
Huating: Thousands of trees bloom and cultural undertakings are brilliant

author:Huating release

On the stage and in the venue, good performances are staged one after another, and high-quality plays are staged one after another; in parks and squares, singing and dancing are flying, and the masses are laughing and happy; in libraries and art galleries, the fragrance of books is overflowing, the fragrance of ink is wafting, and the old and young gather happily to splash ink......

In 2023, the urban community of Huating City will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the guidance of the cultural needs of the masses, continuously strengthen the construction of cultural positions, actively explore new models of cultural services, and extensively carry out a variety of mass cultural activities, so as to continuously meet the expectations and needs of residents to "participate in culture and enjoy culture", so that the flower of culture will bloom brilliantly in the daily life of residents.

Huating: Thousands of trees bloom and cultural undertakings are brilliant

-- Culture benefits the people and warms people's hearts

The cultural front is an important guarantee for carrying out cultural activities, and it is also a key platform to display the spiritual and cultural outlook of the residents.

In the past year, the urban community has proceeded from the actual situation and taken the idea of being close to the needs of the masses, and has built an open community integrating the Chuxin Pavilion, the Cultural Corridor, the Mother and Child Room, the Fitness Room, the Activity Room, the Calligraphy and Painting Room, the Comprehensive Treatment Center, and the "Must Have Neighbors" restaurant in the Fengyi Community; Drifting book bars and community hair houses; in the West Street community, a spiritual station, an escort base, a fairy tale garden, and a talent space; in the Lianhuahu community, a "five-and-a-half children's care center" has been built; and other communities have opened book reading rooms, fitness activity rooms and other cultural and sports activities in an all-round and all-field way around the actual needs of the "old and one young" and the actual needs of the masses, so as to continuously meet the cultural life needs of the residents.

Huating: Thousands of trees bloom and cultural undertakings are brilliant

——Cultural brand tree "quality"

Over the past year, the urban community has carefully planned, gathered various forces, and is committed to strengthening the construction of community culture, with colorful cultural activities, bright spots in cultural work, more distinctive cultural brands, and continuous improvement of public satisfaction. By holding the first "Red Pomegranate Cup" Residents' Games, 623 people actively participated and 114 people won awards, further improving the health level and physical fitness of residents in the post-COVID era. The first "Shoot with Your Hand" online photography exhibition was held, with 110 people actively participating and 35 people winning awards, showing the new life, new fashion and new look of the residents of Huating City. The "Double Ninth Festival, Strong Respect for the Elderly" National Unity 100th Anniversary Banquet was held, in which community cadres personally made dishes and 100 elderly people shared the banquet, spreading the culture of "filial piety and love for relatives", embodying the spirit of national unity, and creating a happy, peaceful, civilized and progressive festival atmosphere. The first "Red Pomegranate Cup" New Year's Day Talent Contest was held, and a total of 22 social organizations from 11 communities participated in the competition, which comprehensively demonstrated the vigorous and upward spirit of social organizations and the versatile demeanor of residents in the jurisdiction.

Huating: Thousands of trees bloom and cultural undertakings are brilliant

——Cultural inheritance is more sustainable

Spiritual power is the most nuanced portrayal, the silent changes of the heart are fixed on the timeline, we find that the community people who have stepped into the new era have reaped the fruitful results of grassroots cultural construction, turned into a refreshing force, nourished the body and mind, and quietly changed everyone.

Over the past year, more than 50 cultural co-construction activities have been carried out in connection with the units stationed in the district through the joint meeting of the "big party committee" and the double registration of in-service party members; the "social work committee" has been set up in 11 communities, making full use of the community activity positions and the cultural resources of the units in the district, and holding 12 practical courses close to the people's lives, such as "inheriting good family customs and good family mottos" and "mental health counseling", benefiting more than 300 people; and carrying out "recording the beauty around us and feeling the sweetness of life" in 26 communities in 11 communities More than 1,000 people benefited from the touring exhibition of photographic works in the community; more than 200 cadres and masses were organized to visit the "World of Mirrors" mobile science and technology museum tour to guide the masses to learn history, science and culture; innovative work ideas were organized and carried out the "Celebration of March 8th" Fun Games for Cadres and Workers, and the "The Most Beautiful Flowers for the Most Beautiful You" flower arrangement activities for front-line women cadres in the community, and the Cultural Street, Huakuang, Lianhua Lake and other communities carried out the "New Year, New Year" during the Spring Festival Activities, for the jurisdiction of 80 lonely elderly and poor people to send Spring Festival couplets, dumplings, Lantern Festival, Meiyuan, Huakuang, North Street and other communities in the Qingming, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day and other festivals to hold poetry meetings, singing red songs and other special activities, a total of more than 560 cultural and sports activities during the year.

Huating: Thousands of trees bloom and cultural undertakings are brilliant

Thousands of flowers bloom and culture is fragrant. The good life is an overarching concept, which includes not only the material life, but also the spiritual life. With the affluence of material life, the common people have more new expectations for a better spiritual and cultural life.

In 2024, the urban community of Huating City will continue to take advantage of the momentum, resonate with the times, take the dissemination of culture and the construction of culture as its own responsibility, solidly promote the construction of community culture, further improve the grassroots public cultural service system, improve the level of cultural services, and strive to create a healthy and harmonious community cultural atmosphere.

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