
Once Upon a Time in the Northeast: Chapter 77: The World of Old-fashioned Rogues

author:Gangster Fiction Story Meeting

The reason why these boys are fearless is that they regard becoming a big brother as the most "noble" ideal in their lives. In the face of lofty ideals, the life of an individual is not very important, just like the revolutionary aspirants who threw away their heads and shed their blood 50 years ago just to liberate the whole of China, they are fearless.

  People, kind of idealistic, that's right. It's just that their ideals are seriously distorted.

  Their ideals were formed before they formed a correct view of right and wrong.

  In their eyes, there is only fame, no right and wrong, and no chivalry. After they flooded the streets of the city in the early nineties, the chivalrous classical hooligans of the eighties like Liu Haizhu are in decline.

  When the hooligan is no longer classical, the hooligan will become very famous.

  Fortunately, now it is written in the eighties, and it is still the world of classical hooligans.

  It is said that if it weren't for Zhao Shanhe's confidante who stopped him, he would definitely go to Liu Haizhu for revenge the next day.

  Zhao Shanhe's confidante surnamed Mao, called Mao Qin, is quite a person with a story, she is a famous water boot in our city in the eighties. , water boots, are water boots that have slept with men who have slept in more than three digits. It can be called the first woman in our city in the 80s, and the pioneer of sexual openness. In 1988, she was about 27 or 8 years old. In the eighties, water boots were probably the most vicious term for a woman, but Mao Qin didn't care, she was proud of her extravagance and lasciviousness, and ashamed of not having a man.

  Like many water boots, Mao Qin has a beautiful face and a sexy figure comparable to Ye Yuqing, and a pair of soul-hooking Danfeng eyes always glance at men, but when men look at her, she pretends to bow her head shyly. This trick is the most unbearable for men. Mao Qin's hundreds of men didn't sleep in vain, she knows men's psychology too well, no man likes women who are too arrogant, every man likes a woman who is pure and shy on the surface but is like a wolf in bed. And she is the best of the best, which makes men want to stop. She is a goblin, a goblin who can read through men's minds.

  According to the grapevine, when Mao Qin was seventeen years old, she was dragged to the sorghum fields in the suburbs by Chen Weidong, who was his first man and one of the two men she loved the most. It was Chen Weidong who made her experience the joy and beauty of sex, and since then, she has been out of control, and basically slept with all the big bastards in the city except for Zhao Hongbing and others, at that time, she was really stupid and naïve. Ergou knew that she had always wanted to sleep with the handsome guy Zhao Hongbing, but Zhao Hongbing never let her succeed.

  Ergou clearly remembers that at that time, Mao Qin was brought to Zhao Hongbing's hotel many times to open a room, and basically changed people every time, which can be called a bride every night. Ergou clearly remembered the whole process of Mao Qin teasing Zhao Hongbing once, that day Mao Qin came to Zhao Hongbing's restaurant for dinner, maybe she also drank some wine.

  "Boss Zhao, where's your beautiful girlfriend?" Mao Qin pursed her lips and said to Zhao Hongbing with a smile, staring at Zhao Hongbing sitting at the bar with a pair of phoenix eyes

  "School has started, in Beijing" Zhao Hongbing was more shy, and every time he was stared at by a woman, he lowered his head first. Of course, it may also be that Zhao Hongbing's shy actions stimulated Mao Qin's provocative enthusiasm even more.

  "When will you come back?" Mao Qin said as she looked at Zhao Hongbing with a smile

  "Come back from summer vacation in July" Zhao Hongbing glanced up out of politeness, and saw Mao Qin's straight eyes again, and quickly lowered his head again and pretended to look at the accounts.

  "Hehe, Boss Zhao isn't looking for a temporary girlfriend?" Mao Qin looked at Zhao Hongbing lightly and continued to flirt.

  "I ...... I can't find it" is a person who has weaknesses, Zhao Hongbing has never done anything about the woman who molested him, he is a gentleman, and he will never say foul words to any woman in his life.

  "Boss Zhao, this young man is so energetic, which girl doesn't like it?" Mao Qin looked like he was going to eat Zhao Hongbing when he said this.

  "I really can't find it" Zhao Hongbing was obviously a little annoyed, but he still behaved very gracefully.

  "What do you think of me, am I worthy of your Boss Zhao?" Mao Qin saw that Zhao Hongbing didn't take the bait, and was a little anxious. Usually she seduces men, how can she ever be so sad.

  "I'm not worthy of you" Although Zhao Hongbing was annoyed, he still smiled politely after saying this. 、

  "Look at what you said, your sister and I like you like this" Mao Qin was really anxious, and came directly to the naked teasing.

  "I ........." Zhao Hongbing was helpless

  "Haha, Boss Zhao, are you still a child?" Mao Qin laughed presumptuously.

  Zhao Hongbing was really annoyed now, no longer answered, and lowered his head and flipped through the account book.

  "I'm a virgin!" Xiao Beijing, who had endured not speaking for a long time, raised his hand with a smile.

