
The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

author:Qianqian chats about life

As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games draw closer, athletes from participating countries are working hard to prepare for the final stages. Among them, the Chinese diving team has always been in the leading position of the world's diving competition and has attracted much attention. Especially the young talent Quan Hongchan, she has risen rapidly and become a rising star and future leader of the Chinese diving team, which is highly anticipated.

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

1. The rise of Quan Hongchan

At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan, who was only 14 years old at the time, won the women's single 10-meter platform championship with her amazing talent. She achieved the feat of three perfect jumps in the final, especially the moment when the last splash disappeared, which shocked all the audience. It is rare for a 14-year-old girl to score a perfect triple jump at a top event such as the Olympics. Quan Hongchan has become famous since then and has become a rising star in the diving world in China and even the world.

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

Quan Hongchan has extremely high talent, her agility, beautiful posture in the air, and strong potential to enter the water. This makes every dive she is very precise and consistent, and the judges give her very high scores. Unlike many athletes, Quan Hongchan does not rely on strength, but is known for her skills. She has easy control over her body and performs many difficult movements. This allowed her to perform at such a high level as a teenager.

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

After the victory in the Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan became the focus of the diving community in China and even the world for a while. Her cheerful and sunny personality and inspirational upbringing have also allowed her to accumulate a large number of fans. A 14-year-old girl can win the Olympic Games, which is an idol and inspiration for many people. Quan Hongchan became a national-level athlete for a while, and her every competition and training has attracted much attention.

2. Prepare for the Paris Olympics

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

In the preparation for the Paris Olympics cycle, Quan Hongchan is regarded as the most potential newcomer to the Chinese diving team and bears heavy expectations. However, at the peak of her personal development, Quan Hongchan also encountered some difficulties. Her form and results have fluctuated to a certain extent, and she has lost to her senior sister Chen Yuxi in the single 10-meter platform competition many times. This has brought the attention and discussion of her to a new level.

An athlete often encounters ups and downs during development, and Quan Hongchan is no exception. Her height is growing rapidly, and her fitness and strength are adjusting, which is taking a toll on her precise body control. Repeated defeats in the duel with Chen Yuxi undoubtedly brought huge psychological pressure to the young Quan Hongchan.

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

However, Quan Hongchan was not defeated by these difficulties, but constantly adjusted her mentality and trained harder. With the help of her coach and teammates, she gradually got out of the bottleneck of her developmental period. At the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan Hongchan shined again and won the women's single 10-meter platform and double 10-meter platform championships. This shows that Quan Hongchan has returned to her peak form and laid a solid foundation for preparing for the Paris Olympics.

Today, Quan Hongchan has grown into an important member of the Chinese diving team. She has high hopes to achieve a double at the Paris Olympics. Now is the critical period for her to train for sprints, and the double pressure of physical and mental pressure can be imagined. But Quan Hongchan has extraordinary perseverance and will, and will definitely overcome all difficulties and achieve great results in Paris.

3. FINA Best Candidate of the Year

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

Just recently, the FINA announced the list of the best candidates for the 2023 diving event, and Quan Hongchan topped the list and became one of the high-profile candidates. This is undoubtedly a full affirmation of her outstanding performance.

There are also a number of Chinese players on the shortlist, including Chen Yuxi, Chen Yiwen, Chang Yani, Wang Zongyuan, etc. The Chinese team has many people on the list, showing the overall strength of Chinese diving. These athletes will compete against tough opponents from other countries for the best of the year.

It is especially worth mentioning that Quan Hongchan topped the list at the age of 16, which shows that her influence in the international diving world is increasing day by day. The rise of Quan Hongchan also indicates that the replacement of the old and new Chinese diving team is taking shape, and she will take up the banner of Chinese diving together with other young team members.

Winning such an honor will greatly boost Quan Hongchan's confidence. It also gave her more motivation to achieve new breakthroughs and achieve another success at the Paris Olympics. We sincerely look forward to Quan Hongchan's performance, and believe that we can see the hope of Chinese sports in her.

Fourth, the Chinese diving team prepares for Paris

Under the leadership of Quan Hongchan, the Chinese diving team is preparing for the Paris Olympics with firm confidence and tenacious will. The Chinese diving team is known as the "dream team", with deep accumulation and top-level strength. In the previous Olympic Games, the Chinese diving team has won many gold medals and occupied the leading position in the world diving.

The World Swimming Federation selected the best of the year, 16-year-old Quan Hongchan led the Chinese team of 6 people, Zhou Jihong was excited!

In the new Olympic cycle, the Chinese diving team is facing the process of replacing the old with the new. The older generation has withdrawn, while the new generation is trying to take on the heavy lift. Newcomers such as Quan Hongchan and Chen Yiwen are growing rapidly, and together with the remaining veterans, they have formed a strong collective.

The Chinese diving team is united and has a clear goal - to successfully defend multiple championships at the Paris Olympics and continue to maintain China's dominant position in diving. To this end, the players are undergoing high-intensity training and facing huge physical and mental pressure. But everyone is determined to overcome all difficulties and win glory for the country.

Zhou Jihong, the head coach of the Chinese diving team, is also preparing for the Paris Olympics. She is the founder and leader of China's diving industry, and has high hopes and expectations for every member of the team. We believe in the guidance of Zhou Jihong

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