
Orthopedic surgeons teach: two major waist protection prescriptions, don't let your waist get older than you

author:Lucky Wind Chimes VLS

In a quiet town, the daily life of Zhang Bo, a retired teacher, is calm and orderly. Approaching the age of 60, he has a love for healthy living, and his morning walk and Tai Chi after dinner are an integral part of his life. Recently, however, an uninvited pain has begun to creep into his life – low back pain.

Orthopedic surgeons teach: two major waist protection prescriptions, don't let your waist get older than you

At first, Uncle Zhang didn't pay much attention to the occasional slight discomfort, which he blamed on his growing age or the change in weather. But as time passed, the pain intensified and began to seriously interfere with his daily activities. Sometimes, the pain in his lower back suddenly worsens when he bends over, making it difficult for him to stand upright, and sometimes he feels unbearable pain when he stands for too long in a lecture in the classroom.

As we age, our body functions gradually decline, and lower back pain seems to be a problem that many people have to face. At this age, wear and tear on joints, loss of muscle strength or poor posture for long periods of time can be a contributing factor to low back pain.

Uncle Zhang's low back pain problem seems to be getting worse. Every morning when he gets up, he feels stiff in his lower back, and sometimes even bending over becomes a problem. He tried a variety of family remedies, from hot to cold, from Chinese medicine ointments to Western medicine sprays, but the results were not satisfactory. The massage and yoga classes recommended by his friends temporarily relieved the pain, but in the long run, it did not fundamentally improve his low back pain.

Orthopedic surgeons teach: two major waist protection prescriptions, don't let your waist get older than you

Under the persuasion of his family, Uncle Zhang finally decided to seek professional help from the hospital. After careful examination, the orthopedic surgeon at the hospital explained that Uncle Zhang's low back pain was mainly caused by incorrect sitting posture and lack of proper exercises for a long time. The doctor did not immediately prescribe medication, but introduced Zhang Bo to two effective waist support schemes.

The first option is to improve daily habits. The doctor advised Zhang Bo to get up and move every hour and avoid staying in the same position for a long time. In addition, the doctor also advised Zhang Bo to change his sleeping habits and use mattresses and pillows that are more suitable for chiropractic care. Doctors emphasize that these changes may not be easy to adhere to initially, but in the long run, they can be beneficial to lower back health.

The second option is a customized workout plan. Doctors recommend exercises that specifically target the lower back muscles, such as planks and lumbar twisting exercises. These exercises are designed to strengthen the lower back muscles and improve the stability of the spine. The doctor also stressed that these exercises need to be done under professional guidance to avoid injuries caused by improper exercise.

Zhang Bo followed the doctor's advice and began to gradually adjust his lifestyle. He sets an alarm clock in the office to remind himself to get up and move every hour, and tries to change his sleeping position at night. At the same time, he began to exercise his waist under the guidance of a professional trainer. At first, these changes were not easy for him, but as time went on, Uncle Zhang gradually felt that the pain in his lower back had lessened.

Orthopedic surgeons teach: two major waist protection prescriptions, don't let your waist get older than you

Although some progress has been made, Zhang Bo knows that in order to completely improve the situation of low back pain, continuous efforts and perseverance are needed. He began to read more books about lower back health and learn how to better protect his lumbar spine in his daily life. He also began to realize that maintaining a healthy lower back is not just about treating pain, it is a long-term lifestyle change.

In order to further improve his health, Zhang Bo began to try to change his eating habits, increase the intake of vegetables and fruits, and reduce the intake of greasy and high-calorie foods. At the same time, he joined the local walking group and took a relaxing walk every evening. These changes, while simple, had a significant impact on his overall health.

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