  "Is it true? Let my sister test it?"

  "Ahem, I don't dare to let you test it," Xiao Beijing said regretfully.


  "I'm afraid of getting sick"

  "What kind of disease are you afraid of?"

  "An infectious disease"

  "You ......" Mao Qin was so angry that she couldn't speak, and turned to leave

  "Xiao Shen, you talked too much, how can you say that Mao Qin is also joking with us, you look at you, did you annoy her?" Zhao Hongbing said to Xiao Beijing. Although Zhao Hongbing wanted to send the plague god happily, he still felt that Xiao Beijing was talking a little too much.

  "Hongbing, if I wasn't here, she would have to put you down here today, I'm here to relieve you!" Xiao Beijing said triumphantly.

  "Hehe, just look at your broken mouth, you have offended all the women you know, tell me which one of you has not offended" Zhao Hongbing also knew that Xiao Beijing's mouth could not be changed.

  "I didn't offend the third sister, she likes me"

  "Roll the calf"

  In this way, Mao Qin wanted to seduce Zhao Hongbing but couldn't get it. As mentioned above, Mao Qin loved two men in his life, one of them was Chen Weidong, and the other was Zhao Shanhe. Although Mao Qin has read countless men and continued to debauchery after knowing Zhao Shanhe, this does not affect the fiery love between Mao Qin and Zhao Shanhe. Perhaps, Zhao Shanhe, who is strong and young, can give her great pleasure in the flesh. The relationship between Mao Qin and Zhao Shanhe is also a teacher, a friend and a relative, at the beginning, Mao Qin appeared in front of Zhao Shanhe as Zhao Shanhe's "quasi-sister-in-law", which is a relative, and later slept with Zhao Shanhe and became Zhao Shanhe's teacher in bed. Usually, she and Zhao Shanhe are good friends who talk about everything. But at the same time, she also maintained an improper relationship with Chen Weidong for a long time. In short, the relationship is very chaotic, Mao Qin has slept with the two brothers countless times, and their relationship is a bit like a form of English scientific name in primitive society, but it is plausible.

  When Mao Qin and her close comrade-in-arms Zhao Shanhe were passionate that night, Zhao Shanhe said that he wanted to clean up his bangs. The following dialogue comes from the relay of a comrade in Zhao Hongbing's gang who later worshiped under the pomegranate skirt of Mao Qin, specifically which of the two dogs disappeared, after all, it is not a good thing to engage in water boots.

Once Upon a Time in the Northeast: Chapter 77: The World of Old-fashioned Rogues

Chapter 78: It's okay to fight, it's okay to pretend to be an egg

Do you know who he is? Do you know Li Lao's stick? Liu Haizhu slashed him twice, and he didn't dare to go to Liu Haizhu again."


  "The old stick is not just a child, how many people in the city dare to mess with them?" Li Lao Stick was also slept with by Mao Qin.

  "I don't care about that, isn't he famous?

  "You better discuss it with your brother, don't act rashly"

  "I discussed it with my brother, and he is really Nima and has no strength, because I worship him so much"

  "I've known your brother for ten years, and you've known your brother for twenty years, do you say your brother is a timid person?"

  "Well, my brother is not a cowardly person, but this time he is really cowardly"

  "It's not your brother's cowardice, it's really that Liu Haizhu is not aggressive, he is famous for fighting and not dying, in 80 and 81 years, he leveled almost all the bastards in the city with a pickaxe, you were still young at that time, I don't know"

  "So what do you say?"

  "As I said just now, Old Stick Li also has a conflict with him, or should I ask Old Stick Li if he is willing to help you?"

  "Just pack up a bicycle repairer, and still need someone to help?"

  "Liu Haizhu has a lot of brothers and friends, Zhao Hongbing, do you know them, they and Liu Haizhu are iron buddies. When I go to Zhao Hongbing's restaurant, I often see several of them getting together for a drink, and the relationship is iron."

  "That's what my brother said, or you'll go and say hello to Old Stick Li tomorrow?"

  "Your brother is in business now, and it's not convenient for him to help you with some things. If you really make a big deal of it, sister will help you find some people in society" Although Mao Qin and Zhao Shanhe have slept countless times, they are still commensurate with sisters and brothers.

  "It's really a big deal, my brother will definitely help me"

  "That's for sure"

  Mao Qin really loves Zhao Shanhe, and she can go to sleep with a man she is not interested in in order to help Zhao Shanhe. She can now proudly say to the new generation of water boots who don't know what true love is: "I am water boots, I have loved!"

  The true love of water boots is probably the hardest thing for men to get, and it is precious.

  The reason why Mao Qin slept with a "person she wasn't interested in" was because she met Huang Laoxie when she was looking for Li Laozhu the next day, and that night, Huang Laoxie slept with Mao Qin, of course, it can also be said that Mao Qin slept with Huang Laoxi.

