
Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

author:Xiao Qi said digital

Steve Jobs once said that "3.5 inches is the golden size of mobile phones", and this sentence has become a joke when put into mobile phones that start at 6 inches everywhere. Every time the size of the iPhone increases, this sentence has to be brought out and repeated.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

From the original iPhone to the iPhone 4S, the 3.5-inch screen defined an era of smartphones. At that time, people felt that this size was just right, and it was easy to grasp with one hand, simple to operate, and easy to carry. But the good times didn't last long, and with the explosive growth of mobile Internet content, users began to crave bigger screens, hoping to see more and do more on their mobile phones.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!


So, Apple made a change on the iPhone 5, and the screen was stretched to 4 inches. This change, while modest, marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new era. Immediately afterwards, the launch of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus increased the screen size to 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches respectively. This change allows users to enjoy a wider field of view while also feeling the convenience and visual impact brought by the large screen.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

But large screens don't come without a price, and as screen sizes increase, the portability and one-handed operability of mobile phones begin to be challenged. Apple realized this, and when it launched the iPhone X and subsequent 11 Pro, they tried to regain that feeling of being in control by cleverly incorporating a 5.8-inch screen into a relatively compact body through an all-screen design.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

iPhone 11 Pro

Subsequently, the launch of the 6.1-inch iPhone XR and 15 Pro series became a new milestone for Apple. This size is not too small like 3.5 inches, and it also avoids the bulkiness of large screens above 5.5 inches. They guarantee a visual experience while also taking into account feel and portability.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

iPhone 15 Pro

As for the next iPhone 16 Pro Max, it should be a certainty to increase to 6.9 inches according to the exposed shell material, which is undoubtedly another challenge to the concept of "golden size". At this size, we can't help but wonder if the phone can still maintain the original portability and ease of use, or if it has become a different device.

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

In fact"3.5 inches is the golden size of the mobile phone"This sentence,Its core is still based on"suitable",Under the premise of reasonable stacking,Appropriate increase in size can be said to be the golden size,But if you continue to go along this large screen route,The future iPhone may really be as long and wide as in the love apartment。

Jobs was slapped in the face again, stop it!

The growth of mobile phone size may be an unstoppable trend, but I still hope that Apple can find a balance between large screens and portability, after all, mobile phones are meant to facilitate our lives, not to increase burdens.

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