
Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

author:Three no's and nothing


To be honest, many people have practiced Tai Chi all their lives but are not clear about the Eight Methods of Tai Chi, I know a fan of boxing, he loves Tai Chi very much, but he does not know much about the Eight Methods of Tai Chi, and asked him where the Eight Methods in a circle are, he said that they are all in the circle, in fact, he just doesn't know, or he doesn't think about the specific Eight Methods, thinking that as long as he can push his hands, no matter which method it uses.

Each school has its own rules for the eight methods of Taijiquan, and whether it can be self-consistent is one thing. We have a complete system of Hong-style Taijiquan, and if we learn it well, we can clearly understand the eight methods and their characteristics, their usage, and their mutual restraint relationship.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

The strokes of Hong-style Taijiquan are downward movements. According to the description of the master Hong Junsheng, the pinch is a double shun winding, a middle circle, a flat circle, and the force of both hands is almost the same. Typical is the third action of six seals and four closings. Chen-style boxing is called this move as a big stroke.

Our hands are opposites, the front hand turns backwards, downwards, and upwards, while the body does not go backwards, but first collapses and then forwards and upwards. The forehand uses the forearm, and the back hand grabs the opponent's wrist with the hand, and at the same time wraps it in place, which is strong, because it is a kind of symbiotic relationship.

The other party pressed, the other party's palm pressed my abdomen, my back hand was wrapped with the strength of the opponent's palm, and the front hand collapsed and crushed.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

Many people are actually wrong when demonstrating the knuckle, such as the two-handed fist, and most people demonstrate the elbow method or the leaning method. Straightening the opponent's arm with both hands, and then hitting the elbow with the elbow method, or hitting it with the body, is not a method at all - nor is it an authentic method.

It can be used with one hand, such as Li Chugong Shibo, his hands are wrong, because his back hand is not winding, it is reverse winding, and its practical is mining, but his front hand is good, and he can control the other party with only his front hand, and it doesn't matter if his back hand is wrong.

One-handed hand is divided into front hand and back hand, the front hand is like two hands, with the forearm to collapse and grind, the key is to close with the opponent's strength, turn right. The back hand is also like the back hand of the two hands, wrapping the opponent's wrist with the pressure of the opponent, causing it to lose its balance.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

The eight methods of Tai Chi are pushing techniques, and some of them are some techniques that can only be used according to the rules of pushing hands, so they are of little use in actual combat, and their ingenuity is not worth mentioning in front of skills, such as squeezing and squeezing.

The reason why some people use elbows or leans is because the effect of the pinch is too small, and it can only be used point-to-point when the other party presses me. If the other party doesn't follow me and demonstrate the skill, then after practicing the whole strength, I can concentrate the strength of the whole body to one point.

In short, it is an action of double shuntang. The master said that the is an anti-joint, a small circle, a large component, a small resultant force, and a low circle. And there is the use of double reverse winding, one-handed is the winding method, and one-handed is high kung fu.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

Some people say that it is enough to be able to use the Eight Methods, so why bother to know the specific concepts of the Eight Methods? Just like the boxer I mentioned at the beginning is such a thought. This is an assumption that determines the outcome first, and with this assumption there is certainly no need for a process. The problem is that if you don't know exactly what the Eight Methods are, you can't practice and apply them accurately, and you usually use rough kung fu and specious things. Just like some people have been winning championships, it is not necessarily because of good technique, but it may be that they are fast and powerful, which makes up for their technical shortcomings.

There are two groups of people in Japan who learn Taijiquan have gone to Jinan to study with Hong Junsheng many times, the first group is led by Nakano Harumi, in fact, they have been inspected all over the country, and then under the recommendation of Mr. Men Huifeng, they met Hong Gong, and listened to Hong Gong can explain the eight methods in detail before deciding to learn from him, because no one can explain the eight methods of Tai Chi in such detail.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

Taijiquan as long as you learn to push the hand kung fu is a master, the real combat technology is basically no one will, it is the kung fu of boxing and wrestling, every action has a wrestling method, and there is attack and defense, very ingenious, of course, there are also ways to play, take the method, etc. Ordinary people demonstrate how to hold and push, and there are not many ingenious and reasonable techniques, all of which require the cooperation of assistants, either standing and not resisting, or taking the initiative to cooperate, which looks more impressive. Most of them are going around and around to be used, and in reality they are beaten.

To truly understand the Eight Dharmas, one must know where the Eight Dharmas are in a circle, whether it is a positive circle or a negative circle. Not to mention the eight methods in the boxing fight, when teaching boxing, where to shift the center of gravity, how to do the hands, that is not to understand the eight methods, of course, is not to understand boxing.

To truly learn the Eight Laws, we must understand them in one action and one action, form a system, and be able to be self-consistent. Self-consistency is to be able to justify itself, there is no contradiction, it can always be explained and has a certain logic, which is in line with the principle of the unity of opposites in Taijiquan.

Let's talk about the Hong-style Taijiquan

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