
Damaoqi: The collective economy has thickened the "family foundation" and warmed the "people's hearts"


At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the Damao grassland is still cold, and the cold wind blows, but it is warm in the hearts of the herdsmen of Huhe Point Sugacha in Xilamuren Town, Damao Banner. "Let's go! Go to the Party and Mass Service Center to receive condolences. "The collective economy has increased its income, and Gacha has sent us condolences to us." "We can get it for anyone over the age of 60. ”...... Hohe Point Sugacha used the collective income to distribute New Year's condolences to the elderly over 60 years old and the needy, and the herdsmen who got the condolences were smiling, and their smiling faces reflected the sense of gain and happiness of the herdsmen.

Damaoqi: The collective economy has thickened the "family foundation" and warmed the "people's hearts"

The herdsmen who received the condolences were smiling

Following the footsteps of the leaders of the "two committees" of Gacha and the Baolian, they visited the herdsmen who were handicapped and lived far away, learned in detail about their physical conditions and living conditions, explained the party's policy of benefiting the people in the process of making family life, and sent condolences to them. "Today Su Mu and Gacha sent New Year's things to the elderly over 60 years old, they came to visit us, we are very grateful, since 2018, the township has sent condolences to the elderly over 60 years old, more and more things are given year by year, thank you very much to the party and the government, counting nine cold days make us feel very warm. Ulan Ge Rile, a herdsman from Huhedian Sugacha, said with joy. "In the past few years, our collective economy in Gacha has increased its income, and every year the leaders will distribute rice, flour and oil to us, and this year we have given us more. We are very happy and very grateful for the party's good policies. Na Renhua, a herdsman who also received condolences, said.

Damaoqi: The collective economy has thickened the "family foundation" and warmed the "people's hearts"

Door-to-door visits and condolences

Damaoqi: The collective economy has thickened the "family foundation" and warmed the "people's hearts"

Door-to-door visits and condolences

In recent years, Hohedian Sugacha has adhered to the development model of "Party Branch + Enterprise + Cooperative", introduced two leading enterprises in Huahai Scenic Area and Silk Road Mengjun Scenic Area, and established Bayinkulun Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Cooperative. "In 2023, the annual collective economic income of the three gacha cooperatives in Xilamuren Town will increase by 31% compared with last year, and with the increase in the income of the collective economy, we have further increased the care and care for the elderly over 60 years old and the people in need in the town, and this year a total of 324 households and 514 people have been visited. On the basis of the successful experience of the cooperatives led by the Party branch in 2023, this year we will double the collective economy of the three Gacha on the basis of the original income through the form of the party branch leading the company and enterprise, so that the development results can benefit the herdsmen of the whole town. Su Yanjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor of Xilamuren Town, Damaoqi, introduced.

Walking into the house of Wang Yongfu, a villager in Wuke Village, Wukehudong Town, the members of the "two committees" of the village are having a homely time with Wang Yongfu, asking about his physical condition, production and living conditions, listening to his demands and suggestions, and sending condolences and New Year's blessings while petitioning the people and checking the people's opinions. "The Spring Festival is coming, and the village committee came to visit our old party members with condolences. I am very happy and very grateful to the party for its kindness and the care of the village committee. 74-year-old Wang Yongfu said excitedly.

Damaoqi: The collective economy has thickened the "family foundation" and warmed the "people's hearts"

Door-to-door condolences, petitioning the people, and checking the people's opinions

Niujing Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Cooperative, Wuke Village, Wuke Hudong Town, focuses on serving small farmers, providing socialized services for the whole industrial chain of agricultural farming, planting, prevention and harvesting, and developing and expanding the village collective economy while driving farmers to get rich together. "In 2023, under the leadership of the higher-level party committee and government, the socialized service area of our cooperatives will exceed 20,000 mu, benefiting 191 rural households. As the Spring Festival is approaching, we take out a part of the money to express condolences to the righteous and courageous people, the people in need, and the old party members. In 2024, we will further expand the scale of services, strive to exceed 40,000 mu, benefit more people, and lead the masses to forge ahead on a new journey and share a better life. Guo Erqi, Secretary of the Party Branch of Wukehudong Village, Wukehudong Town, Damaoqi and Chairman of Niujing Cooperative, said.

The development and expansion of the rural collective economy is the only way to achieve common prosperity and rural revitalization. In 2024, Damaoqi will pay close attention to what the masses are anxious about, worry about, and look forward to, take more measures to benefit the people's livelihood and warm the hearts of the people, implement government investment projects to promote the increase of people's income through work, strengthen the mechanism of linking the interests of agricultural enterprises, and the construction of the collective economy of Gacha Village to drive the income of farmers and herdsmen, and do everything possible to make the "money bags" of farmers and herdsmen more and more bulging, so that the people's lives are improved every year, and they are better year by year.

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