
"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Text: Qi Qin

The article was first published by Qi Qin Headlines

Although time has entered the new century, under the influence of traditional concepts, Chinese are still very taboo about death and funeral, and often keep silent about these things.

"I'm 'someone I don't want to see', I never go to a friend's wedding, I don't take my friends on a trip, and I don't take a pregnant woman to the delivery room. ”

In 1993, Wang Liang was born in Gongzhuling, Jilin Province, and his profession is somewhat special, he is a taboo and fearful professional "corpse picker", which is the so-called "hearse driver".

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Originally, Wang Liang was like a profession that was not well known, silently sending the deceased on the last journey of his life, but in 2019, the "Cold and Warm Life" really made him a little angry, and his originally insensitive face was also a little more optimistic.

"I have seen the dead who were unrecognizable due to car accidents, and I have also seen people whose bodies are rotten and difficult to discern, and even many people who have died celibacly for many years, leaving only a white skeleton..."

Wang Liang talked about his life in detail, he has been engaged in picking up corpses for many years, he has seen too many bloody and sad pictures, every time in the dead of night, he is most afraid of the call to notify the corpse to send off, a small talisman for many years.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Many terrifying and terrifying nights have been suffered by Wang Liang, but among the more than 2,000 corpses he picked up, he was most afraid of one kind of corpse.

Along the way, what kind of story did the work of the corpse pick up bring to Wang Liang, and what kind of corpse was he afraid of?

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

"Corpse picker" Wang Liang

If it weren't for the compulsion of life, Wang Liang never dreamed that his profession would be a corpse picker only seen in novels.

Since his parents divorced when he was a child and he grew up with his grandmother, Wang Liang's temperament is strong and brave, but also stubborn, stubborn and rebellious.

Even if his grandmother treats him well, he can't resist the harm caused by the family's death after all. In the most lively middle school days, Wang Liang began to hate studying, and he was constantly fighting with his classmates, and he was a "bad boy" in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

When he was in high school, because of his psychological maturity, Wang Liang's temper was much more restrained and became less irritable and sharp, but he was still not interested in studying, and dropped out of school and went home before he got his graduation certificate.

That year, Wang Liang was infinitely confused about the future, but fortunately, when the future was bleak, the army gave this energetic young man a chance to enter the army at the youngest age.

After the army exercised his physique and mind, and when he was transferred to work and participated in the work, Wang Liang had faded away from his previous youth and impetuousness, and the whole person became introverted and reserved, and he was reliable in doing things.

At first, he worked a 9-to-5 job in a steel factory, and although the salary was not very high, it was stable and peaceful, which made people feel at ease.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

But before Wang Liang could work for long, the steel plant was restructured. Wang Liang happened to be the one who was laid off.

Because of his status as a veteran, Wang Liang once drove a car for the boss of a large company for several years under the introduction of a friend, but he was very uncomfortable with the too secular working atmosphere, and resigned and left after a few years.

For a long time after that, Wang Liang never found a job that suited him, until 2017, by chance, he became a driver in the civil affairs department.

It's just that this "iron rice bowl" job is not as decent as many people imagine, because the "passengers" he has to pick up are all deceased.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

When he was interviewed for the first time, Wang Liang had just returned in an empty car, but before he could sit down, a new phone call came, asking him to go to the hospital to pick up the deceased.

Among all the causes of death, natural death and death from illness account for the vast majority, and the place where Wang Liang usually comes to the hospital is the most. But there are also many people who have died in car accidents and homicides, and the scenes are extremely bloody and horrific.

At present, the deceased who Wang Liang is picking up is 50 years old, and he was unfortunately hit and flew while riding an electric car, and died of serious head injuries. Because the injury was too serious, the family did not dare to face the death of their relatives and did not dare to collect the body, but in the end, it was the neighbors who helped to deal with the aftermath, which made people feel very sad after hearing it.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

But just before 2019, Wang Liang received a homicide from the deceased, and the murderer was the deceased's own brother.

The cause of the homicide was a sheep that was sold for 500, and after the brothers drank some alcohol that day, the elder brother mentioned the matter at the dinner table and wanted the younger brother to give him some money from the 500, but the younger brother did not give the money.

With the blessing of alcohol, the brothers moved their hands in the scolding, and the elder brother felt that he had suffered a loss, so he ran directly to the kitchen and took a sharp knife and stabbed his younger brother, vowing to give him some color to see, but he didn't expect a fatal knife to kill his younger brother.

The police handling the case said that the brothers actually had slight intellectual disabilities, and the two lived in a rotten house in the countryside depending on each other, and the family's previous property was two sheep, one of which was sold by the younger brother.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Obviously, he just picked up a corpse and endured the strange eyes and discussions of others, but on the way to work, Wang Liang also had to receive countless messages of family pain, which made him a little reticent.

When he first came into contact with this job, Wang Liang's mood swings were actually very large, after all, even after spending several years in the army, in this peaceful and stable environment, he had never really touched corpses.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Twists and turns of the state of mind

To this day, Wang Liang can still remember the feeling of numbness and extreme horror when he first entered the workplace.

In 2017, Wang Liang, who had just worked, received a "ruthless job" and needed to go to the highway to pick up the bodies of four deceased.

