
Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

author:Muraguchi Information Station

Before an internship in a live broadcast company, our company has a customer service 30 years old, married and has two sons, husband and children are in their hometown, because the company is a package of food and accommodation, one night and our boss's cousin slept because I live opposite her room, sometimes I can hear the man enter her room, the whole company knows about it, the man is still newly married, and his wife is also in his hometown. Later, there was a time when the customer service came to her period and didn't come to her aunt, and she went to the hospital to check to see if she was pregnant, because she told me that the man didn't do any safety measures After the eldest aunt postponed this matter, this customer service did something that made me explode even more She said that she was going to that kind of ligation I am a post-00 After listening to it, I was really stunned Luo Later, she really did it and said what was for her husband's good.

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

This kind of thing doesn't shy away from someone

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Leadership is true love, and the object may be an accident

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

The purpose is clear, and it is also very unique

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

It's so powerful, we can live together in the development and development

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

I still know that I am ashamed

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Simply, what the hell is this?

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

This company is a mess

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Maybe it used to be a couple or something

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Good guys, call good guys

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

What do you mean?

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

666, absolutely this one

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

I've heard that this kind of person is very dissatisfied behind it

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Good fellow, there's no one else to live these days

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.
Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

It is also not afraid of being known

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

This guy is not good to rate

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.

Let you see it

Murakou Intelligence Station: Tell me about the gossip that shocked your company, melon.