
The Yuzhou District Court held the 2024 Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-Corruption Work and Warning Education

author:Yuzhou Court
The Yuzhou District Court held the 2024 Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-Corruption Work and Warning Education

The Yuzhou District Court will be held in 2024

Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-Corruption Work and Warning Education

In order to effectively enhance the awareness of integrity and the ability of cadres and police to resist corruption and prevent degeneration, on February 6, 2024, the Yuzhou District People's Court of Yulin City held the 2024 Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-corruption Work and Warning Education, and all cadres and police officers of the Yuzhou District People's Court participated in the meeting. Mo Wei, secretary of the leading party group and president of the Yuzhou District People's Court, and Wu Xuejian, head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Yuzhou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the district people's court and member of the party group of the Yuzhou District Court, spoke at the meeting.

The Yuzhou District Court held the 2024 Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-Corruption Work and Warning Education

Debriefing report

At the meeting, group leader Wu Xuejian conveyed the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 12 th Autonomous Regional Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Yulin City Commission for Discipline Inspection, analyzed the current situation in the Yulin City court system in improving the party's work style and building a clean and honest government, and put forward new requirements for the next step in the building of a clean and honest party style and anti-corruption work. Wu Xuejian, the leader of the group, emphasized that it is necessary to improve the political position, build political loyalty, adhere to the strict tone, strengthen the positive style and discipline, adhere to the performance of duties in accordance with the law, and serve the new pattern of high-quality development.

In order to further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work, President Mo Wei emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self-revolution and the requirements of Guangxi's major strategies, and earnestly study and deploy the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work with judicial case-handling work. With the implementation, adhere to strict management is love, persistently do a good job in the construction of party style and clean government and anti-corruption work, maintain the high-pressure situation of punishing judicial corruption, promote the comprehensive and strict management of the court and the police to develop in depth, and create a clean atmosphere and a positive political ecology. Specifically, it is necessary to do a good job in the following five points: First, fully understand the situation facing the building of a clean and honest party style in the court system, keep a clear head at all times, and take typical cases of violations of law and discipline as a warning to build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration; second, strengthen ideals and beliefs and build political loyalty; third, tighten the chain of responsibility and strengthen responsibility; fourth, strengthen upright conduct and discipline, and always maintain honesty and honesty; fifth, strengthen the building of the contingent and forge a loyal, clean, and responsible court iron army.

Written by | Wei Qiulan and Wu Lujun

Picture | Wei Qiulan

核稿 | 文 森编辑 | 罗丹丹签批 | 陈 平

The Yuzhou District Court held the 2024 Conference on the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government and Anti-Corruption Work and Warning Education

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