
Protecting Childhood and Growing Up with Love - Dongping Village, Liuquan Town, Xigu District, carried out the "Caring Mother" pairing care activity

author:Charm Sigu
Protecting Childhood and Growing Up with Love - Dongping Village, Liuquan Town, Xigu District, carried out the "Caring Mother" pairing care activity

On March 25, Dongping Village, Liuquan Town, Xigu District, organized the "Caring Mother" service team to actively carry out care and assistance actions, strengthen the service work of caring for children, and gather strength to care for the healthy growth of children.

Protecting Childhood and Growing Up with Love - Dongping Village, Liuquan Town, Xigu District, carried out the "Caring Mother" pairing care activity
Protecting Childhood and Growing Up with Love - Dongping Village, Liuquan Town, Xigu District, carried out the "Caring Mother" pairing care activity

During the activity, the "Caring Mother" team sent daily necessities and life instructions to the children in difficulty, chatted with the children, learned about their recent life conditions, academic performance and difficulties they faced, encouraged the children to be self-reliant, maintain an optimistic attitude, actively participate in collective activities inside and outside the school, bravely overcome the difficulties and setbacks encountered in learning and life, and strive to grow into a good teenager in the new era of self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement. The unique warmth of "caring mothers" has established the confidence and courage for children to learn happily and grow up healthily.

Dongping Village will continue to organize and carry out the "caring mother" pairing assistance activities, and create a safe, harmonious and healthy growth environment for the children through various forms such as "helping children do a practical thing", "completing a micro-wish", "conducting a face-to-face communication" and "accompanying children to read together".

Xigu District Rong Media Center

Reporter: Guo Jiong Correspondent: Kong Weiping

Editor: Zhang Weili

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