
Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students

author:Zhejiang Provincial Women's Children's Foundation
Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students

The college entrance examination is a door to open up the infinite possibilities of life.

We have witnessed that many children are unable to study with peace of mind due to serious illness of their family members and the lack of the main labor force in the family, so they can only stop at this door.

The "Double Hundred Plan: Lighting Up Students' College Dreams" campaign hopes to provide support to these children when they need it most, reduce the financial pressure on their families, and send them more warmth and care in the process of growth and learning.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students

In 2024, the "Double Hundred Plan: Lighting up Students' College Dreams" has been officially launched. Up to now, the project has funded a total of 445 students in distress and awarded scholarships of 2.225 million yuan. We hope to accurately help more students in difficulty who are admitted to universities to enter the university, and gather more loving power to help students realize their dreams. In this issue, we plan to seek love for 10 students to realize their dreams.


Name: Dream student Xiaoyun

Hometown: Lishui Qingtian

Gaokao score: 636

I live in a rural family, and my father was involved in a traffic accident that left him in an unconscious vegetative state. Before his father's accident, he was still burdened with heavy debts, and the sudden change put the whole family in a huge predicament. Now, the elderly grandparents still work hard in the fields, and the mother has to go out to work, and the meager salary and family subsistence allowance support the family's living expenses. However, these incomes are far from being able to pay off our debts, and the stress of life makes it difficult for us.

Despite this, I know that only through my own hard work and hard work can I change the fate of my family. I am grateful to my grandparents for their nurturing grace and my mother's hard work. In the days to come, I will repay their love and expectation with better results, and at the same time do my best to reduce the financial burden on my family. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome this difficult time and usher in a better future.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Xiaoxuan, a student who has fulfilled her dreams

Hometown: Lishui Jinyun

Gaokao score: 636

I am Xiaoxuan from Jinyun, Lishui, and I scored 636 points in the college entrance examination. My parents divorced many years ago, my mother has not been heard from since, and my father died of poisoning in 2014. My grandmother loved me very much and took good care of me, and her love and care became my strongest support when facing the challenges of life. My grandmother was very happy to know my college entrance examination scores! I want to study hard, work hard in the future, take care of my grandmother, I believe that as long as I work hard, it will be rewarded!

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaochao

Hometown: Tonglu, Hangzhou

Gaokao score: 608

I am Xiaochao from Tonglu, and I scored 608 points in the college entrance examination this year. My father and I depend on each other for our lives, but my father has not been in good health and can only rely on odd jobs to make ends meet. Despite the hardships of life, I have always maintained my love and dedication to learning, from more than 80 in my class to the top 50 in my class. This year, through my own hard work and perseverance, I got an ideal score in the exam, which laid a solid foundation for entering a good university. I know very well that this achievement is not easy to come by, and behind it is my father's countless days and nights of hard work and dedication. In the days to come, I will continue to work hard for my dreams and the happiness of my family.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiao Zhou

Hometown: Quzhou Jiangshan

Gaokao score: 605

My name is Xiao Zhou, I am from Quzhou Jiangshan, and I scored 605 points in the college entrance examination this year. I was happy to get good grades, but I was a little worried about the fact that going to university would be a big expense. My father was disabled in a car accident, my parents divorced, and my mother left the family. Fortunately, I was nurtured and cared for by my grandparents. Since I was a child, I have always maintained my love and focus on learning, and I have achieved excellent results. I was fortunate to be admitted to the experimental class in the early approval examination of Jiangshan Middle School, which was an important breakthrough in my academic path. Now, I have a strong interest in chemistry and hope to study chemistry at university and explore the mysteries of this field. In the future, I am also eager to continuously improve my academic level and research ability through postgraduate entrance examinations. I hope to pursue a career in research or teaching, and pass on what I have learned to more people who love chemistry. Although my family has experienced some setbacks and tribulations, I firmly believe that as long as I maintain my strong faith and unremitting efforts, I will be able to achieve my dreams.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaoju

Hometown: Changshan, Quzhou

Gaokao score: 605

I am Xiaoju from Changshan, Quzhou. In this year's college entrance examination, I scored 605 points, which is the result of my years of hard work. However, I know that behind this achievement is not only my own sweat and perseverance, but also the love and support of countless people.

