
An emergency drill for ice and snow disasters was carried out in the Zhuoni Highway section

author:Jonny release

Take "snow" as the order to help the Spring Festival travel safely

An emergency drill for ice and snow disasters was carried out in the Zhuoni Highway section

On February 4, 2024, the Zhuoni Highway section carried out an emergency drill for ice and snow disasters, led the field command, the participants conducted actual combat drills, the scene was realistically restored, the equipment was fully invested, and the whole process, all elements, and all-round inspection of the emergency response ability of the highway snow removal and smoothness, improved the emergency level of the winter highway to ensure smooth traffic, and made every effort to ensure the safe travel of the public during the Spring Festival.

Take "reality" as the key to highlight the real and effective drills

An emergency drill for ice and snow disasters was carried out in the Zhuoni Highway section

From a practical point of view, there was a wide range of snowfall in Zhuoni County on the day of the drill, and at the same time, due to the impact of substantial cooling, the roads were covered with snow and ice, which seriously affected the normal passage of vehicles and had great traffic safety hazards. After receiving the daily road inspection report, the special emergency plan for ice and snow disasters was immediately activated, combined with the division of labor in the plan, quickly dispatched, closely cooperated, and quickly completed the early warning of ice and snow road sections, mechanical and manual echelon spreading operations, and rapid road rush clearance, and restored the smooth flow of roads as soon as possible.

Freeze with "moving" to ensure the safety and smoothness of the road

An emergency drill for ice and snow disasters was carried out in the Zhuoni Highway section

Through this exercise, the scientificity and operability of the special emergency plan for ice and snow disasters in our section were tested, and at the same time, the response ability and coordination ability of the rapid assembly of emergency personnel and equipment were enhanced, and the emergency support awareness and emergency response level in response to extreme weather were improved, laying a solid foundation for the county's road traffic snow removal and smooth work, and further ensuring the successful completion of the county's road safety and communication work goals this winter and next spring. (Correspondent: Wen Hongping)

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