
【Civilization Creation and Cultivation of Civilized Rural Customs】Minghu Town, Mengzi City: Changing customs and entering the hearts of the people, the wind of civilization blows the countryside

【Civilization Creation and Cultivation of Civilized Rural Customs】Minghu Town, Mengzi City: Changing customs and entering the hearts of the people, the wind of civilization blows the countryside

In recent years, Mingwu Town, Mengzi City, has adhered to the work goal of "breaking stereotypes and bad habits and advocating a new style of civilization", taking the New Era Civilization Practice Institute (Station) and the Rural Memory Museum as the position, making every effort to promote the work of changing customs and customs, advocating new marriages and simple funerals, and actively guiding the masses to abandon bad habits such as extravagance and waste, thick burials and poor maintenance, and comparison of human feelings, cultivating civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs, and injecting civilized power into rural revitalization.

【Civilization Creation and Cultivation of Civilized Rural Customs】Minghu Town, Mengzi City: Changing customs and entering the hearts of the people, the wind of civilization blows the countryside

Give play to the leading role of cadres. It is necessary to give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members and cadres, take the lead in signing a letter of commitment to change customs and customs, drive the "vast majority" with the "key minority", and demonstrate and drive the masses to change their concepts, break old customs, and establish new trends. At the same time, the "Proposal for Abandoning Wedding and Funeral Stereotypes and Bad Habits and Promoting the New Style of the Times" was issued to the people of the whole village, advocating a new trend of "new marriages, simple funerals, and other non-affairs".

【Civilization Creation and Cultivation of Civilized Rural Customs】Minghu Town, Mengzi City: Changing customs and entering the hearts of the people, the wind of civilization blows the countryside

Give play to the role of village rules and conventions. The village convenes a villagers' meeting, and the village development "think tank" is composed of the working group linked to the town government, village cadres, villager representatives with high political consciousness and strong sense of participation in politics, old party members, and old teachers, and combines the actual situation of the village (community) to revise and improve the village rules and regulations, and revise the contents of opposing high-priced bride price, opposing large-scale operations, and opposing extravagance and waste into the village rules and regulations, and establish a "red and black list", and make public the outstanding households and poor households on the red list and black list respectively.

【Civilization Creation and Cultivation of Civilized Rural Customs】Minghu Town, Mengzi City: Changing customs and entering the hearts of the people, the wind of civilization blows the countryside

Play the role of specialized agencies. At the same time, under the guidance of the village committee and the village party branch, the members of the "Four Associations" give full play to the role of "propagandists" in changing customs and customs, take the initiative to serve the happy events and funerals in the villagers' homes, promote the implementation of wedding and funeral customs according to advocacy standards through persuasion and education, criticism, rewards and punishments, etc., and guide the masses to strive to be civilized people who are new to happy events, simple funerals, generous care and thin burials, and diligent and thrifty.

In the next step, Mingwu Town, Mengzi City, will continue to carry forward the new style of civilization, accurately meet the needs of the masses, and organize and carry out activities to change customs with strength, temperature and characteristics, so that the seeds of civilization can take root in the hearts of the villagers and the flowers of civilization will bloom in the countryside.

Content provided by Minghu Town, Mengzi City

Editor: Cai Jinrong

Review: Teresa Teng