A few years ago, my father passed away in an accident, my mother remarried, my grandparents left when I was very young, and I became the only one in the family. I didn't have my own house in the village, but it was the selfless help of my neighbors that gave me a place to live. They not only provided me with a place to live, but also paid for my study and living expenses, and I will remember this kindness. At my neighbor's house, I never felt any discrimination or bullying, but I experienced the warmth and happiness of home. They made me feel the sincerity and kindness between people, and also made me rediscover hope and motivation in life. I know that only through learning can I become stronger and have the ability to repay those who have helped me. I will always remember the kindness from all sides and use this as motivation to strive to create a better future for myself and all those who care about me.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiao Zhu

Hometown: Lishui Qingtian

Gaokao score: 603

I'm Xiao Zhu from Qingtian, Lishui. In this year's college entrance examination, I scored 603 points. I used to live in a warm family, but a sudden illness shattered the peace. Most of the family's savings were depleted to treat my father's illness, and now my father is still recovering from surgery, and the medical expenses are still a big burden on our family. Now, our originally happy family of three, only my father and I are left to rely on each other. My father has not yet returned to work due to health reasons, and he can only rely on government subsidies and other social love for his daily expenses. I know that only through learning can I find a way out and change my destiny. I firmly believe that as long as we persevere and work hard, everything will be fine.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaojin

Hometown: Lishui Jinyun

Gaokao score: 600

My name is Xiao Jin, and in this year's college entrance examination, I scored 600 points. However, this joy could not be shared with my mother. My mother is a second-degree mentally disabled person, and my mother's mental health issues have always been a major challenge for the family. The father is the only one in the family who works hard to provide financial support for the whole family. Despite this, my dad has always been very supportive of my studies, and I cherish every opportunity to learn. I look forward to learning and contributing more to my father in the future.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaowei

Hometown: Lishui Qingtian

Gaokao score: 597

My name is Xiaowei, I am from Qingtian, and I scored 597 points in this year's college entrance examination. My parents separated when I was in the second grade of elementary school, so I have a vague impression of my mother's appearance, and my father was the one who took on the responsibility of raising me strongly. Dad is currently working as a security guard, and although he suffers from uremia and needs to go to the hospital frequently every month for check-ups and treatment, he has always maintained an optimistic attitude and faced the challenges of life with a positive attitude. Although the financial pressure caused by the illness made our lives difficult for a while, my father's strength and optimism became a source of strength for me to face difficulties. He set me a positive attitude towards life and taught me to grow in the face of adversity. I will continue to work hard to live up to my father's expectations and repay his hard work and selfless love with excellent results.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaomao

Hometown: Quzhou

Gaokao score: 582

My name is Xiao Mao and I am from Quzhou. In this year's college entrance examination, I scored 582 points. I lived with my grandfather, my dad and my brother. Dad used to work in Hangzhou, but an accident caused him to lose the ability to work in his left hand, so he had to recuperate at home. In order to provide for my brother and I to study, the family was under heavy financial pressure. My brother chose a junior college to learn a technology, hoping to find a stable job as soon as possible and share the pressure on his family. Grandpa held on to the farmland and occasionally did small jobs to support the family. I am well aware of my responsibilities, and my family's expectations are pinned on me, hoping that I can get into a good university. On the way to pursue my dreams, I am eager to take another step forward, and at the same time, I hope that my mother can return soon and reunite with us. I firmly believe that as long as we work together, the future of the family will be better.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students


Name: Dream student Xiaohong

Hometown: Jinhua Pujiang

Gaokao score: 574

I am Xiaohong, from Pujiang County, I scored 574 points in the college entrance examination this year, and I am very much looking forward to my university life. I come from a loving family of four, and my father works hard to work for the family. As for my mother, despite the third-degree physical disability caused by a stroke, she still insisted on working at home farming, and her tenacity and perseverance were an example for me to follow. My sister is currently in her junior year of college and she has excellent academic performance and is a role model for me. With my love and pursuit of law, I hope to study law in depth. I believe that with the love and support of my family, I can bravely pursue my dreams and create my own future.

Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students
Light up your child's college dream | Find love for 10 poor students

Founded in 1981, Zhejiang Women's Children's Foundation is a "5A-level" social organization with public offering qualification under the supervision of Zhejiang Women's Federation and registered with the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. The purpose of the foundation is to "care for the suffering of women and children, protect the rights and interests of women and children, and develop the cause of women and children". Since the full-time operation in 2014, with specialization as the requirement, it currently has a full-time team of about 30 people who are young, enthusiastic, friendly and upward, and has raised about 370 million yuan in love funds and materials in the past three years to help more than 600,000 women and children.

The Foundation has been awarded the "National Advanced Collective for Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children", "Contribution Award of China Women's Charity Award", "National 38 Red Flag Bearer (Collective) for Fighting the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic", "Zhejiang 38 Red Flag Collective", "4th Zhejiang Charity Award Project Award", "5th Zhejiang Charity Award Work Award", "5th Zhejiang Charity Award Project Award", "6th Zhejiang Charity Award Model Award", "6th Zhejiang Charity Award Project Award" and "7th Zhejiang Charity Award Project Award" China Charity Project Competition Project Gold Award" and "China Social Governance Innovation Case" and other honors, FTI China-based Transparency Index full score of 8 years.

Help the old and the young with true feelings, help the weak and the poor with charity, practice with perseverance, and gather strength with gratitude. On the road of public welfare of loving and being loved, we need your support and your participation!