  Ergou thinks: Of course, it is difficult for a man like Huang Laoxie to make women interested. Of course, it is not excluded that the taste of Maoqin is indeed very heavy and unique. It is also possible that there is a natural strong attraction between the water boots and the calf prisoner, which is difficult for ordinary people to guess and ponder.

  According to the later development of events and Ergou's understanding of Huang Laoxie and Mao Qin, Ergou is now fabricating how the two had a conversation after 300 rounds of fierce battle that night:

  "My brother is going to clean up the bangs," Mao Qin said softly

  "Bangs Haizhu?" Huang Laoxie was so frightened that he was about to pee when he heard this name, of course he remembered that Liu Haizhu was the one who chased him for several streets with a broken kitchen knife.

  "What's the matter, are you afraid? I thought you were a man," Mao Qin said with a little disdain.

  "Have I ever been afraid of anyone?" Huang Laoxie took a deep breath of cigarette and spit out a smoke ring leisurely, "I had a grudge against him before, and I have long wanted to clean him up."

  Huang Laoxie can't fight, but it's good to pretend to be a calf. This time, Mao Qinzhen, who has read countless men, really looked away.

  The smoke ring spit out by Huang Laoxie slowly rose, and the smoke ring condensed in the air slowly dispersed, and gradually, it was annihilated in the air.

  Indeed, only two packs of large-scale production cigarettes can spit out such a thick but graceful smoke ring. Huang Laoxie likes large-scale production of cigarettes, and loves large-scale production of cigarettes. He believes that the choking smell of mass-produced cigarettes has the smell of a down-and-out aristocracy that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. This is a good match for his identity. In his previous life, it should have been Nalan Rongruo, the light and weak Jiangnan genius with a pair of big eyes that could speak.

  However, this Huang Laoxi, who was Nalan Rongruo in his previous life, wants to fight with Liu Haizhu, who was Zhang Yide in his previous life, will his weak body be able to resist a chaotic kitchen knife again? Huang Laoxie shook his head slightly, he thought, this may be called a violent heavenly thing.

  Huang Laoxie gently pushed away the Mao Qin in his arms, his mind was now very chaotic, just like the smoke ring that had turned into wisps of smoke. After all, there are many cases of death caused by calves.

  "I'll do something, don't worry," Huang Laoxie said softly


  Huang Laoxie put on his yellow army pants and boots, pushed the door and walked out. Yes, Huang Laoxi's style is different, always so chic. In 1988, when fashionable men and women were already wearing jeans, he was already starting to get nostalgic. The morning air is filled with the smell of the summer morning in our city in the 80s, which is a mixture of the smell of soot billowing from the chimneys of the heavy industrial city every morning and the scent of summer flowers blooming on the roadside. Huang Laoxie took a deep breath after going out, he was a sensual person, and he noticed a faint sadness and a faint parting in this smell. He glanced back at the door that had been closed casually by him, and inside that door, the beauty was still there, and in the incense, there was still the residual warmth of his yellow old evil.

  Huang Laoxie found that he seemed to have quietly fallen in love with Mao Qin, a fairy-like woman.

  How much love can mess around, how many water boots can wait.

  "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet as autumn leaves", Huang Laoxie looked at the flowers blooming on the side of the road, and his heart calmed down a lot. After all, Huang Laoxie is a man who can fight for love, or he is a man who can fight for adultery. The distinction between love and adultery is not very clear, and perhaps in fact, the difference is not very big.

  The first person Huang Laoxie thought of who could help him eliminate his fear of bangs was Potato, the bastard who had been disfigured by Fei Si.

  The potatoes that have just been "shaped" after being disfigured are particularly perverse and violent. Tudou and Lao Wu are both the three generals under Li Lao's stick, but Lao Wu has basically withdrawn from the rivers and lakes after being knocked out of a tooth by Li Si, and Tudou has become Bengali after his injury. Although Li Lao Stick did not agree with them to provoke Liu Haizhu, Tudou was bent on avenging Li Lao Stick, who had been slashed twice by Liu Haizhu, and Tudou's loyalty to Li Lao Stick was quite high. finally negotiated peace, and Li Lao Stick was unwilling to fight again. At that time, Li Laozhu was bent on making money, and he was not willing to get involved in their affairs at all.

  People who have a common enemy are friends. The common enemy of Zhao Shanhe, Huang Laoxi, Tudou and others is Liu Haizhu, so the three of them hit it off.

  It is said that it was Huang Laoxie and Tudou who took the initiative to find Zhao Shanhe. The tactics they negotiated were: If there is only Liu Haizhu alone or two or three people, then Zhao Shanhe and his brother will handle it. If the situation is serious and Liu Haizhu calls other helpers or uses a gun, then Huang Laoxie and Tudou will come forward.

  Facts have proved that it is inevitable that Zhao Hongbing and others can become big brothers, and their IQ is more than one grade higher than that of Huang Laoxie and others. When Huang Laoxi, Zhao Shanhe and others predicted the future development of events, they actually thought that things might not get bigger. They really forgot what kind of person Liu Haizhu was, and they also forgot what kind of friends this person had.