
Pregnant mothers who prefer these flavors should be careful, it is dangerous to you and the fetus, don't take it seriously!

author:Obstetrician and gynecologist Ma Liangkun

It is well known that pregnant mothers-to-be receive special attention at home, where they meet any dietary requirements and every meal is prepared according to the mother-to-be's taste.

However, it is interesting to note that many expectant mothers find that their tastes change after pregnancy. They may not be interested in foods that they liked before before they are pregnant, but they are now very fond of eating certain foods that they were not interested in before.

Let's start with an example:

Xiao Yu is like this, since she became pregnant, her reaction is different from other expectant mothers, even when other expectant mothers are anorexic due to pregnancy reactions, her reaction is mild, and she finds that she especially craves spicy food after every vomiting.

It is worth noting that in the past, the small fish was not spicy at all, but I didn't expect to like this taste after pregnancy. Although her husband once said that eating spicy food is not good for his health, in the face of Xiaoyu's "sugar-coated cannonball", he had to take her every now and then to satisfy her cravings.

Xiaoyu will also be happy because he can eat the food he wants to eat, but when he thinks of his baby, he will inevitably be a little worried, worried about whether such eating habits will affect the growth and development of the fetus.

In fact, it is normal for there to be changes in taste after pregnancy, and Sister Ma believes that many expectant mothers will experience similar situations.

Pregnant mothers who prefer these flavors should be careful, it is dangerous to you and the fetus, don't take it seriously!

However, if the expectant mother prefers these two flavors too much, it can be dangerous for the expectant mother and the baby:

1. Prefer sweets

There is a folk saying that "sour and spicy girls", I believe many people are familiar with it. Some expectant mothers who prefer sour tastes are particularly fond of sweets after pregnancy.

Sweets can be emotionally relieving, but overeating them can lead to rapid weight gain and may increase the risk of the baby becoming macrosomia.

In addition, excessive consumption of sweets can also lead to gestational diabetes in expectant mothers. If this continues, expectant mothers will face dangers during childbirth, such as dystocia, heavy bleeding, etc.

Therefore, Sister Ma reminds expectant mothers-to-be that even if they like sweets, they should stop in moderation and taste them once in a while!

Pregnant mothers who prefer these flavors should be careful, it is dangerous to you and the fetus, don't take it seriously!

2. Prefer salty food

We all know that expectant mothers during pregnancy should choose light and nutritious foods for their diet. However, some expectant mothers will want to eat some salty foods, such as pickles, canned meat, barbecue, etc., due to severe pregnancy reactions.

Expectant mothers who consume these salty foods can drink a lot of water, which can not only worsen the problem of frequent urination, but also lead to edema. In addition, if the mother-to-be eats too salty, it can also lead to an increase in blood pressure, which increases the risk during childbirth.

How can expectant mothers eat during pregnancy to be nutritious and healthy?

1. Control the heat

During pregnancy, 100-300 Kcal per day should be added to the pre-pregnancy period. 1g of protein provides 4 Kcal of calories, 1 g of glucose provides 4 Kcal of calories, and 1 g of fat provides 9 Kcal of calories. Therefore, it is not possible to eat too much, too many calories will lead to leftovers, and the remaining calories will be converted into fat. Therefore, caloric intake needs to be controlled.

2. Supplement high-quality protein

During the 4-6 months of pregnancy, the protein intake should be increased by about 15g per day. And over the 7-9 month period, you should increase your protein intake by about 25g per day. When choosing protein, you should choose more protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, pork, and soy products.

Pregnant mothers who prefer these flavors should be careful, it is dangerous to you and the fetus, don't take it seriously!

3. Control sugar intake

During pregnancy, sugar intake comes mainly from rice and pasta. After the second trimester of pregnancy, the amount of rice or pasta should be controlled at 300g per day. For women who are obese before pregnancy, it is recommended to reduce the intake of staple foods. Of course, if you feel hungry, you still need to maintain a normal diet and control your intake.

4. Trace elements are indispensable

During pregnancy, you should eat a balanced diet and not be picky eaters. Trace elements of particular concern include calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, etc. According to the recommendations of the Continental Nutrition Association, in the second and third trimesters, you should increase 20-50 g of red meat per day, eat animal offal or animal blood 1-2 times a week, and supplement iron supplements if necessary. In addition, if you have cramps during pregnancy, you need to supplement calcium tablets appropriately to meet the needs of yourself and your baby. Start with a balanced diet, which is the key to maintaining a healthy pregnancy!

If you eat too much food during pregnancy and gain weight too quickly, you will increase the risk of complications such as gestational hypertension, hyperglycemia during pregnancy, dystocia, premature birth, and macrosomia. Therefore, weight control during pregnancy, in addition to paying attention to diet, also needs to do appropriate exercise.

So what are the exercise priorities in the early, middle and third trimesters?

During pregnancy, moderate amounts of daily activity can be beneficial to pregnant women. During the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women can carry out normal daily activities, such as commuting to work, while also doing additional activities such as stretching and deep breathing. Through mindfulness and meditation, it helps pregnant women to better cope with early pregnancy reactions.

Pregnant mothers who prefer these flavors should be careful, it is dangerous to you and the fetus, don't take it seriously!

The second trimester is the golden period for exercise during pregnancy, because at this stage, pregnant women have fewer discomfort symptoms, and it is most suitable for comprehensive, balanced, safe and effective exercise, which can exercise the joints of the shoulders, neck, waist, hips and legs. Pregnant women can choose yoga, Pilates, swimming, maternity exercises and other types, and it is recommended to carry out under the guidance of professional sports coaches to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the exercise process.

In the third trimester, for people who have already exercised before, it is possible to continue to exercise in moderation. For people who have not exercised before, pain and discomfort may occur at this time, including symphysis pubis pain, caudal spine pain, etc. These pains can interfere with sleep, and even affect mood and eating. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the core and pelvic floor muscles, and carry out some targeted and effective exercises.