Originally, I thought that I had carried a gun and hit a target, and I had countless fights when I was a child, so I shouldn't have too much fear of the corpse, but after arriving at the scene, Wang Liang couldn't stop grunting, and his mood was complicated.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

The accident was a van, and a total of six people in the car and the driver did not know each other, and they carpooled to Changchun at four o'clock in the morning to do business with wholesale clothing.

However, due to the driver's fatigue driving, after the rear-end collision, the van was torn apart from the middle, and all four people in the back seat were killed, and the two in the front seat survived.

The bodies of the remaining four people were fragmented, their arms were knocked apart, their heads were cut off, and they hung around their necks, and the blood of the four was even more dripping all over the ground, looking extremely terrifying and bloody.

Everything in front of him shook Wang Liang fiercely, and after calming down for a long time, he stubbornly packed up these fragmented corpses, loaded them and rushed to the funeral home.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

After adapting to it for a short time, the frightened Wang Liang started a new task: night shift.

This also means that after dark, if there is a phone call, then Wang Liang must face death alone, face the deceased, and drive to pick up the body.

In order to expel the fear in his heart, Wang Liang turned on all the lights before it was dark, and even endured his thirst and did not drink water in order not to experience the weird atmosphere in the toilet.

But the more afraid of something, the more you want something, and that night, the phone call that was not expected still came.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

The mission location is in the countryside of Princess Ridge, and the deceased has been killed for a vendetta, and his body is covered with knife marks, and the visual stimulation effect is full.

Because he knew in advance that it was a homicide, Wang Liang took a body bag and instructed the family members to put the body in the bag first, and then carry it into the car, otherwise the corpse fragments and blood would fall all the way, and he would not have much respect for the deceased himself.

But when he called on his family to get in the car and follow, the family said that he was driving and followed Wang Liang behind.

This also means that in the dark country road, Wang Liang is about to be "alone" with a corpse full of the smell of blood. Thinking of this, Wang Liang's cold hairs stood up.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

The uneasiness in his heart made it extremely difficult for Wang Liang to go, although he returned to the funeral home quickly, but because the corpse could not withstand the bumps, he did not dare to drive too fast, and only hoped that the fear in his heart could go down as soon as possible.

Every time he looked in the rearview mirror to check the situation behind him, Wang Liang's heart was furious, for fear that the corpse would get up in place and scare him half to death.

So as soon as he got out of the car, he hurriedly ran into someone's guard room to relieve his unusually nervous mood.

I can't say I'm not afraid, but I can't say I'm afraid, with extraordinary courage, Wang Liang, who didn't want to lose his job, stayed behind and forced himself to accept his fear.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

However, in Wang Liang's career of receiving corpses, there was indeed a situation of "resurrection from the dead" that he was afraid of, when the family hurriedly sent people back to the emergency room of the hospital, and did not even take off their shrouds, leaving only a happy and frightened Wang Liang, but three hours later, Wang Liang returned to the hospital and picked up the deceased.

However, among the more than 2,000 corpses that have been picked up, what Wang Liang is most afraid of is not this kind of "resurrection from the dead", sitting on the spot, but children.

He once received the body of a child who died of illness with a peaceful and calm face. But the child's parents were so painful, stroking the child's cheeks for a long time and unwilling to leave, and the tears had already dried up.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Because of the taboo of "white-haired people can't send black-haired people", his parents didn't get in the car to follow, and when Wang Liang started the car, he heard his parents' hysterical cries from behind the car, and ran after him like crazy.

Wang Liang had mixed feelings in his heart, so he deliberately slowed down the speed of the car, hoping that on the last journey of his life, the two parents could see their children more.

After the two parents were exhausted, he drove away at a faster pace and took the children to the funeral home to complete the ceremony.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Not only Wang Liang, but also Wang Liang's colleagues and teachers are reluctant to pick up the child's body, because unlike the regular black-haired person sending the white-haired person, the child's death often means the breakdown of a family, which is sad.

After reading too many heavy stories, Wang Liang began to gradually become a little numb, his expression was slightly indifferent and flat, and because of this job, many relatives and friends began to avoid him and were unwilling to associate with him.

It wasn't until 2018 that he started a live broadcast on the Internet, and with the support of tens of thousands of fans, Wang Liang rekindled the light in his life and understood that his work was actually very meaningful.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

Wang Liang often broadcasts live in his spare time, and when he first started live broadcasting, many people walked into his "corpse picker" live broadcast room with the idea of hunting, and the questions they often asked were "Are you afraid" and "Is there anything strange happening".

After learning about Wang Liang's work, fans don't want Wang Liang to go out to work and get busy, because once he leaves, it means that one or dozens of lives have left.

For this reason, fans also jokingly called Wang Liang "black and white impermanence" and went to extradite the deceased. Because of his respect for the deceased at work, Wang Liang often interrupts the live broadcast and puts his mobile phone in his pocket, and his fans are also known as "dou fans".

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

With the deceased in the car and companionship in his pocket, with the respect, understanding and companionship of netizens, Wang Liang's life seems to be no longer lonely and lonely, and it is a lot more lively.

In 2021, the birth of the child gave Wang Liang a new idea, so he said goodbye to his fans, bid farewell to the work of the corpse picker, and resigned to live an ordinary life with the blessings of fans.

"Corpse pick-up" Wang Liang: Receiving 2,000 corpses in two years, bringing amulets to work, I am most afraid of a kind of corpse

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