
The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

author:Easy tendon to wash the marrow and clear the source


A few days ago, Yu attended a Tai Chi workshop. During this period, a young boxer asked me a question: Why do many Taijiquan masters have big bellies? Is it a symbol of skill? There was a little awkwardness in the atmosphere and silence of the venue. Most of the participants were famous scholars of various sects, most of whom were like Maitreya. It's a tricky question, but it's a valuable one.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Since ancient times, traditional Chinese martial arts have been practiced and cultivated. Xingyi boxing master Li Wenguang said: Martial arts talk about cultivation, three points of refinement, four points of nourishment, and four points of eating. Li Lao was 100 years old and died without illness. Wang Changhai, a master of Taijiquan, said: refining, that is, smelting, extracting the essence of matter; practice is repetition, that is, if it is not broken, it will not stand, and if it is broken, it will be harmed. This is the essential difference between traditional Chinese martial arts and modern fighting, and the basic skills training system. One false step will make a great difference.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

01 What is Tai Chi practiced?

Many Tai Chi enthusiasts have never figured out this question in their lives. Tai Chi, that is, the qi of chaos at the beginning of the opening. Therefore, the subject matter of Taijiquan cultivation is also qi.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Traditional Chinese philosophy believes that qi is the material basis for the production of matter and the evolution of matter. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that qi is the material basis and function of human life. Martial artists discovered that qi is a kind of field energy, and its essence is bioelectricity. In the tropical waters of the Americas, there is a catfish called the electric eel, which releases bioelectricity that can kill a cow.

Bioelectricity is a normal physiological phenomenon of the human body to supply the needs of the human body for normal activities. Through special cultivation, the bioelectric voltage of the human body can not only be increased, but also stored, which can not only effectively improve the level of physical and mental health, but also develop functions that are different from ordinary people, which Dan Dao calls "supernatural powers".

This mysterious cultivation method, Dan Dao and meditation is called "Jing Gong", and martial artists call it "Nei Gong", which means to develop the body's energy inward, which is different from Western sports, the outward pursuit of physiological limits, and the essence of the training system.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Summary: The object of Taijiquan cultivation is qi, which is the source of human life, and martial artists cultivate qi into jin, that is, strong bioelectricity, which is used to produce great bearing force and impact.

02 What is Tai Chi raised?

Tai Chi is a hand-to-hand combat technique originating from ancient battlefields. Regardless of physical use, a lot of energy is consumed, and it needs to be replenished in time. The technical methods of supplementation are refining and refining gas and refining gas and transforming gods.

The so-called refining and refining qi is to convert the subtle substances of the water valley and the pure qi of nature into acquired qi to supplement the deficiency of innate qi. Its physiological mechanism is: Jinggong cultivation can activate the parasympathetic nerves of the body, so that the nervous system, digestive system, and respiratory system are in a state of energy storage. Reserve the gas engine in the Qihai Dantian, and then accumulate the gas to rush the level.

The hallmark of refining and refining qi is to open up the two veins of Rendu, restore the true qi reserve and sewage function of the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, and timely adjust the profit and loss of the true qi of the twelve meridians. It takes about 100 days for a healthy adult to build a foundation, so it is called 100 days to build a foundation.

The so-called refining of qi and transforming the gods refers to the successive opening of all the eight veins of the Qi Sutra. Including: Ren Pulse, Du Pulse, Belt Pulse, Chong Pulse, Yang Pulse, Yin Dimension Pulse, Yin Pulse and Yang Pulse Pulse. It is similar to establishing a pivotal system of qi and blood circulation in the body to regulate the qi and blood around the body, and nourish the five internal organs and limbs. Further make the qi of the whole body reach the state of still water and deep flow, and begin to nourish the brain, Dan Dao called to refine the brain.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Its physiological mechanism is to increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, so that 97% of the "brain black hole" can be developed to produce conscious energy, which Dandao calls "supernatural power". Modern scientific research results have confirmed that after special training, the human brain, the consciousness generated, can change the internal structure and external form of matter. It is also called mental power, and martial artists call it jin. This is the source of Tai Chi's intention to not use force.

Summary: The essence and spirit of the human body show a trend of using up and discarding, and fighting will consume the essence and energy, so it is necessary to replenish it through meditation cultivation in time. This is the meaning of four points of nourishment.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

03 What to eat and how to eat?

The older generation of martial artists said: three points of practice, seven points of eating. Its essence is to emphasize nourishment, and eating also belongs to the category of nourishment. However, more than 90% of the Chinese people do not know about dietary nutrition.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Since the beginning of the Republic of China, hot weapons have expelled martial arts from the arm. Professional martial artists no longer exist. The heads of various martial arts have become scarce resources and are highly respected. Many martial arts masters were supported by their disciples like gods, and coupled with neglect of practice, their bodies quickly became huge and out of shape. Modern medicine calls it the three highs physique.

In fact, almost all diseases are related to obesity. Among the author's classmates, there are no less than dozens of people who have attained martial arts attainments and achieved fame, and there are more than 1,000 disciples and grandchildren. Gluttonous meals, day by day, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, one after another. Sweating profusely and panting at every turn.

Martial artists are also flesh and blood, and it is a common truth that illness comes from the mouth. From the famous Taijiquan master of the Republic of China, Yang Chengfu has learned from the past. Among them, he became famous, had a lot of food, and was huge, but he died young and did not die.

When he was young, Zhou Tiecheng and Wu Dacheng, the famous masters of Guanxingyi Boxing, taught, and the requirements for eating were extremely strict, and they were forbidden to eat fishy, meaty, fragrant and spicy things. Fishy things have a turbid taste, and eating them makes the acquired qi coarse and difficult to subdue; spicy things, frivolous in nature, and eating them, until the innate qi, scatters but does not gather. He also asked his disciples not to overeat and hurt their spirits, and not to overeat and get hungry and angry. At the same time, it also pays attention to nutrition, in the 60s of the last century, the material is scarce, the daily diet is replaced by melons and vegetables, Zhou Shi paid out of his own pocket, purchased beef bones from the beef and mutton processing factory, and supplemented the nutrition of students with bone marrow.

The Tai Chi master has a big belly and chats about Tai Chi "practicing and recuperating"

Since ancient times, dietary nutrition has been the primary priority of health preservation. Folk proverbs say: Shelter from the wind such as avoiding arrows, avoiding color as avoiding chaos, add and subtract from the clothes, and eat less after the meal. The "Neijing" elaborates on the principle of scientific diet: that is, the five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for help, the five animals are for the benefit, and the five vegetables are for the full. At present, the food guide proposed by the Chinese Nutrition Society is the nutrition pyramid. It can be used as a reference for daily diet.

To sum up, modern martial artists should fully grasp the knowledge of health preservation and dietary nutrition, and incorporate them into their daily teaching, so as to benefit themselves and others.

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