
Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

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Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

Usually in the process of aquaculture, be wary of some wrong treatments

(1) Viral diseases are incorrectly diagnosed as simple bacterial diseases:

For example, grass carp hemorrhagic disease is a viral disease, but it is often complicated with gill rot, red skin disease, and enteritis, and if it is treated according to bacterial diseases, the disease will be more serious, and the fish will die more.

(2) Insecticides are not symptomatic: copper sulfate cannot kill large parasites, such as third-generation insects, ring worms, and anchor head fleas. The effect of double effect spirit (phosphine) is poor in killing ring worms and three generations of insects.

Ammonium dyssen (benzalkonium bromide, ammonium dithiocarbamate) manufacturers introduce that most of them are drugs that kill ciliates (such as wheel worms), but their killing effect is very poor, and they have a certain regulatory effect and attractant effect on water quality.

Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

(3) Do not check the degree of gill rot before using chlorine preparations and disinfectants: check the degree of gill rot of fish before using chlorine preparations and disinfectants, and use them without checking can lead to greater death.

(4) Blind use of antibiotics: fish diseases are often caused by oral intake, feeding feed to cause general enteritis, but in the treatment of a large number of florfenicol, ofloxacin and other ingredients of drugs. It can cause lesions in the liver, gallbladder, kidney, and spleen of fish.

The best way is to first feed the fish with a small dose of haloperic acid, and then use enrofloxacin and florfenicol (both referring to the main ingredients) as the fish grows, and then mix it with strong liver and choleretic Chinese medicine.

(5) Reversal of the order of medication: insecticides are used first and then fungicides are used in the treatment of fish diseases, which is the basic principle of medication. It is not possible to use fungicides before insecticides.

(6) Insufficient attention is paid to the change of water fertility: The fertility of water is an important factor in determining the amount of drug use. The amount of ponds with thin water bodies should be reduced, and the amount of ponds with fertile water bodies should be increased.

In addition, when using the drug continuously, it is necessary to pay attention to the change of water quality, and the dosage of the second time should be a little less than the dosage of the first time, otherwise it is easy to cause the water quality to become clear.

For example, if you do not pay attention to the dosage of bleaching powder, strong chlorine and dibromohydantoin after continuous use, the water quality looks green, and the aerator is white, indicating that the upper water has become clear. Fish tend to float and die.

Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

Medication in a hurry, improper medication method

Many farmers are very anxious after finding that the fish is sick, once the dead fish is found, several fish drugs are immediately used at the same time, thinking that as long as the medicine can suppress the disease, but the result is often that the number of fish deaths does not decrease but rises.

In addition, in the early stage of the drug, the number of fish in the pond often does not decrease but increases, and the aquaculture personnel think that the drug is ineffective, and immediately change the dressing, resulting in the antagonistic effect between the drugs.

Lack of awareness of drug resistance

Antimicrobial resistance refers to a phenomenon in which the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs decreases after contact with drugs until the effect of the drug disappears.

Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria is an inevitable phenomenon after long-term use of most antibacterial and bacteriostatic drugs. Some farmers use the same antibacterial or bacteriostatic drugs for a long time when treating fish diseases.

If you do not pay attention to the rotation of drugs, or even use antibacterial and antibacterial drugs as preventive drugs, drug resistance will inevitably occur, and once the disease of farmed fish occurs, the efficacy of antibiotics will be reduced.

Therefore, the antimicrobial susceptibility monitoring of pathogens in aquaculture waters and timely understanding of the degree of drug resistance of pathogens can effectively guide the rational use of drugs.

Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

Misuse of Chinese herbal medicines, misunderstandings of Chinese herbal medicines

Many farmers abuse Chinese herbal medicines because they are considered green (no drug residues) and environmentally friendly. Comparatively speaking, Chinese herbal medicines are less toxic than chemical drugs and have a lower likelihood of drug resistance.

However, Chinese herbal medicine is also a drug, which also has both positive and negative effects, and in addition, the method of administration will also directly affect its efficacy.

If you only see its positive effects, ignore its negative effects, do not improve its processing and production methods, and use a large number of Chinese herbal medicines irrationally, it will also have a negative effect on the treatment.

Stop eating while treating fish diseases

In aquaculture production, when fish diseases occur, many fishermen take the method of stopping feeding to treat fish diseases. In practice, there are many cases where the number of dead products has decreased due to the suspension of feeding or the reduction of feeding.

However, many people do not ask the reason, thinking that as long as the feeding is stopped or reduced, the fish can be controlled, which is very unscientific.

Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

This method will reduce the accumulation of organic matter and toxic substances in the aquaculture water body, play a role in alleviating the rapid decline of water quality, and is beneficial to the treatment of fish diseases.

However, for diseases caused by other causes, this will have the opposite effect, so it is necessary to analyze the specific situation on a case-by-case basis, and cannot generalize.

After taking the drug, he was careless and did not observe carefully

Some aquaculture producers believe that after the use of medicine, the condition of the fish will improve, but they do not know that the weather, water quality, nutrition, and the immunity of the fish will continue to change, which will become the cause of fish diseases.

If attention is not paid to strengthening observation and management, and effective measures cannot be taken in time after the onset of the disease, a large number of dead fish will be caused.

Therefore, oxygen should be increased before medication, and a special person should be on duty to observe within 12 hours after medication, so as to take timely measures to find problems such as poisoning and floating head.

Breeding masters are also tricked, revealing common mistakes in aquaculture!

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