hard work and a recognition of their performances by the audience. I hope to see Cheng Zicheng get the honor he deserves, and I also look forward to other outstanding actors being recognized at the awards ceremony.

The TVB Awards Ceremony is coming! "Perfect Adulterer" has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor, and he has come out of the circle with comedy roles

What kind of character do you think qualifies as the "perfect adulterer"? Can you think of any other character like that?

"Perfect adulterer" is a figurative term that describes the characteristics of a character, and it usually refers to actors who play the role of villains in a series but are attractive and charismatic. These characters usually have excellent acting skills and superb performances, and are able to accurately portray the insidious, cunning, and complex character of the character. Their performances are often love-hated and leave a lasting impression on the audience.

In addition to Zheng Zicheng, there are some other actors who have also successfully portrayed similar roles, such as Huang Qiusheng's role in "Criminal Investigation Files", Liu Qingyun's role in "Forensic Records", etc. Through their superb acting skills and vivid performances, these actors make the audience remember these "perfect adulterous" characters.

Do you like TV dramas from other regions besides TVB, and do you have any other recommended dramas?

In addition to TVB dramas, I also like to watch dramas from other regions. Each region has its own unique style of TV drama and story theme, which is eye-opening. For example, Korean dramas are loved by audiences for their romantic love stories and exquisite productions, while American dramas are popular for their tight plots and suspenseful thrills.

The TVB Awards Ceremony is coming! "Perfect Adulterer" has become a big favorite for Best Supporting Actor, and he has come out of the circle with comedy roles


Cheng Zicheng won the love and appreciation of the audience through his excellent acting skills and breakthrough role performances. His transformational role is eye-catching, showcasing his diverse acting skills and deep understanding of the role. Although he faced some concerns, his decision showed his concern and sense of responsibility for his family. I look forward to the upcoming TVB Awards ceremony, where Zheng Zicheng can get the honor he deserves, and continue to bring more wonderful performances to the audience.