
"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

author:Henan Business Daily


Top news reporter Meng Yue

On the evening of June 26, the new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" of the Youth Troupe of Henan Yu Theater successfully premiered on the Xiangyu Grand Stage in Zhengzhou.

"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

As a large-scale stage play and work creation funding project of the National Arts Fund in 2023, "Zhang Liang" is starring national second-class actor Lu Junshuai, and gathers first-class creative teams such as screenwriter Meng Hua, director Li Lihong, Bai Xuefeng, and composer Geng Yuqing.

The premiere scene was full, and the atmosphere was very warm, not only old drama fans were addicted to drama, but new opera fans were also "circle fans". About 30% of the young audience in the theater are fully engaged with the wonderful performances of the actors. At every wonderful moment, the theater applauded one after another. The novel stage design, lighting and sound effects, as well as the wonderful singing and performance of the actors, all demonstrate the harmony and unity of modern innovation and traditional charm of Henan Opera art.

"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

The Henan opera "Zhang Liang" takes Zhang Liang, a famous politician and military strategist in history, as the protagonist, and mainly tells the story of Zhang Liang avoiding the Qin soldiers in Xiapi, meeting Huangshi Gong by chance, and being awarded the "Taigong Art of War".

In the play, Zhang Liangying realized "The Art of War", with extraordinary resourcefulness and assisted Liu Bang; Liu Bang's team changed from weak to strong, borrowed the power of Xiang Yu to regain the lost territory, attacked Qin, and occupied Xianyang.

However, after Liu Bang's victory, he forgot his form, and Zhang Liang admonished him to death and persuaded him to retreat to the dam; At the Hongmen banquet, Zhang Liangzhi saved Liu Bang. In the battle between Chu and Han, Zhang Liang and Han Xin set up an ambush plan on all sides, won the battle of Qixia, and laid the foundation of the Han Dynasty. After retiring after success, Zhang Liang returned to Phoenix Mountain, his father, and spent the rest of his life with his lover Chi Songzi.

"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

The actor of the protagonist Zhang Liang in the play, national second-class actor Lu Junshuai, said after the performance: "Zhang Liang is a very courageous and strategic character, and the play tells his magnificent life. I hope to show Zhang Liang's growth on this stage, and also let everyone see a suave Zhang Liang who can afford to let go. ”

"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

It is understood that "Zhang Liang" is the fourth play funded by the National Arts Fund by the Henan Yu Theater Youth Troupe after the Henan Opera "Xuanzang", "Ma Jinfeng" and "Luzhai Love".

As a "new" historical Henan drama, how does this drama organically combine "tradition" and "modernity"?

Guan Xiaoyu, head of the Youth Troupe of Henan Yu Theater, told the top news reporter that more modern stage technologies such as dynamic lighting were used at the performance site, which enhanced the visual impact of the stage and made the performance more vivid and shocking. On the basis of retaining the traditional performance forms such as "singing, reading, doing, and fighting", the costumes of the actors are also moving closer to film and television. It is hoped that this will present the best audio-visual effect to the audience and attract more young people to watch Henan Opera.

"Youth Fan" is full! The new historical Henan opera "Zhang Liang" premiered in Zheng

"The play "Zhang Liang" has been in preparation for six or seven years, and after the premiere, we will absorb the audience's feedback, carefully polish the repertoire, and strive to preserve and pass on this play." Guan Xiaoyu said.

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