
Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

author:Popular medical and health knowledge

On an ordinary afternoon, Aunt Li sat on the sofa at home, holding a cotton swab in her hand, spinning it gently, trying to clear the discomfort from her ears. Such scenes are common in many families. The little thing in the ear, often referred to as "earwax", is seen by most people as nothing more than a waste product that needs to be removed. However, few people know that these little things, which we regard as useless, actually play an important role in protecting the ears. Earwax, this seemingly insignificant existence, actually hides many little-known secrets.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

The secret of earwax

Earwax, medically known as earwax, is a natural protector of the health of the ear canal. It is made up of a mixture of secretions from the skin of the ear canal, exfoliated epidermal cells, and outside dust. This viscous substance not only helps to maintain proper humidity in the ear canal, but also prevents the invasion of bacteria and dust.

The color and texture of earwax varies from person to person, mainly depending on genetic factors and environmental conditions. Some people's earwax is in the form of a dry powder, while others are wetter. These differences reflect the diversity of cochlear gland secretion types.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

Earwax plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the ear canal. It has a mild antimicrobial effect that can inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and fungi, thus preventing ear canal infections. In addition, earwax is able to trap airborne dust and small particles, preventing them from penetrating deep into the ear canal and causing damage or infection.

Wrong ear cleaning habits

In daily life, many people have the habit of picking their ears with cotton swabs or other tools. However, this habit is not only unnecessary, but it can also cause damage to the ears. Picking your ears with a cotton swab tends to push the wax deeper into the ear canal and can sometimes even cause damage to the eardrum.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

In addition, over-cleaning of the ear can disrupt the natural ecology of the ear canal and remove earwax that is beneficial to the ear canal, making the ear canal more susceptible to external pollutants. In the long term, this can lead to inflammation of the skin in the ear canal or ear infections.

The wrong way to clean your ears also includes using sharp objects like hairpins, toothpicks, etc. These items can scratch the ear canal or perforate the eardrum, causing pain, hearing loss, and even permanent hearing damage.

The right way to take care of your ears

Ear care should be gentle and measured. In most cases, the ear is self-cleaning, and the wax naturally moves out of the ear canal with chewing and other maxillofacial movements, and falls off naturally.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

If you feel that your ears need to be cleaned, you should use a gentle method. The outer ears and pinna can be gently washed with lukewarm water while bathing or washing the face. If the earwax is hard, a small amount of olive oil or a special ear canal drip oil can be used to soften the earwax.

In exceptional cases, if there is too much earwax or blockages the ear canal, a doctor should be consulted for professional cleaning. The doctor will use appropriate tools and techniques, such as an otoscope and earwax softener, to ensure that the cleanup process is safe and effective.

Remember, the ear is a very sensitive and fragile organ and should be treated in the gentlest way possible. In daily maintenance, following the principle of "less is more" can effectively protect the health of the ears.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

Prevention and treatment of common ear problems

Ear problems such as earache, tinnitus, earplugs, etc., can be the result of improper cleaning or neglect of ear health. The key to preventing these problems is to maintain the natural balance and cleanliness of your ears.

Earache is often caused by an infection or external injury. To prevent earache, avoid using tools such as cotton swabs to pluck your ears to prevent trauma and infection. At the same time, keeping your ears dry, especially after swimming or bathing, can prevent bacterial growth.

Doctor's tip: Don't pick your ears indiscriminately, earwax is actually "very useful"!

Tinnitus can be caused by a variety of causes, including prolonged exposure to noise, blocked ear canals, or certain health conditions. The key to reducing tinnitus is to avoid prolonged exposure to high decibels, keep the ear canal open, and seek medical help if necessary.

Earplugs are often caused by clogged earwax. When earbuds appear, you should not forcefully clean them yourself, but consult a doctor to avoid self-handling and causing injury.

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